KVR-audio.com your opinions

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Kookaboo, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    KVR-audio.com your opinions please, if you like.

    :excl: Kvraudio is banning people from their site only because they use cracks and admit it openly.
    What do you think about this weird behavior? What's behind their image of "o'-so-honest" folks?
    I personally think that the site's main target is to promote developers. Well, some are good,
    others are really bad, like for example Mr. Urs Heckmann (U-he). He repeatedly uses arrogant
    tones in his language, constantly trying to be a kind of "messiah" trying to convince people
    that cracks shouldn't be used, especially U-he cracks!

    It's more than obvious that he's using the board for his "holy mission".
    Furthermore he's a LIAR because he states nonsense like: there hasn't been any U-he crack around
    since years. What a BULLSHIT! :snuffy: Everybody knows that successful U-he cracks ARE around!
    It's evident, Mr.Heckmann got spoiled by commercial success.
    Some folks @ kvraudio are just his bootlickers.

  3. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I don't know, why not accept reality, if it wasn't for the cracked software its software would not be as well known.
    I think that piracy today in day already should be taken as a strategy to promote their products (issue that does not want to admit) and not the black beast that shoot down anything that comes.
    Yes, I think that it hurts small developers, but I am sure that those who have ever used pirated software, they will spend to buy legitimate licenses for their products.
  4. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Well, they have their interest and defend it a lot.
    Its no a place of mates like here its a n industry site, but they have a lot of information there,
    Some pluins maker wven do not have their own site and post everything there...
    0on3, that I have great respec, hate it a lot...
  5. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, Kookaboo,

    perhaps you should share some quotes (or even better, the whole discussion) resulting in such outstandingly rigorous measures... :bow:

    all the best... :bow:
  6. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    They charge up to $2000 a month per slot for advertising on the site...

    Its big business...

    I can see why they side with developers...

    Plus hosting a site with that much traffic must be costly...
  7. I totally dig on their Developer Challenge. Bootsy usually has an offering and others are very creative with their submissions. There is a new 2014 challenge warming up as we speak. Plugins are all free and one can vote for your favorites. There are modest cash prizes and the winner is spotlighted at a major software extravaganza gathering. It is good fun, this bit.
  8. u-he

    u-he Noisemaker

    Sep 4, 2013
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    First you upload and distribute our software, then you wonder why I keep calling you out? I want some of what you're smoking. (Or maybe, better not…)

    So I take it, you're assessory to Team xdb. You also keep repeating about how you know crackers that are "real artists". I guess that means, Team xdb are those "true artists" you're talking about. Then please show me a single crack of our stuff by Team xdb that works. Lol. Team R2R gave you some great tips, but they didn't tell you about the checksum method, among other things. Your idols only switched the demo counter off without noticing its backup system. Hence it didn't work properly. Those "cracks" stop working at some point, all of them, for people who actually create music.

    How do we know? - Simple, we know how to reverse ourselves. We take a crack, we compare it to the original, we get the bytes that were changed. We not only have the disassembly of those sections, we can also see which line of code was altered - original source code! Hence we also see which timebombs haven't been altered at all. It's quite simple for us to find out, really. And so it happens. People get black spots, or melting UIs or expiration notices. Often these notices contain weblinks. When such a link is pressed, a browser window opens a certain website (ours…). From the urls we see where they come from, and which timebomb they went into. Guess what, we get urls from every single "crack" that was ever released, hundreds each month. Thus, what you say is plain bananas.

    Stating otherwise is either denial or delusion - and makes your post here look rather pathetic, don't you think?

    - Urs
  9. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    A lot of small niche developers have their product (free or commercial) forum hosted in KVR - that's a good thing.

    There's forums for DIY hardware and software hackers and tech. boffins - that's a good thing.

    Their database of developers and their product (free, commercial, multiplatform etc.) is a great resource - that's a good thing.
    But there a many more not included in KVR, such as at myVST, VSTplanet , VST4free...
  10. Engernettix

    Engernettix Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Every time I go visit KVR for 'nuggets of information' I am never satisfied or for-filled in what I find. I respect the developers for finding a home there and I guess its kinda cheeky saying you obtain there software for free. Personally I stick with the h20 idea of try before you buy - something I am actually quite proud of.
  11. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    @ u-he

    Mr.Heckmann I'm not interested in your products.
    I will boycott U-he products and never buy anything from you.

    And you should know that EVERYBODY can become to a distributor of pirated software.
    The teams just use "normal" folks to avoid exposure & prosecution.
    By the way: It was Team xdb - not dbx.
    So please stop writing nonsense here and there.
  12. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    the only people i can see in this post for now which writes nonsene are definetly you Mr. Kookaboo
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    with "adminting your are cracking+using cracks" its like with showing your penis in the public, do not do it simply, stay calm and dont write "im using your product cracked, etc - its also not really respectful, i mean its the same going into the ableton forum or FL Studio forum and write there down "hey guys im using your software cracked".

    Therefore its fine for people in the kvrforum to ban people doing this.

    @Kookaboo, its uhe's forum, they have the right to ban you, when you talk about cracks (which is also against the rules there!)

    i am closing the topic now, sick of this.
  14. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Why would you do that?

    If you don't like them just don't use them, but boycott.... it's a nonsense.

    C'mon the guy is the owner of the plug, not a simple programmer but the owner

    He is just doing what he is supposed to do.
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Right it's fine for KVR to do this but when I ban someone for far greater transgressions we are being tyrants, there's no double standards there at all. :wow:

    I don't think this thread should have been locked. He's not breaking any rules, you guys just happen to not agree with him. You may not like what he has to say but he has a right to say it. That is the AudioSex difference.
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Kookaboo can you show how the conversation was going between you and Urs (Uhe)? or what you wrote?

    @nadirtozenith dont think uhe will be sad about Kookaboo boykott them.
  17. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, friends, hello, foes,

    excuse, pray, my denseness, perhaps dumbness even, but how does, exactly, one utilise the intended boycott of any software? :dunno:

    the court jester of the emperor of utopia wishes us loads more understanding... :bow:

    post scriptum... ArticStorm, this here me just wonders about what might the imagined results of such intentions, being dreadful as these, be... :dunno:
  18. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi mates, I'm sorry but i didn't want to cause any troubles.
    I just wanted to express my opinion on this board since on KVR
    it's not possible to make open, uncensored discussions.
    So please stay calm.

    To U-he:
    Mr.Heckmann I did not want to start a war with you but I found
    some of your comments very irritating, so I replied with my sincere
    opinion, 'cause I'm not a developer concerned about piracy.
    Please consider and respect the views and opinions of other people.
    Let's not spoil the www with useless things and keep acting civilized,
    it's better to have peace of mind.

    Thank you all
  19. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Don't know who are you referring to, but you , as a moderator or Vice-administrator, or whatever you wanna call it :bleh: , have the absolute right to ban whoever you think has broken the rules. Like the Kvr people.

    And you have to agree that talking about using cracks in KVR's companies forums is kinda... :wow: and they have the absolute right (i think more than in this forum) to ban people if they are clearly speaking about the use of cracks.

    Sometimes we think that internet is a free zone and we have the right to speak about everything or do whatever we want, but some sites are private business, run by companies or individuals which have the right to choose what it is said in their places.

    I'm sure they think that some comments made by some users can harm their companies financially, or the company interests and that's the reason they ban them.

    Just my 2 cents about the kvr thing.
  20. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Mr.Heckmann and some other developers have nothing to worry about. I say this with all due respect for the people who have given us many fully working apps to try before we buy, but the truth is there are no teams out there at this time that can PROPERLY crack the more complicated copy protected apps; U-he's apps being some of them. I won't name names, but you all know what teams and devs I'm talking about.
  21. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm referring to a slew of people that get on me for my decisions here and elsewhere. By the way the Vice-Administrator and AudioSex Mentor titles weren't selected by me, SAiNT was the one that assigned them and the first one comes with access and capabilities that moderators don't have. Just explaining so that I don't get accused of being self-centered or egotistical, don't know if your comment was a stab at that or not. I agree that KVR might not be the best place to bring this topic up because it's taboo and looked down unfavorably by the devs there though it likely made them famous in the first place. It just makes me happy that there is a place where you can talk about anything so long as you do it respectfully and don't break a few simple rules, that to me is the future. I will give you the other side of the coin in which companies talk very disrespectfully about certain people like 0on3 and yet somehow that is allowed. Selectively choosing how to portray a person or a movement when it is oftentimes not even remotely true while denying the ability to present an accurate counterargument is unfair. If they don't want warez discussed then they should also not badmouth anyone because otherwise it seems they are only okay with it so long as they come out favorably in that discussion which is utter hypocritical bullshit.
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