Meditation. Danger. Beware. Recent Discovery.

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Crash Davis, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Indian court asked to rule on whether Hindu guru dead or meditating.
    My link

    His body is in a freezer until the court decides. His followers fear to cremate him alive.

    I never knew that meditation could be so dangerous.


    I meditate to help me give up drugs, cigarettes, gambling,
    drinking, promiscuous sex and my compulsion to drive much faster than 100 mph.
    But I refuse to do dangerous things, like meditating until I'm buried alive.

    Please help. Has meditation helped you and how? Has it hurt you or frighten you in some way?
  3. halcyo

    halcyo Newbie

    Dec 11, 2013
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    Not sure if serious.....hmmm :snuffy:
  4. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Serious. This was on NBC news. My link

    Genuine Search for Advice: I sometimes think that meditation leads to disturbing conclusions.
  5. vst mama

    vst mama Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Meditation is for not-knowing people, for beginners.
    Only rules, traditions, a real mess. As a religion...
    Meditation is.... like cosmetics. Nothing happens inside, but only to the surface..
    Each meditation leads you away from the truth.

    Self-knowledge - that is only true.
    Which is the source, rom everything.
    The source of all meditations, ways, and knowledge..
    (...and, of course - also the source of music)
  6. moocha

    moocha Newbie

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Head of a Pin
    Obviously it has a benefit to some people. It is said it's an effort to "destroy" the ego. When thought is stilled, one begins return to source...conception and thinking is what can get us into trouble. Generally I think meditation is not exactly for the "ego".
  7. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Chill, I am an Indian & such news are very common.
    Don't pay attention on such stuff.

    Meditation wont help alone, try yoga too
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    im meditation for 15 year on and off.

    my benefits are that i can better concentrate on the thing im during right now, i breath deeper, live more in the moment, my muscles are relaxed more than before. (i had some really rough times in those 15 years, where i had problems to walk sometimes, because i was full of anexity)

    well if meditation is really so dangerous, why nobody made a study about it before?
    or is it only the US-media trying to scare their people to keep them in line?

    anyway im continuing with Zen-Mediation and yoga meanwhile, if its not that whats killing, its the industry with their horrible standards in terms of chem. ingredients, etc. :)

    ... but still a good topic to discuss.
  9. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I was hoping to hear from you.
    Now I will share an observation with you. The human ego is fear itself, and hell is in the subconscious.
    I mean that literally. Which kind of takes the glamour out of total self-awareness.
    That dilemma has hindered me, a coward to the marrow. If anyone here is qualified, I'd like to hear your thoughts (solutions) related to THAT subject.
    Or does somebody really believe mindfulness (self-awareness) is just a picnic in the park?
    By the way, I spent 30 years in upper Arctic Alaska -- polar ice cap, polar bears -- and it is starkly beautiful, ArcticStorm.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well i remember a story where a man in tibet died while he was meditation, but this man was over hundred years.

    after all those religions i think one can find in you, something - i think thats what makes us special. its basical what you are and were you want to go in the future, when you havnt found this, you are really lost in that world.
    so self-awareness is for everybody something different (the religion, tries only to set a word with meaning for it).

    so when you sit down and meditate, you can reflect over everything which is connected with you or is going in your thoughts. i have seen an other technique being so powerful in that way to empty yourself and get back to yourself at the same time.

    you are right - self-awareness isnt a picnic in the park, its more like to discover the world around live in the moment with all senses.

    and thats what makes it so dangerous for the US, the industry - you are for example in a market and ads can reach you, because you are already cleared what you want and that you not really need the stuff offered in the ads.
    this goes over the whole daily routine, you always see things different, thats why NBC, the US media is trying to let meditation look bad w/o any empiric proof at all or do they mention any studies about this?

    i beleive you, Alaska is a magical place for meditation finding to yourself, you actual can enjoy yourself and the nature, w/o getting compromised by any media or mobiles.
  11. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    Buddha was asked what he had gained from meditation.
    "Nothing." he replied.
    "However", Buddha said, "Let me tell you what I have lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death."
    You don't meditate to get anything.
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well you get something freedom actual from all the things you have on your back the whole time.
    but yes i agree with that, really good quote, will write it down here.

    well here in the western world, you meditate to get something, maybe not the right way according to the buddha way.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I've read some excellent scientific research on the benefits of meditation but stories like this scare the crap out of me...that there is actually a court on this planet that has to rule whether someone is meditating or dead. What a sad world we live in.

    There is no Buddha in the mystical sense of the word. It's just another superstition, there are so many. Why would I want to get rid of anger, one of the greatest motivating forces on this planet. Happy isn't always good, anger isn't always bad. It all depends on how it's used.​
  14. For me meditation helps to create space between input and reaction, allowing me to decide rather than to react, a kind of being here now and not dragged around or stampeded by wispy ghosts both past and present.
  15. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    So glad that you joined it. I'm running out of steam to keep it rolling. (Awake for 36 hours, now, and I've got a dinner date.) But running out of steam ain't always bad. My concept of Buddha is everybody and nobody, simultaneously. That's also how I think of God. Does that make me a humanist? I hope so. How can I stay awake for days and remain coherent? Meditation mixed with genes from wolves. (I lied about taking drugs and drinking. Shame forever on me.)
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't know, I don't think about God. I don't know what kind of twisted God would ever have created the freakshow called planet Earth to play little games with us. And if there really is such a God then I don't want to play this game. *no*
  17. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Still going to continue to learn to meditate as the benefits outweigh the risk although a little paranoid now.

    P.S. I believe in God and Jesus but not Buddha.
  18. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    The closest I get to meditation is prayer.

    Gotta say, since I started chin wagging to the Big Boss, my life and the things around me, just seem so much..... MORE!

    Hard to explain really. I always envied people with true faith, like they had something that I would never have cus my mind is far too 21st century, science led, logic driven to find any solace in religion. What a strange a twisty path we tread. The further I look into quantum physics (the double slit experiment.... Whaaaaaa?!?), plasma theory, etc, the more I saw an awful lot of "theory" and "belief systems" built upon more theories and belief systems. Darwinsm for example

    Anyhoo, like I said, my life is just more MORE knowing there is in fact..... MORE!!!

    Hope you find that which you seek Brother and that it doesn`t end up with you in a fridge!!! :wow:
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm allergic to the word because it has become attached to control over people's vision and that I consider the real sacrilege. People are so dependent on science for so many important things yet treat it like dogma which it most certainly is not.

    The way you describe it is as if scientists woke up one day and decided that we evolved from other lifeforms on a whim which we most certainly did and there is quite a bit of evidence available in this regard which you so callously discount. What do you want them to do have irrefutable evidence about the meaning of existence? That is not the role of science but rather to give the closest approximation of what the world really is. I think you're expecting too much. People complain about science yet for some reason when they get sick they're not visiting faith healers but rather doctors. The difference between science and god is that if a theory is ever proven wrong it will correct itself, people's views on God never do. There have been experiments in which a part of someone's brain was stimulated and they came out of it speaking about having such a profound religious experience but yet we know that wasn't the case. People believe in God for one reason: fear. They cannot accept the world as it is so that have to give it some order or some kind of grand meaning. The fact that they get to live and experience is not imbued with enough majesty for them. Nobody wants to hear that they will die one day and become food for other lifeforms, that is not comforting after all. Science is not concerned with comfort, it is concerned with truth.

  20. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    I may have given the incorrect idea that I am Buddhist. I am not. I do, however find wisdom in the words of they be recognized as "Masters" or some hobo who lives in a box behind iHop. (BTW, I have had conversations with a few of the great unwashed and a lot of them are great observers of the human condition)
    I have an idea for those who cannot believe God made this miserable world: What if God didn't? What if our fucked up perception is the world? Maybe our collective unconscious formed the great satan called the ego? What if we believe this great satan to be God?
    "IF" is a motherfucker, huh?
  21. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Interesting topic, started from bull shit thought.
    I shared most of your view Catalyst and superliquid23

    God is our mind, with all the crap it implies if we don't let it a bit opened
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