Ilok license manager trouble caused by cracked software?

Discussion in 'Software' started by chris030, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. chris030

    chris030 Noisemaker

    Oct 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys,

    i'm new to the ilok stuff, just got one today to evaluate some plugs, but i can't
    activate the demo licenses since the license manager won't/can't connect to their server
    ("The server is currently unavailable. This may be due to maintenance...blabla".

    Now, before i contact ilok support, i'd like to make sure this isn't a problem caused
    by other cracked software/plugins. I remember there was a PACE driver/software/whatever on my PC before, unfortunately
    i can't tell from what app (old Cubase 5 installation maybe ? now running 7.5).

    Does anyone have an idea if there's possibly a connection ? I've read that cracked and legal PACE/ilok plugs run
    fine together...
    Any help is greatly appreciated ! Thanks!
  3. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    You could perhaps just uninstall the Pace driver if it is no longer required?

    I would actually also like to know if the license manager would be a problem to cracked software, because I want to install UltraChannel but I dont want to uninstall anything if dont have to.
  4. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    No problem at all, actually cracked iLok1 plugs NEEDS pace extensions installed.
    Go ahead and let it connect to the server, it's not a problem :thumbsup:
    Or better, do offline activation and retrieve licenses on another machine.
    For UltraChannel same story, go on and you'll be ok :mates:
  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Cubase dont use ilok they use syncrosoft e-licenser
  6. Vermiciousknid

    Vermiciousknid Newbie

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I've also had this problem, Chris.

    Everytime I've run the iLok License Manager I get the "Server Unavailable" error. I can't get to the sign in screen at all, and neither does the update option connect.

    I've uninstalled and reinstalled the software upto a dozen times now, as well as uninstalling an old Pace C++ redistributable. I've cleaned the registry of all "Pace Anti-Piracy" and "PaceAp" entries, and I've deleted everything related to Pace from "ProgramFiles," "ProgramData" and all "Users" folders on my OS drive. Made sure I had hidden folders and files set to visible so I didn't miss anything. No Luck, still getting "Server Unavailable" every single time.

    The Eventide license has dropped into my online account though, so maybe I'll be able to use it in the future.

    The only cracked Pace softwares I've ever used, and which are no longer present on my system, have been the SoundToys bundle, and the iZotope programs, but the latter use an emu which only overwrites ProgramFile iZotope entries. I don't have any suspicions that the former would have altered the iLok LM either.

    Also, I've tried turning off all of my firewalls to no effect, and I've tried using a VPN too. Neither worked.

    This is my first experience with iLok, and it sucks. Almost a week of messing about trying to get it to work, but to no avail, and it's only for a freebie which doesn't even need an actual iLok present!!!! Ridiculous.

    I'd probably buy the SoundToys, Kush Audio and Lexicon bundles if they didn't use this protection. As it stands I can get cheaper and just as good plugs which actually work. Shame really... The try before buy policy of cracking groups actually works, and has led me to purhase the tools I use alot, but I won't buy stuff which is more pain than gain.

    Still, I'd like to at least try the Eventide, so if anybody has a solution... ? ! ;)
  7. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Try to use another machine to move the license on the iLok if you have one (or a standard usb stick, it seems it's available).
    Then move the ilok/thumb drive on the audio machine.
  8. Vermiciousknid

    Vermiciousknid Newbie

    Jan 3, 2013
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    Appreciate this, Copylefter, but sadly I've just the one machine at the moment. Don't actually own an iLok, just wanted to try the Eventide.

    Thanks none the less. :)
  9. chris030

    chris030 Noisemaker

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Hi Vermiciousknid,

    this reads like my story ;)
    I too want to buy the really useful stuff. Thanks a lot for the Eventide hint, didn't know it was available as plug - is it the "H3000 Factory" ? I also want to try Soundtoys Microshift - i wonder if i'd still need this alongside the H3000, as i think it's a derivate (the widening algorithm)?
    However, now the import part :) ... i had the same idea to try it with my laptop, downloaded the licenses there (no connection problems at all), plugged the ilok into my main machine and ..... nothing. The license manager now recognizes "3 activations", but of course not for what software (the fact that i downloaded these licenses to the stick is thus completely obsolete), so it still doesn't work.

    The connection problem however seems to be a problem with this PC, though i can't explain it. There's no firewall or anything.
    Now i have to find a solution how to bring the working license manager, the stick and the plugs together. Maybe i should begin with a saw.

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