U-he diva zebra 64 bit

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ztriumph, May 8, 2014.

  1. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :wink:

    hahaha good one !
  2. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Touché :rofl:
    I take the occasion to show you my respect for the protection you built, it is genial. For real, not like iLok/Synchro bullshit.
    The only thing I could point out is that you develop audio plugs, not protections
    (you may even raise more money developing protections full time, but hey! we love music not protections...Hope I'm right here :thumbsup: ).
    Nonetheless you seem to be able to join the ability to develop great audio tools and protections too, so, good for you :thumbsup:
  3. deftmonk

    deftmonk Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    Thanks guy I actually pay for things I use a lot as I do this for a living in this particular instance I don't want to buy all of u-he's software just because of one project but I found a work around as someone bounced the audio tracks into stems for me thanks for the help anyways guys :)

    btw if this guy really works for u-he...I must say I would love to buy your products as the sound quality is amazing...its just that the cpu usage is a little bit high for me and I would have to change my workflow to deal with this. If you guys ever find a way to deal with this (which I doubt is possible) I would be first in line to purchase much of your stuff. Maybe bazille will be less of a cpu hog who knows:)

    I just realized at my studio today I was being overly polite to some guy who called me a douche...I don't live in your world I live in China. I can go to the local instrument store and buy Diva on cd (cracked version) or any vst I want for less than 1 usd. They even have people that make fake eggs here... But I still paid for native instruments' kv 331 and lennar digital's vsts...sorry I don't feel the need to hide behind a different name when I talk about things that are acceptable in my country... I never bought your product because I don't use it and will never use it frequently as it is *ALMOST as good as my analog gear but isn't.... but the cpu load is ALMOST 20x that of sylenth which guess what more people use than Diva. Anyway, if your going to represent a company in a public forum...I am not so sure that douche should be part of your vocabulary...douche.

    *edit I just noticed the poster signed by the name Urs which means he is most likely Urs Heckmen. I originally was under the assumption someone with this way of speaking was just someone who processed orders on the phone and therefor did not realize it reflected badly upon his company. Now I am a bit saddened to realize this is the type of people that are running u-he. This is 2014 even people like me who will pay for your vst out of some need to satisfy Karma or whatever you call it... we all test wares first. Ask Steve Aoki. Even if our main PC bought your product because you did a good job... people (such as me) might have warez versions on the rest of our computers especially if your studio includes a daw farm. Calling people douches in a public forum as one of those who created the product only leads me to believe your company is run by children and is not worth investing my hard earned cash into...Do you see the people who created massive or ___inset name of more successful vst than yours here___ running around in public forums bashing people with derogatory terms? Honestly I am a bit sad as I figured due to the quality of your products... the company must surely be filled with people of quality in the character department. Seeing the opposite is unfortunate. Ask Lars Ulrich how many people listened when he called a few guys douches for pirating that shit song metallica did for MI4? Anyway I look forward to the future of your companies products... as the sound quality is great if there comes a day when the cpu load is comparable to competitors I will spend my hard earned cash to buy it. I hope when that time comes, you and your partners will learn to represent your brand in a more professional manner. If not, I will still pay if the product is appropriate for my needs...but others might not! Keep that in mind ; )
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