Mac mini M4 64gb or Mac studio M4 64gb

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Audiophile666, Mar 12, 2025 at 9:23 AM.

  1. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Hallo, I need a new computer to finish my mixes and I don´t know which one will be more than ok as difference in price is more than 1000 usd. I want to do mixes and masters in one session. Sometimes probably around 100-120 tracks. Few plugins on them and not on every track. Few buses and basic plugins on tracks like eq, compression, saturatution etc. Few Kontakt instances but not too many like for complex orchestral stuff.
    I am currently on Windows with Intel i5 and 16gb RAM and with like 50 tracks all is ok until it all goes into the master with Ozone plugins.
    Which one you will choose? I don´t want to do video stuff. Just audio. Mac studio or Mac mini will be enough with M4 chip and 64gb RAM?

  3. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    if you're already looking at 64GB ram spec, then I'd definitely lean towards Mac Studio,
    aside from better performance, it has better cooling and better connectivity too,

    no idea where you got price difference being 1000 bucks, it's merely 600$ difference between:
    14-core M4 Pro Mac Mini with 64GB/1TB and 10Gbe network
    16-core M4 Max Mac Studio with 64GB/1TB,

    if you want to save up some money, then base model Mac Studio (36GB/512GB) is probably best value,
    or you may look at used market, for audio work you might find older M2 Max Mac Studio which probably won't make that huge difference
  4. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Thanks for reply. In my country the Mac Studio M4 cost 3600usd, Mac Mini around 2600usd. This is big difference for me living in Czech Republic with current prices/job payment. I would like to get a new machine too with guarancy and M4 model is more electricity sufficient. I don´t know if cooling is big problem for audio production among this two models and don´t know if 36gb RAM will be enough when 16gb on Windows isn´t.
  5. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    you're comparing wrong specs then, here's what I mean:

    Attached Files:

  6. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    I am just fine with 512gb hard disc. Just now I have 256gb and I am still fine with it when I got extrernal 2tb ssd
  7. CodaClef

    CodaClef Newbie

    Dec 7, 2024
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    You will be great with either machine, if you can afford it go studio. Either will make your current system seem like a Nokia flip phone compared to an iPhone...
    Just sayin...
  8. ChemicalJobby

    ChemicalJobby Ultrasonic

    Apr 24, 2024
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    M4 with 32Gb should be enough
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Best Answer
    Mac Mini around 2600usd???? Oh hell, no. Do not do that. The cost of memory upgrades in the Mini is so expensive because no-one buys one configured this way. It's called "economy of scale". They can sell a Mini with 24GB of RAM for under $700 because they produce them tens of thousands at a time with no interruption of the production lines. All of that extra cost is because of product Type Changes. They have to stop a line, at least one. They have to clear every part from the line, have engineer change any needed setup tooling, reload all the programs, produce one unit, have QC check the thing, make a small number of them, and then reverse all of that stuff back again to continue serial production.

    You are literally paying lots of extra money for them to have downtime on some machines. You could buy 3 of them with 24 gb RAM for the same price as 1, if you really had to. Which you do not, for what you are wanting to do with it.

    All of these people who think the Mini is a great deal are correct, because they are cheap and super powerful for the price. But all they have to do is make it out of their warranty period. A year, two, whatever. No-one can tell you how long you can expect to use one yet.

    Wait for people to help you figure out the best plan. A 64gb Mini is not it. For $2600, it should come dipped in Platinum.
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  10. Balisani

    Balisani Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2014
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    Your question sounds awfully familiar. I remember someone with 666 in their username asking a similar question 2-3 months ago - was that you? Or is there also an Audiophile666 on Facebook perhaps?

    Regardless, the answer is still the same, but I'll put it more succinctly: buy the best spec'ed Mac you can afford (and don't cheapen out on the Apple Care+ or whatever it's called in your country) - specs mean RAM but also SSD size (the bigger, or roomier, the faster).

    Good luck to you.
  11. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    lol, if I can change my nick now Ill do it. I do always struggle with nicknames. Next time Ill nick myself as my real name is probably. And no, I am asking this for the first time. Thanks for reply! I did not know that bigger ssd make the machine run faster.
  12. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    I wouldn't go with the Base M4.
    It just has 4 Performance cores.
    Go minimum with the M4 Pro or switch to a AMD PC.
    I dont know where all the good ratings come from.
    I have a m1 Pro actually for testing and reaching 95% cpu with 40 tracks.
  13. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    What you got on those 40 tracks? I see on my projects that cpu is not really problem as RAM on i5 laptop running 4 neural dps plugins, various other vst´s and one kontakt library at 512-1024 bitrate
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2025 at 7:17 PM
  14. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Around 15x sylenth1
    2x Nexus
    The rest samples
    And then the mixing plugins.
    For example Arts acoustic reverb or Fabfilter stuff.
    On the master also 8 plugins for master chain.
    Project can't be played anymore.

    Daw is FL studio which can use all cores from a M cpu

    But imagine you buy m4 and throw some Acustica audio or other cpu intense stuff on the project.
    I know that some plugins eat more cpu then other plugins. But if you like your plugins and really want to use them and you can't. This will be sad.
  15. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Last edited: Mar 13, 2025 at 5:41 PM
  16. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Would be interesting to try cracked and legit plugins and daw too. I have only few legit plugins personally but thinking about spending some more money and get it legit. May also affect the performance.
  17. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Good way to go :)
    I also wanted to go the legit way.
    Less Plugins = more Creativity
    FL For Example you can get 180 Day keys (Legit on Ebay)
    Sylenth1 = Rent 2 Own (9€ per month)

    There are good ways to go legit these days :)

  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You have a maxed out M4 because your workflow is lunacy. You are trying to cram your Production, Mixing, Mastering all into one FL!! session. You are "using plugins because you like them and want to use them", instead of using plugins when you need to use them. You are using a DAW that has its origins in sampling, resampling; but then instead leaving all your samples unprocessed and throwing more plugin load at the CPU to fix them inside your session. You are running mixing plugins on un-bounced virtual instruments. You are doing production with mastering plugins on your master channel. You are talking about using some heavy reverb plugins, with no mention of using any of all these plugins on sends and buses.
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  19. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Some heavy words here.
    Sure, i want to have the "Luxus" to make everything in one project.
    The Genre is Hardstyle --) 4-8 Layers of a VST can make one "Lead"
    The Kick alone can be routed through 20 Plugins

    What i want to say is: when the OP wants to mix 120 Tracks, and i have something around 50 on a M1 Pro, then the M4 Base can be a bit weak.
    Also Ableton for example Can´t use all Cores of the M Chip.
    So he stucks with 4 Cores Base M4 at brandnew 2024 Apple Computer.

    Thats the video which can explain a lot :)

  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You are telling him about a processor you do not even have? He wants to record, mix, and master. Read what he actually posted.
    You could buy a supercomputer, and with such work habits it will never be enough; because you are a plugin loader. "Someone else's video on YT" says it all.

    You are not using an M1 Pro. You are using a Mac with a M1 Pro chip in it. A new Mac Pro base model is going to start at $7k and go up rapidly from there.

  21. Audiophile666

    Audiophile666 Noisemaker

    Nov 18, 2021
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    The guy actualy telling us that M4 Pro is very strong. Neural DSP plugins are consuming much more power than usual plugins like eq, compressor, saturators on audio channels and in Reaper 79 instances of Gojira is a lot. And he is even showing just base model of Mac Mini M4 at 1024 buffer which I do not have a problem to mix with. I will consider to highten up the buffer if you do not have it and consider to use less "sound" plugins too. I saw electronic music templates with just a few plugins and they was sounding good. A lot of pro musicians using a few plugins and do right moves instead of reapering bad moves with another plugins. Still thank you for the reply. Every input is appreciated.
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