What works on linux - guides and tips

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Andrew, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Dr. Black

    Dr. Black Producer

    Jun 20, 2023
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    It's cool. I would change my daws in a heartbeat when there was a vst wrapper for linux.
    In the future i think that linux will be the way for stability and daws.
    Windows has become more and more an tool for coorporations and "stability" with theyre unnecesary "updates" for "security"
    I think in about 2-5 years from now we will see linux taking over the Daw "cult"
    Windows will be a government tool when Linux wil be a creative option for all kinds of artists.
    Microsoft has become an verry irritating software as to say at least.
  2. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Yabridge works really well, but it doesn't work on 100% of plugins. But does one need 100% of the plugins?

    Linux performs worse with a RT kernel with audio.

    was on Manjaro a while, uses pipewire which obsoleted Jack in my experience. But I got rid of manjaro and installed just plain Arch (using the Arch iso and the archinstall script that includes pipewire in the audio setup), for the window manager, installed the dreaded XFCE, a Desktop that looks like windows 85, but It's really lean so I know the processing isn't being wasted on a flashy modern environment. Reaper-Linux and Yabridge with wine-staging works ok, but I'll need to keep testing. It's important for Reaper users to run their plugins as either a separate or dedicated process because they can crash the DAW randomly. Linux keeps getting exponentially better. probably because all told it's probably on more devices than any other OS at this point, taking servers, android, and etc into consideration.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
  3. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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    A lot of things works, on my youtube channel I have a Linux corner :yes:
  4. Cob

    Cob Newbie

    Mar 18, 2025
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    My first message on this site, Icarus1 and Icarus2 works (Albeit i didn't test icarus3, I don't have it), You just need to make sure gdiplus is set to native in winecfg or else icarus will freeze
  5. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    Just for the record, for Arch (though I used CachyOS) in the Multimedia section there's plenty of goodies, packages for Bitwig, Ardour, Reaper and Waveform.

    Throwing Linux builds of CLAP/VST3 plugins at those worked straight off, and Cardinal is packaged as well, I normally go for Plugdata too but didn't go that far. I didn't try to benchmark low latencies, though there's plenty of lowlat kernels available, but pipewire/pipewire-jack worked straight off the bat with low buffer sizes (I went for my default 128).

    This wasn't an audio workstation setup though, I wanted to try CachyOS because it has a dead easy NVIDIA driver setup baked in, but while I was there, why not try the sound side of things?

    I'm not an Arch guy normally, but hey, live and learn, right? Can't see it replacing Debian in my normal setups. Or work, but that's another thing.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2025
  6. Cob

    Cob Newbie

    Mar 18, 2025
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    Serum 2 doesn't seem to work in wine, Serum now depends on d2d1, but enabling it breaks fruity wrapper in fl studio, Serum 1 works just fine as long as you disable d2d1, I hope wine fixes d2d1 eventually or that there is a workaround, But for now, just use serum 1 or something else like icarus

    (It may work on other DAWs, but i haven't tried yet)
  7. Cob

    Cob Newbie

    Mar 18, 2025
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    Actually, i got just got it working in wine, However d2d1 is not fully implemented, so its laggy and some ui glitches