Pah Not Even A Joke

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Rolma, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Hi There!

    Summer is here, with the intention of being sunny and hot, I guess, although it takes me a bit offset from many things.

    This is my latest track, kind of naughty, old fashion, reminiscen of a cheesy world, but not sure about the result.

    Pls, I would find very useful any kind of criticism, coz well I have always learnt a lot from all comments.

  3. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    You make very interesting tracks,way different than most I've heard. You get emotional context,I like the way you paint moods.Whether intentional or not,it's very nice.I've listened to a few of your tracks.This track reminds me of older Pigface or Lords of Acid a lil.
    But as I said,there's an extra emotional quality,at least to my perception. It's dark,but there's another feeling other than sadness,lust maybe? :unsure:
    I think that's one of the things that makes it interesting to me.Intrigued for sure.
    You're very good at making naughty sounding stuff.And you have a unique style.I appreciate art when I notice it. :bow:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Levitate you know about Lords of Acid? :mates:
    Half a pound of heroin
    Half a pound of treacle
    That's the way the story goes
    Out comes the evil

  5. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Yes sir I do. I know a lil bit of that era/style,My life with Thrill Kill cult,etc.I know more really early 90's LOA(Traci Lords stuff,etc).I didn't start out writing R&B & Hiphop,quite the opposite.

    I really need to make an album of something entirely different so people will lose that correlation.Sometimes I feel like people think that's as deep as I am.Or that I'm just like "These guys".No,way more complex than that.The rabbit hole goes much deeper.
    I really dislike being categorized. It's my own fault for making so many urban sounding tracks.Individuality is big thing for me, I don't wanna be like anyone else but me.

    Nice to see you Cat,haven't seen ya in a lil while. You doing ok? You didn't read my comments on your industrial production thread huh? Posted a few songs.

    Yeah,I know a lot of music,not as much obscure or unknown artists as you guys,but... I know a few from my teenage yrs.I'm 33 so I actually missed a good chunk of it.:( But I enjoy most dark music,were quite a few in your thread I liked,and I'm always open to hear new stuff.I don't know what I will like until I listen.

    I'm so Sorry Rolma,I'm chatting up your thread.This is yours.I'm a jerk.I'll go now,I apologize once again.[​IMG]
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's really great bro, always happy to meet people that are off the beaten musical path. By the way my comment wasn't made because I heard your tracks, it's because LOA were never mainstream music so I don't bump into too many people that know about that kind of stuff. Feridan who I haven't seen in forever (should write him when I have time) is into that stuff too, he was one of the people that helped start Transmissions. I dislike being categorized as well so we have that in common also. People make a box for you and never allow you to grow outside it's borders. I haven't been around as much because I'm dealing with some personal issues and on top of that my best friend's wife is having some serious health problems and I'm trying to be there for support. Then on top of that I have so many projects and PMs that it takes so much time to even keep up. Even cleaning my mailbox takes time because I need to read messages before I delete them to make room and there are a lot.

    I want to give you the respect you deserve so I'm going to check this one out later when I have more free time. So much going on right now.
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Hello Rolma (where have you been?), your music should have a genre all of its own, very creative :mates:

    still scares me though :wink:
  8. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    WOW Lords of ACID how cool :dancing:

    Yep Levitate, you are right, during the making of this one I had a phase of feeling Belgian, no joke, literally I did, even though I have another nerve. The mood was a bit in outskirts of the parody.
    I got a friend, the founder of Interface Pirate Radio (an internet Brighton twisted radio, old school oriented type of thing, which heyday was by the early 2000´s) a Flemish Belgian himself who enlightened us with this sort of stuff plus GABBA.

    Thanks for commenting my stuff, I guess the uniqueness comes from the fact that I'm very distracted when I should pay attention to genre rules or styles, structures and so on.
    Also the space and perhaps the audience you might meet in this hypothetical space is missing in my work-flow. I guess that the majority of home based producers tend to feel the space of their music as a real possibility,like the club as club, the stage, the broadcast standards etc, while in my case I haven't made my mind yet about the spatial aspects of it.

    Mistah Sir Silly Sausage thanks, but if I were in a competition with your cats dunno who would scare who! (In the future I should try to control the harshness of it- might be part of the shock) :hug:
  9. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Not unlike walking through a labyrinthian garden filled with fauns, werewolves, and centaurs in the province of Liège at midnight. Eating chocolate cherry cake and admiring the neon installations. Was that a black grouse? Oh look! Three lights in the sky in the shape of a triangle …
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Feridan in the house, haven't talked to you in ages. Stick around broski we should soon release the forum album and another project. Then we re engineer AudioSex. [​IMG]
  11. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I shall be here :thumbsup:
  12. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Pah, not even a joke, Feridan, not even a joke! :bleh:
  13. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    OK a joke :bleh:

    They've broken in my house so many times, they leave notes complaining about things: 'The salt was low.' 'Pick up bread. We be back.' Grease all over my stove -- they cooked and left the best chicken and dressing you ever want to lay your lips on.
  14. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    re-engineer AS? Tell us everything you know about it …
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We're either going to build it on a completely new platform or use a newer version of this platform, new GUI enhancements, friends, MORE emoticons, perhaps a reputation system, I have many many ideas. I'd also LOVE it if you can know that replies are added without having to refresh. And Feridan my man, the AudioSexed album is dropping soon and it's going to fucking be amazing. That and a secret undisclosed project you'll love. Stay tuned, it's going to be an interesting year. [​IMG]
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Damn Rolma... this mating ballad sounds great. It does contain your typical musical signature which i always enjoy.
    But honestly and no offense, it gave me a boner first time i heard it. :grooves: (i think it's a good thing, right? :dunno: ) :mates:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Damn this track is kick ass, I really don't get why you're not famous Rolma. You've got that old school Industrial spirit going on that I love. So rare these days. [​IMG]
  18. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Firs of all :wink: THANKS GUYS FOR LISTENING AND COMMENTING! :wink: (so hard to get some listeners these days)

    Catayst we are looking forward to seeing all those announced changes and the first AS album!

    The fact some industrialism goes in my veins, perhaps, is coz I enjoy the sound of the rubber, I mean like the rubber sound made by the trainers in contact with the floor, the puddles of grease on the pavement, summer days in the city...the blinds shut at home, computers buzzing excess of info,resources and work.

    Not sure if this taste might render me too much popularity,or even friends fer sure not where I live (all health and yoga and so on- no offence to alternatives)

    Evorax I never thought that ma music could be sexual; I might look for an opening there in the audio-sex driven market :)

    - Well, a pleasure -
  19. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    One thing I really like about your stuff Rolma, apart from the originality and the cool sounds you use, is that even if the tracks are very electronic, gritty and machine-based they also have a really organic feeling.
    It doesn't sound at all robotic or contrived, you got some real heart and soul in the track. I agree with Levitate, there's emotional quality.

    And your comments about rubber, puddles of grease, blinds and puter buzzing on a summer day… :wink:
  20. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    thisis theend, really this comment is very meaningful for me.
    You get me now thinking oh well, organic and emotional, those are good qualities, and I don't know what to say in return :mates:
    my straightforward thanks!

    This type of comments on here help to focus in a subtle way when I mix.
    This is not a cliche. Im pretty sure that artists-producers (the bedroom ones) when sit there might remember this sort of audience.And all that might influence some decisions. At least in my case has worked like that.

    BIG UPS TO THE FORUM, as well