AI stealing people's content

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tzzsmk, Nov 28, 2024.

  1. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    They absolutely will and already have as much as possible. This is why I suggested that it will be all those in the middle who really get squeezed. Similar to graffitti, a Banksy is worth a million+; but if you go do the same thing, it's just garbage and will get you a little bit of jail time. The middle ground might as well be AI because no-one even notices any of it. Even in commercial printing, this already happened with Computer to Plate. There will always be a market for high end expensive litho and magazines, and also for web press garbage junk mail. In the middle ground, entire pre-press companies gone out of business. Everything in the middle becomes a race to the bottom, because buyers only care about price.

    Those Actors' Guild striking workers who won some concessions over AI only really figured out one thing. They aren't ready to completely screw them, yet. That's like a caged pet alligator you keep feeding, until one day it is so big it outgrows the cage and eats you instead.
  2. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    @curtified - In every industry, there is a term called 'outsourcing'. You are in a unique position where you can ensure outsourcing is not the A.I. Outsourcing proved to be less expensive in every industry, and for companies, financial practicality. It made sense with insurance, terminations, contracting and not having to hire anyone permanently. If you say you are all for improving and ensuring people are not replaced, then you of all people need to watch it closely as A.I. improves even further, because an A.I replacement if it turns to custard, will be permanent.
  3. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    outsourcing has always been in line with capitalism. We can point blame at whatever current target is out there. But this problem runs way deeper than the current villain AI.

    we can wack a mole ai. Or wack a mole technology in general. But there is a deeper issue to be addressed
  4. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    A.I. has never been the problem. It is like anything designed with the intent to benefit humankind.
    It is the people who intend to turn it into a purpose it was never created for. Reiterating, you are in a unique position to help ensure it doesn't.
    So we are on the same page, I do not consider A.I. a villain. I consider the people who intend to misuse it for their own misaligned purposes that is the problem. There are plenty of them unfortunately.
  5. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Yep its not the knife manufacturer's fault if a person uses their product to harm someone. The responsibility falls on the person who chooses to use it with bad intentions.

    We could boycott the knife industry to protect people from those who have misused knives in the past or might misuse them in the future, but that feels like a counterproductive use of time. Instead, the focus should be on the individual’s choices. A knife can butter bread, cut steak, smoke hash :), or cause harm. The tool itself isn’t the issue it’s how people choose to use it.
  6. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Nobody should have trepidation about A.I. If you want to call it fear it could be read as that and for some people it may well be. For me, centuries of clear-cut and surreptitious human nature does nothing to encourage the likelihood that that it will only be used as it was intended.

    P.S. I am cynical and skeptical, not afraid.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2025
  7. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    What this tool is made for is interpreted by the user.
    • One person might use Suno to help writers block.
    • Another might use it to flesh out a voice note using covers
    • The other might make a song about their dog
    • Another might change the lyrics of a song they had recorded years ago. Etc etc etc.
    • And yes someone might use it to make a song about loving hitler.
    Why cast a viewpoint on the tool through the last option alone?
  8. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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  9. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Curtified, tell your netflix peeps you found a brand new AI. You unfortunately have to gatekeep it, because its super top secret, its a bit slower than the existing ones, but it gives the best results, then send all their work to me!! i'll give you a piece of the pub and sync fees

  10. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    hahah I got you! TBH they are always looking for more in house producers.

    maybe youre talking about YuE? ( ) because thats excatly what I shared with them. Its slow and clunky.. but it is like a personal suno, udio, riffusion, etc.
  11. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Im kinda driving the same point home. Yeah bad actors will use tools for bad things. Thats what humans do. But there are always people using tools for good too. Arguably more good uses for tools than bad.
  12. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    • Like Like x 1
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  14. nctechno

    nctechno Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2021
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    I have to say again, soon there will be no way to tell if a song is made by AI or not.

    You do not need a service like SUNO to use AI models. As you can 1. run these models yourself and 2. change everything about them by training your own with by the output of others and adding training instructions
    -> you can claim all you want about your AI generated song because NOBODY will be able to proof it's AI generated. you can say you drew the waveform in paint or whatever but if you are the first / only person who publishes it you get all the moneys from that....
  15. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    People :


    You are giving to him all your knowleadge for free.
    When they would have enough knowleadge, you not wil be neccessary anymore.

    Indeed, is something very stupid to give your work to another one, even more if that other is anonimous, because actually you dont know who is behinde the AI

    Is incredible that people can´t see this :(
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 7:05 PM
  16. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    @ElecTrick, you recognized that well, but the battle has long been lost!
    If the new AI companies don't get enough data, they simply pay a few people to generate data for the AI.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 8:24 AM
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm not sure why you quoted that specific post, because it was in reference to two decisions recently in the media about the US Copyright Office's decision being upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Newer article:

    But I agree. The only thing really stopping anyone presently is their hardware; or as illustrated by DeepSeek, the efficiency of utilization of that hardware. A user here recently posted some songs with relatively human sounding vocals included, and it was all done on software locally with a 16gb GPU if memory serves right.

    It's funny you mention this on here. Just recently I asked ChatGPT a technical question about an audio subject. It linked me to something I answered for someone about a year ago, on Audiosex. :woot:
  18. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I don't of course use AI to write my lyrics or my music, I've railed against this in many threads feeling it is both a travesty against the human spirit and will taint creative ambition in the long run by killing off artistic tendency for those in coming generations (as well as the youngsters under 30 years old presently coming up) by handing off the thoughtful process of the thousands of decisions it takes to actually be an artist, making decisions as ideas are at play in your mind and to finally commit to those decisions for the unveiling of the finished piece.

    That said, the point seems that point of AI models is to make as much money as possible off of crippling human individualism as the person using it for whatever reason cannot claim ownership but imagines themselves as creators. Even if at time present the AI software developers cannot claim copywrite, in a meandering way they own everything that is input to their systems as their own because they are modeling from the vast pool of everything that can be modeled and making money off of it one way or another.
  19. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    This is coming at it from a strange angle, assuming the idea that things are Black or White and never Gray.
    Identifying what qualifies as items or actions that "benefit mankind," though possibly obvious to keen surveyors of societal needs, people of note and weight, people such as ourselves (tongue-firmly-in-cheek,) is ultimately subjective.
    I know a number of people who truly want the best for everyone, and a select handful fall firmly into the category of those that would swear on coffee, christ, and country that Capitalism, no matter how rampant and unchecked it may be/become, is in the best interest of all. This could be disqualified as skewed due to the fact that it comes from the belief that, without firm hands holding stout whips, without the incentivizing green-er lawn of the Jones', without that lust to snowball profits through unhealthy lifestyle choices for you and those around you, the working class will dissolve into some state of ennui, lackluster and aimless, leaving plants and factories and workplaces to rust and weeds—but the fact remains, these people's promotion of and intent behind it is pure.
    Again, you could argue theirs is a skewed perspective, but a billion Science Fiction short stories from any era could easily be used in its place since, utopian and dystopian can often just depend on where you happen to be standing. Or, simply ask both employee and customers their take on self-checkouts at grocery stores. You'll hear people claiming they're divine blessings sent from The Most High to others, with stories about futures of scorched earth and playgrounds with empty swings, futures where the only sound is of Boston Dynamics' Atlas Annihilator AA-343 shuffling through the killing fields, searching for unique specimens to add to its dead human collection.

    You have SME, UMG, and WBG owning 70% of all music and, as of sometime last year, UMG now owns a larger percentile than all indie labels combined, so it's safe to say that they have all of the material they need to retire humans in the mainstream music avenues.

    I'd put that on your resume. Or, at least brag about it to your friends when you're drunk enough, ya'know, be that guy that people actively avoid, like "Oh gaaawd, Clone's back, no doubt to tell us again about the time AI deemed him a valuable source of audio information."

    Hold up... what's this shit about "making money off [music]"? It's become my understanding, unless you use a hefty-ass instrument to knock someone and kype their wallet, you're not making a dime. Are you going to tell me my experiences are a lie?
  20. crochet

    crochet Guest

    fast food dishwashers and ditch diggers make more money and have more rights than a professional full time independent music making self-publishing copyright owner. just because one job is "fun" doesn't make it ok to decimate. generations to come are losing any and all incentive to carry the torch. sadly, someday, likely when its done and dusted and far too late, people will finally realize that without human created entertainment (and all that goes into creating and presenting it) earth is a very boring place to be.
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