Little Snitch 3.3.2 on Pirate Bay

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by dim_triad, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Little Snitch 3.3.2 is on Pirate Bay... its not a trial either.

    LINK REMOVED!!!! (if you need it, search on your own.)

    I've been using TCP Block with great success (because i didn't want to have to pay for a firewall app).

    The instructions for installing this Pirate Bay release was rather in-depth (compared to simple installs)... you have to open Terminal I think, and copy/type in some "sudo" codes... I'm new to Mac, so I haven't messed with that stuff yet... needless to say, I haven't installed and verified this torrent; although there is one comment on the post page now.

    If someone wants to try it out to verify it's legitimacy and "report" back to this thread, that would be cool. :wink:
  3. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Que raro que los moderadores se les haya pasado borrar o editar este tema.
    Aquí no se permite cualquier tema que incluya acceso a warez !!!

    Rare that moderators are has happened to them delete or edit this topic.
  4. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Try it and if it works post it up for everyone. People would like that. Im not trying it because i LOATHE torrents. Much prefer file hosting. Torrents get so many damn leeches and no seeds and the leeches that finish it never seed it. Just a bunch of vultures.
  5. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    torrents suck i guess.. but i could care less really... if they got somthing on p'bay or that isn't on audioz i grab it.

    i didn't mean to be so selfish and mention it...
  6. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    No no. i wasnt being a Patrica Partypooper. I was just saying i have a distaste for torrents so i wont test it. BUT i do agree that sometimes things like that are available there but not other places. So sometimes you have to wait until it ends up somewhere similar that do general software posts. BUT if someone did grab the torrent and tried it and it worked then they should post it up. Little Snitch is essential to any computer function, regardless of what you do on your system.

    Thanks for the info, it is appreciated, torrent fan or not.

  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Read the rules: no warez requests and no link sharing.

    Yep Organic unfortunately that's the majority of the filesharing world these days. Kind of like when the good people on AudioSex or AudioZ spend tons of time helping someone and then when it comes time for that person to help someone else and they don't want to waste the time...the very time that someone spent on them. Public filesharing is the worst thing that ever happened to filesharing. Created a bunch of sniveling parasites that can't tie their shoes without help and care about nobody but themselves. :bleh:
  8. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    thought the torrent-rule stuff was audioz ... though i shouldve assumed it was here as well... my bad.

    guess i better stick to velcro though. :[°°°
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    No actually when we relaunched we allowed torrents to be shared, we even have a button in the comment box for this purpose. Here we allow everything but the requesting and sharing of warez.
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    hey bro.. got the windows version? :rofl:
  11. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    that's cool... i got you...

    to be clear, since it seems that there might be a miscommunication (which is inevitable with this form of communication [webforums])...

    When reading my original post, it appears as if there is an indirect motive to coerce someone to try the little-snitch torrent to see if its safe... so that, if it is (safe) then I can use it.. thus, escaping damage to my computer, etc. etc.

    though i myself couldn't vouch for its legitimacy... and of course then, can't vouch for its safety until fully installing it etc. i would be more than happy to take that chance myself... Lord knows I have many times before. My reason for mentioning the thing in the first place however (Little snitch), was simply because, I know that it is a program people on here use and recommend... furthermore, it isn;t free... so after seeing it myself, I thought, "Boy, here's a program that I bet people on Audiosex/z might be interested in,,, especially since they could get it for free... I think I will pass on the message

    and that's it!! nothing less, nothing more...

    again.. it wasn't to get people to try it first so i can escape computer damage.. it was simply to let others know that it's available.. that is it.

    On the other hand, my wording may have been better chosen to avoid the wrong impression (which teaches me to objectively "proofread" posts prior to submission), but still... nothing more than me "passing on the word".. as it were.

  12. trenton

    trenton Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Sadly, for something that you are relying on to keep you safe, Little Snitch might not be the best thing to pirate. They are well known for silent updates that end up messing with registrations. And when the registration is nullified, you are back to the "demo" behavior which is (I believe) works for a few hours then lets through everything until you reboot. If you are using it to stop apps phoning home, well, it will do that...until it goes back to demo mode.

    Naturally there is probably a way to stop it from doing the silent update but I'm not sure how readily that information is available. Just want you to be sure you know what could potentially happen.
  13. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    as i had mentioned,.. i am quite happy with TCP Block... it does everything i need. I have a tendency to dl things at times since they are available... when I might use them, I'm not sure. I dl'd Little Snitch since it was available... if I ever come to a point were TCP Block seems to no longer provide what I need, then I'd try out little snitch.

    as far as the demo and silent updates.... I'm aware of those things. This specific pirate bay version, appears to place the app in an infinite trial state or something. Like having Kaspersky Internet Security in the free 30-day trial mode indefinitely.
  14. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    I have some experience to offer as a longtime user of Little Snitch. I bought a registration for Little Snitch when it was first released. I am also running the latest v3.3.2. I purchased the v2 to v3 upgrade when v3 was released.

    Read from the developer himself on how they detect pirated SN's and how they blacklist them. Here:

    In the Little Snitch preferences there is a tab for "Updates" and a user can disable the "Automatically check for updates" function which I think is what you are referring to as silent updates - they are not really silent as the user has total control over the app. This is "one of the places" where people who pirate the app mess up they don't uncheck that preference. They get the app from somewhere online, follow the instructions that came with it (yes, there are proper instructions out there for this app), install it and register it with whatever SN came with the app.

    If Obdev has already blacklisted the SN then LS will function for a few hours and then return to demo mode. The developer basically states that LS is crackable here "This delay is intentional. We don't want to make it too easy for people who try to use pirated license keys. Therefore we don't reject the illegitimate key immediately, but after a few hour delay. The rejection will occur regardless if your computer is connected to the Internet or not." ---> read the 2nd sentence. As I stated previously you can get this working if you obtain and follow the proper instructions.

    As with almost any sw app or plugin there are always ways around official registration - as everyone here knows very well. So yeah, LS can be successfully cracked with the "Right Stuff" - I know this with 100% certainty as I've seen it cracked with my own eyes - I can't tell you how to do it here as its against house rules and I am an officially registered Little Snitch user which I don't want to mess up.

    Personally, IMO only, I felt that the money was well spent on Little Snitch, but I understand folks have to do what they feel is right for themselves and as mentioned by dim_triad there is a free alternative in TCP Block which has a large user base and the developer updates it with regularity. My own feelings are stated by the Teams that crack sw and plugins - buy it if you use it often or are making money using it (or however they word it) - and thats something I believe in - just my 2 cents.

    Everyone who uses OS X knows (maybe they don't know) there is a free firewall built into the OS, with the proper knowledge it can be very robust, and if you are knowledgable with Unix and using the Terminal you can achieve the some of same results as LS or TCP Block with some editing of files "under the hood" such as the "hosts" file or directly editing the built-in BSD firewall ipfw. I know enough to be dangerous hence the reason I bought Little Snitch. Can I wheel and deal in the Terminal, yeah some, but certainly not as a genius of Unix.

    The LS developer also mentions some built-in tools in OS X for seeing whats going on with regards to TCP/IP connections via tcpdump and fs_usage to monitor file system activity. Here:
    One of the funniest posts (not) that he states there is "Run Little Snitch for a while and you will be surprised how many other companies already have your IP address as their applications did phone home in the past without your knowledge..." I can confirm there are many in the Little Snitch Network Monitor that it is alarming to say the least.

    There are two free apps that you can get for your Mac for utilizing the built-in OS X firewall they are an ipfw firewall management front-end. One is IceFloor for 10.7 up and the other is WaterRoof which is a UB for 10.5.8 through 10.6.8 and both have very high ratings on MacUpdate.


    Hope that helps!!!
  15. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    mmm, Mac people do you want me to share a 3.0 copy over at AudioZ?
    The 3.3.2 version is most likely an hack+demo reset script, not a real crack.
    I never did it cause it's not strictly audio related, but I think it should be ok
    as it is an essential tool :wink:
  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yes sir! I have done the 3.3.2 hack and reset, and it's sketchy at best.. rolling back to 3.0, exporting my rules from the newer version should be fine right? Just moved to ML from SL, was using LS 2.something, and it worked great for years, but no longer compatible with ML, so was forced to upgrade, and it has not been very smooth the new LS… so any post of that would be fantastic. thanks copylefter!
  17. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    3.0 is working great here, both K'd and legit. (it's one of the tools that really deserves to spend some money on).
    Yeah, the demo reset is not a good thing, especially on a tool like this, if it suddenly stop working you may have problems.
    And yes, exporting rules should be ok, I remember I did so time ago.
    Gonna drop it on AZ.
  18. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    thank you for your time and consideration copylefter! you sir, are underrated. eagerly awaiting the ul...
  19. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    No problem mate :mates:
    Check out AZ :wink:
  20. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    big thanks copylefter...

    i guess "taking orders" on audiosex is ok though... orrrrr...... at least for you it probably is... considering what you provide the community and all *yes*
  21. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Copylefter is indeed correct, i was using a later version of LittleSnitch with the above mentioned "patch", which was problematic… the version he posted over on AZ has been rock solid for the last few days, …

    so i recommend following his advice… thanks again CL!
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