Akai CD > EXS with ConvertWithMoss (S.O.S.)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by ElMoreno, Sunday at 1:58 PM.

  1. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I tried to convert an Akai CD to EXS to use in 'Sampler' LogicPro with the free software ConvertWithMoss 12.1.0 (I love CWM, seem to be a fast tool).

    Unfortunately 'ConvertWithMoss' does the conversion but only creates the .wav files (it does NOT create the necessary .exs).
    I wrote to Jurgen explaining the problem but he never replied... :dunno:

    Has anyone managed it or been luckier than me to figure it out and solve the problem?

    Thanks for any suggestions... :mates:
    Last edited: Sunday at 4:11 PM
  2. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
    Likes Received:
    How To Chop Samples In EXS24 | How To use EXS24 as a sampler
    Last edited: Sunday at 3:46 PM
  3. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Dear AI... I know that the old Logic used to do the conversion (albeit too too too slow for each CD) and I also know that most of the old software no longer works with new OS Intel or ARM... so - dear AI - it's not like you're giving any real help. :(

    AI cracks me up...
    You ask: «How do I fuck Angelina Jolie?»
    And AI she replies: «Angelina Jolie is not available on the new OS but I can get you to fuck Melissa McCarthy... they're both women anyway.» :rofl:
  4. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Yes, you are right, the AI is really bad. Thanks for your comment. AI Sucks!

    Create sampler instruments with Sampler in Logic Pro for Mac

    With Sampler in Logic Pro 10.5, quickly create your own expressive and unique sampler instruments by simply dragging samples to the Navigation Bar, which intelligently analyzes the samples and automatically maps them to keys.

    You can still manually create sampler instruments the same way you could with EXS24—by creating zones and dragging or assigning files to them. You can also use Sampler to open and play the sampler instruments included with Logic Pro, as well as open and and edit custom sampler instruments you created with EXS24.

    Last edited: Sunday at 3:47 PM
  5. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    There's a later version 12.2.0 here:

    Manual here:
    3.13 Logic EXS24 The Logic EXS24 format is a proprietary sample format used by Logic Pro, a digital audio workstation. It is primarily used for storing and playback of sampled instruments and sounds within Logic Pro. The format allows for comprehensive mapping and editing of samples, as well as providing various modulation and performance options. The format only stores absolute paths to the sample files. Therefore, the easiest way to make the converter find the sample files is to place them in the same folder as the EXS file. If it cannot be found in this folder the sample file is searched recursively starting from a number of levels up from the source folder of the EXS. The number of folders can be configured. There are no metadata fields (category, creator, etc.) specified in the format. Therefore, information is stored and retrieved from Broadcast Audio Extension chunks in the WAV files. If no such chunks are present an automatic detection is applied.

    I wrote to Jürgen under his ConvertWithMoss video on YouTube and he sorted an issue out within a couple of hours when I was having strange issues converting Kontakt 5 files but he sorted it super dooper fast. Maybe try there.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You could drop the wavs into Logic's Sampler (multisample mode instance), then save an .exs file in the sampler. Reload in EXS24.

    I wouldn't even waste my time trying to do some batch conversion of stuff for "possible future use" because that day never arrives. I'm not sure I could even find EXS24 in Logic 10.5 if I wanted to. When the guy using a 15 year old Mac is telling you the workflow you are chasing is outdated, you might want to give it some thought.
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  7. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Of course you're right... I would never do a patch by patch conversion... it would take too long. :snuffy:

    The only good reason is that when you open an old project (and it happens quite often) Logic asks you where those old .exs files are and, well, you have to find them... otherwise the project won't open! :(

    So, having a tool that converts Akai > EXS quickly can be a very very useful tool to have at hand when that time comes. :yes:
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