96GB-DDR5 > 32-GB Primocache 4.4.1 in Win 11 Experiment

Discussion in 'PC' started by N.Sodokin, Mar 17, 2025.

  1. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Yes I agree that is a good method but I have a few separate HDD's, where I backup all of them once a month via a docking station. Thanks for the good advice though :)
  2. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Stop acting silly and throwing insults.
    I made a point that it won't work for some people as sensible as it is with smaller drives, I have plenty like these below which the drive letter below should theoretically tell anyone intelligent.

    Replacing with an SSD is great in theory but not if it is still unaffordable which any large SSD is not a solution.
    4TB is not large, not remotely. Pointing out that a portion of users and people who have e.g..working studios are among those, who have larger drives is not strawman. The biggest strawman is the person who ambiguously leaves out others who may have less or more than they do, or less or more money.
    As for backups, I won't laugh, but do you really think anyone who records a lot does not backup?
    It would be ignorant to think that anyone who has near 100TB of internal storage has no backup, that's suicide. You all just assumed.

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
  3. N.Sodokin

    N.Sodokin Ultrasonic

    Feb 4, 2025
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    i would not use Primocache for live performance without stress testing the computer for some days.

    And there isn't much to learn about PC.
    Have as much Memory as possible 16GB-128GB and dedicate 1/3rd to Primocache.
    Select the SSD´s or HDD´s with your sample libraries and let Primocache do its work.

    In the Task Settings >> Select "Start with Windows" and if you are satisfied with the Caching performance "Lock Content"

    That's the way you keep your cached data on every system boot.

    P.S > About Slow HHDs , You can use a fast SSD as 2nd Level Cache in Primocache for them.
    the SSD will speedup data access, protect and extend the lifespan of your hard drives.

    and i am not working for any company, i just installed this software and thought other musicians could also make use of it and shared some results.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2025
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  4. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    5 seconds loading is fast. i remember on my old pc i just upgraded my build completely btw right now it loaded in 5 minutes now its like 7 seconds
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  5. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    I don't think as a "bad thing" to work for a compañy, or 16 enterprises more, actually I've not tought anything related to that. I really appreciate your contributions as the efforts of most of our pals over here. About the endless learning road, absolutely agreed.

    I'll do not use HDDs beyond as simple back up storage, there are some really valuable units for that purpose, for the minute to minute use, as for stage, only NVMe units. I guess that I'll start a hard/intense learning daily task about the cache improvements. If someday you decide to write or record some tutorial about it please let me know.

    Thx a lot 4 your valuable time.
  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Optimize your computer for music production:
    Don't let audio glitches ruin your performances! www.cantabilesoftware.com/glitchfree/

    The Ultimate Guide to Optimize your Windows PC for the Stage
  7. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Thx a lot @Radio ! Of course I'll keep on this, more than ever, 'cause @xerome gift us significant news about GpuAudio processing, so... time to hard study beggins at least for all of us which can`t afford expensive analog hardware.
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