Digital Performer 8 for mac... does it crash a lot for you?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by dim_triad, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Been using Digital Performer 8 lately (among others), and after loading it on the macbook pro, this shit crashes very easily it seems... like nothing I've ever experienced before with DAW's.. anyone else have that kind of problem? :dunno:
  3. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    DP8 freezes and lags a lot on my winbox too...
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Still on Snow Leopard and DP 7.24 here ... have you tried running it in 32-bit mode? Highlight the app in your Applications folder, select "Get Info" from your "File" pulldown menu and make sure the "Run in 32-bit mode" box is checked. Seems kind of counter-intuitive, since the whole point of having DP 8 is to run it in 64-bit mode, but it may be causing problems for you.

    As much as I love DP -- it's the best software (at least for Mac) for MIDI composition and scoring to video -- it's still pretty lousy for audio, though it's considerably gotten better over the years. I've been considering snagging an older version of ProTools, doing all my MIDI work in DP and mixing audio inside of PT. Or at least something like Harrison Mixbus. Before I owned an Intel Mac, I did all my MIDI work in DP 3 and then ported my MIDI files into (sigh) Vision DSP, which was horrible for MIDI, but was amazing for recording, editing and mixing audio tracks.
  5. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    9 times out ten its the plugins that crash the Daw ! Rather then the Daw itself, make note of what your doing prior to it crashing and try to resolved from there
    im running Motu 8.6 on Mavericks 10.9.3 without a hiccup also before on Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Good Luck

    this was also one advantage Bitwig Studio added was to run the plugs inside its own host ! so if a plugin crashed the Daw itself will still perform flawleslly with out Crashing
  6. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    I had a "wow" moment when I read your last paragraph. I still have 2 perfectly functional Mac's; a Power Mac 9600 and a Power Mac G4 (PPC Quicksilver dual 800 Mhz) with OS 9.2.1 that have MOTU DP3 and Opcode Studio Vision Pro 4.53 installed. I used that combo for MIDI and audio quite some time ago. Still pissed (not really, moved on) at what Gibson failed to do with Studio Vision Pro = they completely dropped development and SVPro died. It had a lot of features that were real ground-breakers. If I recall correctly their demise led to some of their top SV Pro code writers joining Apple as part of the OS X Core Audio team.

    I started Opcode's EZvision which was my 1st music app for MIDI. Then upgraded to Vision on through Studio Vision Pro 4.
  7. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    will try that... I prefer 32-bit anyway... been using Logic Pro 9 as well, and I love my Lexicon PCM's (which are 32-bit.. also of which, don't seem to handle bridging worth-a-shit).

    Havent tried the 32-bit mode yet but.... another thing... Originally, I set DP8 to use Vst's as opposed to AU's (I got the vibe in Ableton, that AU's use more CPU than the same VST plugin.. which is what happened with my 2c-Audio Aether..); later on however, I switched DP8 to try and use AU's instead... but that seemed to send it over the cliff!... shit locked up and for some reason when I did get it to actually open, for some reason the Audio Driver would not load and audio wouldn't work...??? Somehow I think it had to do with some AU-Updater/License Validation thing that DP8 runs... I have tons of Warez so not sure..all VST's worked..??
  8. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    I'm running DP 8.05 on OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and set it up as 32 bit + AU's and have never experienced any crashes to date. I can confirm the same results going back to DP 8.0.

    I would guess, without knowing what or how many plug-ins and versions you're running, that you more than likely have a plug-in that is in conflict with DP 8. Try running DP 8 without any of your 3rd party plug-ins, run only with MOTU's MAS plug-ins and see what happens. My guess is you won't have any problems.

    Then I would add an AU plug-in one-by-one, or you could try 3 at a time (just some random number I picked) and see which plug-in is crashing DP 8 on you. If you go to MOTU Nation you will see that there are a lot of people who have made the transition to DP 8 and are running AU's and VST's with no problems, even switching between the two. You might find a solution there as well.

    Note to Juhn1024: Running DP 8 on Windows check here:
  9. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I'm in the process of trying to port an album project over to my MacBook, so I still have a G3 iBook running 9.2.2 with DP 3, Vision DSP, Peak 4, Waves 4 (?) and a bunch of old VST plugs they no longer make sitting around. The G3 is so slow, I actually had to mix all my "room reverb" instruments down to two tracks, port it into a second Vision project and mix in all my "hall reverb" instruments to two tracks, then port that into a third (and sometimes fourth) project file to mix in vocals. Mixing down one four-minute song to a 48 kHz/24-bit master takes almost 45 minutes. Other than the processor quandry, there were a lot of great things I could do with that software that somehow seem a lot more difficult now.

    I never understood why Gibson killed Vision/Studio Vision (also, OMS). It had a great sound engine and still some of the best audio editing controls I've ever seen. On the other hand, I don't miss having to switch between MAS and Acadias, or OMS and FreeMIDI, just to use two different DAWs on the same computer. FYI: for a while after Gibson bought out Opcode, they actually provided an unlocked download-only version of Vision and StudioVision for download that was just the program for registered owners of the software (meaning, you had to have a full install of Vision or StudioVision already on your machine in order to have Acadias or their included free plugs), in case something went wrong and you needed to drop a fresh copy of the program onto your hard drive.
  10. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    so i got 32- bit to work very well; furthermore, the AU's also worked fine as well.

    The problem last time, most likely had to do with a prompt that came up during the AU-plugin authorization process that DP8 goes through that first time that they're loaded... while DP8 was scanning through them all, a prompt came up asking if I would like to "Allow" or "Deny" some "" to connect to the internet, and make some exception in the firewall (or something to that effect). This time, I chose "Allow." and everything worked fine... however, last time... I think I was going to choose "Deny" at first, but tried to read the entire prompt... while trying to read it, it all of a sudden disappeared, so I never got a chance to click-on either of the choices.

    Everything's good so far, so.....

    (fingers crossed).


    P.S. oh yeah, forgot to mention that I had uninstalled and then reinstalled DP8, so that's how I ending up going back through the AU-plugin auth/load process again.
  11. studiocraig

    studiocraig Newbie

    Feb 27, 2015
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    yes most crashes in DP 8 have to do with plugin conflicts . you can uncheck some in the plugin preferences to see which ones might be causing problems Things have been very stable for me for a while now in DP 8.05 in 64b in OS10.8.5
  12. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Having just installed Lion/DP 8.0.2 on my machine, I was able to run it in 64-bit mode with AU plugs, but it seemed a little glitchy -- my machine's pretty old and not anywhere near as fast as I'd like -- so I switched over to 32-bit mode and seems to be running fine (though it doesn't bode well for me running Pro Tools 10). Some older AU plugs seem to have a real problem with DP (the main one for me is MH Channel Strip 2, which cuts off the audio of whatever track I load it on), and a couple you may have to reinstall to get to work. Mostly, though, the AU plugs seem to run fine. Your problems with VST may just have something to do with DP itself, which only started implementing VST as of v8. DP 9 might have resolved a lot of the problems you're having.

    Since I'm working in 32-bit mode, anyway, I might try installing an older version of Channel Strip 2 that I know worked okay in the past and see if that runs in DP 8. Or wait until there's a decent release of Channel Strip 3 I can run in 32 or 64-bit.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
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