KVR-audio.com your opinions

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Kookaboo, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    uuups simple own goal kokaboo
  2. RompiBalle

    RompiBalle Newbie

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Mr u-he, your presence here makes me think you are following warez with passion :rofl:
    i think you belong to the category of developers who don't want to see your own softwares ever cracked - we know how to reverse ourselves. We take a crack, we compare it to the original, we get the bytes that were changed. We not only have the disassembly of those sections, we can also see which line of code was altered - original source code! -
    It's good to know that you know half of the cracks around for u-he softwares :bleh:

    @Kookaboo, stop to fight against him, he is a developer and he is trying to defend his own work - cracks for him mean less money!
    if I can, I support always devs because they make softwares - not the crackers - and, if the softwares are good, they deserve to be supported! :wink:
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    @ u-he

    Team xdb is no more!
    Ceased operations since quite a while.
    Useless to drop fuel on a dead fire.
    End of discussion.

  4. u-he

    u-he Noisemaker

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Great news, I must have missed their good bye email.

    So you're not going to upload cracks whatsoever of our stuff anymore? That would be even better news!
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi Urs,

    with this I confirm that no other stuff will be ever released by Team xdb.
    And I promise you that I will never share any "manipulated" U-he software.
    It would be very fine if you could adopt a generous demo-policy.
    Thank you all.

    Alles Gute Urs!
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats interesting: http://kvrsucks.freevar.com/

    @kookaboo you still own me the answer what you have posted - so the reason why you got banned over on kvraudio.com -!

    what you mean with generous demo-policy?
    the current demo policy is fine imo, you can test everything the way you want, maybe the 30 days are a bit to low imo.
    Maybe think about saving, but not recalling unless you buy the full version? so you can save patches for later when you bought it and this is an additional motivation to buy it.
    (but only when the tester has not interested before to not buy, but only use the cracked version)
  7. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    true , personal i find the demo policy @u-he not that bad , there are many other developer arround which gives you 7 Days , 10 Days or 15 days trials or demos and some even with an needed dongle !

    imo i would more like see if developer adopt an nfr system , where you can buy software with nfr policy cheaper or something like this
  8. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    The discussion is not dead, you just don't want to hear anymore counter points. now lets get back to the original topic. KVR is banning people because they openly admit that they use cracked software. Big deal, They can do whatever they want on their forum, I don't see why people are getting upset about it. There are plenty of better forums for that type of stuff anyways. I also don't understand why everybody is bashing Urs. The man is trying to run a business and needs to profit in order to maintain that business. It's not a very complicated thing to understand, it's basic 5th grade economics. If people don't like his products then don't use them, but to bash him because you don't like his attitude is just asinine.

    @ Urs, you and I have gone round and around plenty of times before but chances are you did not know at the time all of that was from 1 person and if you did, even better 'cause from my point of view and many of the Crackers that I know, you have always been a level headed guy and have always shown respect. I still keep a copy of the e-mails that you sent to TEAM ASSiGNs old hushmail from years ago, some good stuff in that, Respect was shown by all and that is how it should always be. You were not an asshole at all. Too bad that most here never got a chance to see what a good sport you really are. Please keep up the great work and keep working on your protections, My friends are always up for your challenge.

    BTW URS, I own 3 products you made but before I actually got a chance to figure it all out. I had to switch up the a warez version to buy enough time and to get to know the product and see if I really could use any of them. Not your fault. I just am 1 of those types that need longer to warm up to a new product before I spend money. it's not like the old days when I could walk in to a store, play a synth for hours, repeat that for 6 months every weekend before I had enough money to buy it. I knew what I was in for before I gave up any of my money. Hope you understand
  9. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    At least one can know a person from what he says or does.

    From all what I read from you here and on Audioz (and KVR), simply all impressions are pointing to the fact that you are just sick in your mind. I could elaborate, but I don't waste my time on that any more.

    You seem to be obsessed especially with U-he because you know that you will never get a working crack from their excellent software, and you are not man enough to admit that.

    It's simply astonshing that Urs wastes his time discussing this stuff at all...it's like discussing with a bipolar teenager, what could anybody get from that (ok, a bit of fun maybe, but what else)?

    I use cracks myself, but I don't need those lame excuses (no money, need for proper, 'extended trial' or whatever people come up with).
  10. MorteKai

    MorteKai Ultrasonic

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Anhedonia, 64 Light years away
    I only use KVRaudio to search for latest news, or when looking for similar products,.... other than that, I don't use it for much, I find that it's a bit hypocritical of them to ban people for even mentioning warez,... yet they are more than happy to promote Preset/Sample packs, as this in turns bring in more users,... and the more users that use the site,.... the more they can charge the developer for advertising, (for all you know, those packs might have been developed using cracked software.).... so indirectly, they could be making money off of cracked software.

    Besides that,.. I find it to be a very close-knit community, where EVERYBODY is an self proclaimed expert, perhaps they are,.. who knows.
    then the ratings/reviews done by users,.... NOT HELPFUL IN ANY WAY!!! as there are so many variables that come in to play.

    As for cracked software,... or the discussion about whether software can be cracked. I still say, "If it's created by man, it will cracked by man" while one might take precautions to stop this,... it's rather arrogant to think that one can be the best and create UN-Crackable software,.... there is always someone better than you out there.
    (well, that's just my opinion anyway) :sad:
  11. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Anything can be cracked eventually if someone(s)take the time but that again is not the topic, the topic is KVR and they banning people that admit to using cracked software. on that I says who cares but for some personal reason Urs got called out and said his 2 cents. Personally I think it's great that a developer pays attention too all things about the product good or bad. If more developers had the same attitude 15 years ago, the scene would be different. I've read all Urs has to type both in private e-mails to my cracker friends and on all of the Forums.. The man has never ever been a dick about his stuff being cracked. Without going in to details but he even once congratulated ASSiGN with a very polite and witty response. Told them "great try with that but did you find this or this other protection I use" It was a great read. Anyone ever notice that Zebra resorts to a release number in the registration when the protection kicks in...LOL URS did that on purpose 'cause that was a release number of ASSiGNS tries at Zebra. I can't remember what it was but it was funny at the time. Trust me people there is always more to the story than just 1 guys opinion, including mine and yours!!
  12. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    Maybe the opinion of a very vexed person but he revealed many true things regarding KVR.

    An excerpt:
    "KVRAudio will ban anybody who doesn't toe 'the party line', anybody who questions whether this or that VST is worth buying, anybody who shows up their 'clique' of arrogant little saddoes, who spend their entire lives on the forums, policing everything everybody says."

    Read more @

  13. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    are this your site Kookaboo ? i ask because that you are now coming up again with this (after it was mentioned earlier) , after the whole thread , and i found the thread over there at KVR , tbh no wonder why they have ban you there !

    maybe try to learn thinking and thinking twice and third before you write anything
  14. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    @ kook I do not want or need to read more, you are entitled to your opinions. I'm not going to waste my time validating them or counterpointing them BUT remember you opinion and mine are like assholes, everybody has one. What you did here was nothing more than a public cry for acceptance because you feel(like many other warez users) disregarded by KVR. C'mom man, We all are adults here, time to act as such or are you really let a few people and the stuff they type get to you?? It's just a few words on some forum. maybe you need to get out more and stop trying to be the tail that wags the dog, life does not work that way.
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you are late Kook, posted about 10 posts before.

    just keep calm, again what you expect going in a dev-forum and talking about cracks and how good reversing is? :dunno:

    here is the thread with Kookaboo as "Delfinoverde" and yes it was right to ban you.

    so now we can talk about, all cards are now on the desk.
  16. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    GOSH! So much cash? for advertising on such a mediocre site?
    So this explains why they FEAR confrontations with real facts…
    ……of this world.
  17. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    - Everything for free but my(our) work.

    - Liberty to do or express myself as I please but not to others.(unless I agree with).

    This doesn`t feel right to me...

    First of all, I don`t have anything to do with KVR nor Uhe.

    Try taking out everything in your computer that you didn`t create yourself.
    Take also all the software you didin`t buy.

    See what you end up with and try to spend just a week living without them.
    One can see how much creativity one has ( or how miserable or dependent one is )

    These are facts in this world. So much reality can be unbearable to some of us...

    Without a developer there is no product - Developer-User...we...).
    Insulting them doesn`t seem a good idea to me...

    Please, support the developer whenever you can and be grateful for what you have. *yes*
  18. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Last time I checked U-he (and other audio software companies) were not part of the charity business.

    The "no money" argument ist one of the lamest concerning the use of warez. There is so much excellent freeware available, and no one can tell me not to be able to pay at least 60 bucks for Reaper. If that's the case, one maybe should go for a less expensive hobby, like painting of writing.

    I'd also love to drive a Porsche, but I cannot affort, so I drive a cheap car - which also brings me from A to B, not that fast and shiny of course.
  19. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    Good points of view.
    But developers +their Forum boards aren't flexible enough to let pass such statements.
    They prefer instead to "demonize" thus creating a sort of collective identity > Buying customer = good one,
    User of cracks = bad one. They see black/white only, they don't want to see other tonalities!
    They don't want to hear that many users of cracks come from poorer developed countries, or that they
    belong to a poorer social class. They're mentally stuck in the old days where only wealthy people could
    afford it to bring out vinyl records or CD's. So the real fear behind all those fears is the loss of their
    "status quo", of getting "degraded" to the same level like anybody else of the working/unemployed class.

  20. lapsang

    lapsang Newbie

    Feb 4, 2014
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    This whole "poorer" status/class is completely bullshit. If you are "rich" enough to afford a computer+sound card+monitors+other hardware to run a DAW and average VSTs then there is no excuse, you CAN afford most of the plug-ins out there. You just DON'T want to. Be honest, it's much easier. The problem with software is that you can't touch it, hence you think it's ok to pirate it.

    I usually buy around xmas sales and black fridays and from resellers (or even used if possible).

    Do you need a DAW? Reaper is just $60 (discounted option)
    Do you need an orchestra? There's Miroslav Philharmonik for $27 (usually on audiodeluxe, now is $50, or even free if you buy some ik multimedia hardware)
    Do you need basic plug-ins? http://www.musicradar.com/tuition/tech/the-27-best-free-vst-plug-ins-in-the-world-today-277953/1
    Do you need generic sample libraries? Buy an used Kontakt 4 (I bought one for $150) and get around 40 GB of EVERYTHING, orchestra, guitars, bass, synths. Then you can even buy CHEAP 3rd party Kontakt libraries that are usually around $10.

    What else do you really need?

    If you buy all the things I said and even something more, you are going to spend less than $300. That's like $.82 cent per day in one year.
    If you have a computer to run all these things you probably spent around $500+ for a computer/laptop, $100+ sound card, $150+ monitors, etc... that's at least $750.
    Do you really need to run WAVES plug-ins on a cheap setup like that? If you have a much powerful setup, then 82 cents/day are basically nothing for you. I buy WAVES plug-ins ultra cheap at black friday/cyber monday, every year they give you one plug-in free.

    How much do you spend on coffee every week? Even if it's just a couple per week, you can save around $200 per year. You can do a lot with that.
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