VPS Avenger 2 Question

Discussion in 'Software' started by StormChaser, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I am thinking of purchasing VPS Avenger 2 during the Black Friday discounts but have a question for anyone that has already purchased it.

    I purchased the original VPS Avenger way back when but now use the VPS Avenger from our sister site that was released some time ago I think v1.4 only because of all the expansions that came with it.

    Does anyone know that if I purchase VPS Avenger 2 will this have any detrimental effect on my installed sister site VPS Avenger 1? I will install any expansions for VPS Avenger 2 into a different location if need be?

    I just dont want to lose VPS Avenger 1

    Many thanks
  3. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    My personal experience is this
    I've been bought an Avenger since it came out. I didn't buy any soundbanks for it. After it was cracked, I installed a VST2 cracked version and VST3 license. VST2 to use soundbanks from sister site.
    In 1.4 I could load all soundbanks, and VST3 Licensed version no.
    A month ago I reinstalled my system and didn't even install the licensed Avenger.

    PS. I don't know how they V-Manager work nowadays.
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Anyways, take those informations in account before spending your hard earned money with this developer:

    - Once he sells a version, you will have almost no update until next major version, if there are uptaes they will be poor little things.

    - The license manager oblige you to re authorize the plugin every 90 days. If something fail, it will be your fault, see next point.

    - He is a complete jerk at user support.

    If you look actually at this v2 "major update" you can easily see how many of the improvement are the kind of things that other developers add progressively for free as minor updates.

    Now you are aware of where you may put your money in.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
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  5. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Agree. Both ReFX and Vengeance tech supports work disgustingly.
    That was the main reason I stopped using their products.
    I bought the Nexus 3 and Avenger, but I'm not using them.
    Also paid upgrade is a joke.
  6. Kamron giles

    Kamron giles Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    I see no reason why vengeance 2 would have an impact on Vengeance 1. they are in and of themselves seperate plugins. the expansions however.. im skeptical to them working with version 2. as i havent got 2 i dont know if 2 uses 1's banks. a good option would be to wait until its cracked and then download it. a bit of patience and itll get cracked soon enought.
  7. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    You are so right, and I have read many posts of legit customers being treated really badly by this guy and the company. I even have a friend who purchased v1.8 only this year and he upgraded his PC a few times and used up the 3 activations and they wouldnt do anything about it, he was left and is still left without a working VPS Avenger 1 that he purchased even though he sent off emails with proof or purchase not only for the software even though this was in his online account, but also each complete PC upgrade he purchased, ive just text him to ask what he was sent as I couldnt quite remember it, but this is verbatim from his reply "If you feel the need to keep updating your PC why should that be our problem, you get 3 activations and we feel that should be enough for anybody, YOU are not special"

    So yeah I totally get what you mean, I certainly dont want to have to deal this kind of service and I also dont want to lose my existing Avenger 1.4.

    I think I will keep my fingers crossed something appears on the sister site some time in the future.

    Thanks very much :)

  8. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Fingers crossed it does... the last time it was awesome with all the expansions as well.

    If I see it there I will be on that like a thirsty dog at a puddle :)
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I doubt that because of compatibility with previous version and projects they will keep same VST ID so no mater what is named it will be loaded as Avenger. But let see who have both versions to give an answer. In this way if he has kept VST ID he would prevent most previous cracks etc... There is a lot thing, and I think he have take thoughts about that. I mean, look it is same as Nexus 2, 3, 4 it has same PLUGIN ID.
  10. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Thats a very intresting point and would certainly be a good way to prevent any previous versions from loading, legit or other wise.
  11. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Legit Avenger 1 expansions will probably load in legit V2, but cracked expansions which are pretty expensive , that way will be prevented from use in cracked version 1. Therefore I believe he will keep VST ID same, no matter of naming of plugin, and it would just be a convenience solution for legit users who do an upgrade, also it will be easier to manage old projects.
    I mean it is common sense, and by doing that, there will be no more room to run Avenger 1 along with Avenger 2 and using cracked expansions as more people are keen to buy Avenger 2 like yourself for new features etc...
    Buy Avenger 2 license to keep you mind clear and supportive to developer, but ultimately wait for the alternative version to come which will be most certainly happen if tomorrow not during the week, we know that if TEAM R2R doesn't care for avenger and nexus, TEAM VR is always prepared to do job there.

    Just for the sake of the comparison why this is common sense, look at this example, the mess that Reveal Sound Spire have made.
    They released Spire v1, then beta version of Spire 1.1 with other plugin ID and it remained v1.1 for a long time of period, therefore v1 projects were obsolete with that 1.1 version.
    Then they released version 1.5 with a new plugin ID, so there was no compatibility between any of versions, so for example myself for the sake of older projects I need to have 3 Spire VST plugins, instead one, even though it is still in version 1.x. so no compatibility between version over period of time of 10 years now... It is insane. I don't use that plugin that much but at least every project have one instance, at least one.
    Total nonsense and total mess, now I think they have aligned version 1.5x with initial version 1 regarding plugin ID, I have discovered that just another day but I will test it again now just to be certain.
    Look at the NI Kontakt also... sick mess... The only upgrade worth to make change in PLUGIN ID was version 7, basically K5, and K6 were not that far in regard of
    PS. Maybe the one who do the Avenger will be able to change VST ID, if that is possible, but most likely is not ...
  12. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    At the possible risk of losing my v1.4 with the expansions I think I will wait a while and see if anything appears on the sister site.

    I even have a legit v1.4 and upgraded to the 1.8 so never got to experience what all the guitar stuff is like in it, BUT again at the costs of losing all my expansions I'd rather not take any risks.

    I wonder why R2R dont care for Avenger? But personally i'd be extremely happy whoever had a go at it and got it working.

    I had the same issue with Spire as you, but have to say I do love this VST worth every penny.
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    If I remember good They did Avenger v1.5 and they carried out especially for mr. Vengeance was bragging how unbreakable protection it is, it was actually shameless way of bragging, but for some reason they kept it internal.
    They have said that when they made a breaking of codemeter and they addressed mr. Avenger specifically.
    But I guess they have awaited for v2 to be released which was promised to be released in early 2021 2022, but...

    They have stated that the broke Avenger when they announced Reason 12 or first codemeter vst released.
    At the time that was the very same hype like this one with mr. Acustica.
    They bring new shock for developers every year same time.
    iLok Softube, Codemeter, 2022 , iLok if i remember good, Pro Tools, then now this, mr. Acustica.
    Witches have become quite scandalous and crafty LOL :)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
  14. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I do remember reading somewhere about Manuel bragging about the so-called unbreakable protection.

    I am a firm believer that "anything written can be re-written"

    I have seen a lot of the Acustica posts on the sister site recently, didn't know anything about them, in fact never heard of them before seeing the posts, so guessing they are in the big leagues to then?

    Well I certainly appreciate the insights you have shared, thank you and fingers crossed we see VPS v2.0 some time in the near future.

    I think I have read enough to keep my money and be patient and hopeful.

    But, whether it does or does not, I am extremely grateful to all the teams that do what they do especially the witches.
  15. good!

    good! Guest

    " The license manager oblige you to re authorize the plugin every 90 days."

    I mean seriously.. what a way to reward paying customers :wink: where piracy is concerned, which is blatantly obviously what they are only concerned with, and those who profit from it, vengeance is one of, if not the worst offenders in the entire history of recorded music.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2023
  16. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    That does really suck and people who keep productions machines offline either need to put it online or bypass the software all together as there is no way around it.

    It is such a shame that when paying customers have to suffer for egos of some corps who clearly dont care about us.
  17. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Ok, some answers for whom it may concern:
    I've just upgraded from legit Avenger 1.8.6 to Avenger 2 (had to because of compatibility work with my colleagues).

    • Avenger 2 replaces Avenger 1. You can't have both working on same machine. This is by design.
    • All expansions from Avenger 1 DO work in Avenger 2. No issues I've seen.
    • Old projects containing Avenger 1 load fine with Avenger 2. Also no issues so far.
    • From what I've seen, the protection is a bit different from A1 but I can't tell what's changed.
    • Newest expansions will require latest Avenger 2 according to the website. I won't buy new ones anytime soon so I can't confirm.
    • Yes - the company and support suck big time. That's a fact :thumbsdown:
    • Currently there are heavy issues with activations, accounts etc with Avenger 2 and Vengeance clearly didn't handle things well when A2 launched. Imagine issues for all customers who paid for upgrade and can't use the software until it's fixed :snuffy:
  18. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Hi Playtime

    Really appreciate your clarification on this, I am sure it will help many people who are considering buying VPS v2.0 or NOT as the case may now be.

    Thanks very much
  19. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No. At least not for me. I've had a problem I could not solve by myself. So I contacted him and he helped me after only a few hours. If I compare that to Steinberg, this ist Gold. :yes:

    I've had the same problem some months ago. I needed to reinstall Avenger and while activating the v1 version it took off 2 actvations so I ended up with 0 available activations.
    I wrote a polite mail to Vengeance and they reset te activations back to 2 available within one day. I don't have the mail anymore but their answer was as polite as my quetion.

    But that was with V1.x
    Maybe it's another story with V2 because of the new auth. That's always a pain and if not done carefully a huge count of users get problems at the same time and customer care is busy

    p.s.: sometimes it just depends on the individual case: If I were to reinstall Windows 10 times within a week and constantly annoy support with requests for a reset, that would certainly be something else.
    It also always depends on the tone of a request. I keep it friendly because it gets me somewhere. A sense of entitlement and aggressiveness have never helped me well.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
  20. JasonCurtis

    JasonCurtis Newbie

    Mar 2, 2023
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    If Avenger is throwing CPU spikes or struggling with heavy patches, a solid dedicated server can take a huge load off your main setup. I’ve hosted resource-intensive VSTs on a remote machine and streamed the audio/MIDI back with minimal latency. Something like https://ishosting.com/en/dedicated could handle the processing, especially if you're using multiple instances in a project. Feels way smoother than constantly freezing tracks or bouncing everything down.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
  21. Zee jay

    Zee jay Member

    May 11, 2021
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    Could you please confirm that all your expansion from Avenger 1.4 work in Avenger 2. I've just purchased Avenger 2 and upgraded 1.4 by re-installation on the top of it and unfortunately I getting errors for many different expansions saying OSC cannot find sample and here is an example below. Any idea how to fix it?

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