
Discussion in 'Software News' started by bebopp, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. bebopp

    bebopp Newbie

    Nov 15, 2011
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    CineBrass v1.1 Update available :wink:

    Drastically improved legato.
    Better control of legato speed.
    Eliminate muddiness on fast performed passages.
    Improved intonation throughout.
    Dynamic filter added to solo horn to allow for mod control of timbre, improving expressiveness.
    Improved dynamic consistency across all articulations in the articulations patches.
    Implemented a method for layering shorts on the sustains.
    Button for the Poly/Mono mode, so that it can be switched with keyswitch or other midi command.
    NEW Articulations patches with integrated True Legato.
    NEW Double/Triple Tonguing feature!
    NEW Articulation Release Control
    NEW Custom Sibelius Soundset integration.
    Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
  3. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    We've had at least 4 posts on this (including one of mine, so I'm not judging you :P )... just be patient. The original supplier probably got nervous when they announced the new protection measures they have in place.
  4. joekelly96

    joekelly96 Newbie

    Nov 15, 2011
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    So no known links yet ?? I've looked into this watermarking and it seems the only way it can be traced back is if they searched the original computers files, not ones shared.
  5. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    People using the library after it is shared would be safe, but the idea is that the Cinesamples guys would be able to trace the information in the files back to the person that originally bought it. A pretty common thing now, same with the newer Illya Efimov libraries, but their Acoustic Guitar just popped up a week or two ago. So the group that uploaded that has a way to hide the supplier, get rid of the watermarked files, or they pitched in and bought it themselves while covering their tracks thoroughly.
  6. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Watermark only serves to scare people. Think about it, for exemple to find his samples Ilya Efimov should analyze hundreds of thousands of tracks with acoustic guitar sound...this becouse acoustic guitar is first of all a real instrument and then becouse Ilya Efimov is not the first to have sampled an acoustic guitar!
  7. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    That's not the idea of the watermarking system they are trying to use, Diabulus. You're right, with the watermarking scheme that was supposedly used by developers in the past (that I think wasn't even developed, but just a bluff to try and keep people from downloading) it would be nearly impossible for them to catch anyone. That's the system where they supposedly added a very specific bump at a very specific frequency, supposedly outside of the range of the tools any of us have available to edit out.

    The idea of the newer watermarking system is just to scare off the original buyer. They supposedly put identifying files inside the library itself, such as having the buyers name show up within the Kontakt instrument. That means people who do pirate the library would be nearly completely safe, as long as they don't invite the developers over to their house to take a look at their computer! *yes*

    The problem is that they would theoretically be able to look at AudioZ, download the file themselves, and just figure out who the original buyer was. From there your guess is as good as mine, but I'm assuming threats of lawsuits would follow-- even if they didn't have the money to actually follow through, that sort of thing would not be good at all for a composer's career.

    Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that I think this new system can't be gotten around, or that it exists in every case, but it definitely isn't all BS like the original method. It probably scares off people who might have shared the library otherwise, but again, since Illya Efimov Acoustig Guitar was shared a little while ago, I'm sure that someone will be able to work around Cinebrass' scare tactic eventually too. Just makes things more of a hassle.

    Patience. :bow:
  8. bockert

    bockert Newbie

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Any news on 1.1 or Cinebrass Pro now that it's out?
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