I started playing around with cursor ( https://www.cursor.com/ ) AI coding app. Ive built simple plugins with it. Im starting to build a google calendar that feels like a daw. Since i spend so much time in a place that views time from left to right. I had it build me a crude version of a calendar that represents my day. The reason im posting this. Does anyone else see time from left to right like I do? Here is a crude version that cursor had me build. Any features you would want? Im going to make it so you can drag events from tasks and vice versa. Check it out: LARGE - https://i.imgur.com/shSyS7S.png
ooo good point.. maybe i can get it to zoom out to week view and you can zoom into each day and see it as a timeline. just like zooming in and out of waves on a timeline.
How about a "fold" option like in Ableton's piano roll to show only all busy times next to each other? Days wouldn't have all the same width anymore but you'd still be able to move events between the different categories and busy days would be shown as wider days.
yes definitely, I'd blame my lifetime use of DAWs and NLEs all having horizontal timelines, I hate when calendars are vertical
Im also of thinking of making a minimeters style view where you could have your cal at the bottom of your screen or on top. while youre working.
That's actually interesting. I can send over a marketing survey (Google Forms) if you're looking into user opinions and have a mail list where you could sample from. I just finished running such surveys for my own plugin days ago. BTW, is Cursor good for VST plugins? Does it combine well with Juce?