AI stealing people's content

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tzzsmk, Nov 28, 2024.

  1. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    How did people make music before the invention of AI and the Internet?

  2. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    brain.exe is not a valid MacOS application and has been deleted.
  3. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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  4. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Thanks @Lemmy for the news, here it is again for reading or translating!

    Want AI to make you a hit song? Bad news. New copyright law means that you’ll never earn a penny from it

    What does all this mean?

    Well, the new ruling is clearly bad news for anyone currently getting rich (or planning to) while AI does all the hard work. Particularly for the platforms and services that were hoping to make money by training AI on existing work and giving it to users to run wild.

    At the same time, the subtle difference in "AI tools" is good news for new technology providers, as it enables advances in sound enhancement and synthesis.
  5. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    This century people can and will exploit holes they find in it. I can see one already. A musician who can play every instrument, could let the A.I generate the tune, then go into their DAW and play every instrument. The computer systems will know it's real which will circumvent the 'is it a machine' tests. Hopefully decent musicians will prefer to write it themselves, but as I insinuated, not everyone has integrity.
  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The criminals of this world are already using AI to commit crimes.
  7. nctechno

    nctechno Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Also if AI generated work is indistiguishable from from human made work, which will happen 100% and rather sooner than later, no law will prevent anything as you can just claim you made it yourself and there is no way to find out.
  8. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Everything must change. This has been true for centuries. There is also the possibility that like the writer's strike with actors not so long ago, that eventually people will get fed up with everything sounding the same or feeling that they are being replaced, and make it that unless it has been witnessed as being played and recorded by real musicians, it becomes relegated to what it always has been - computer generated music. People who want either of the two will buy either.

    It also separates the men from the boys metaphorically, or more correctly, the musicians who need nothing but a musical instrument and the ones who cannot make music without a computer/sequencer. People want change. Sometimes human beings are a little slow on the uptake, but eventually, they get fed up with ad nauseum of the same thing.
  9. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I live in LA and most of my friends who write on Movies and TV say that 90% of the time they are still using AI to help flesh out ideas. Just like how people are using the music tools to help flesh out ideas.

    Its part of our future like it or not. Find a way to integrate it if you want to. Or dont. It doesnt matter.
  10. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    exactly. i too am in Hell-A (born and raised, a rarity). I too have found a large portion of the professional world i work in, which is mostly film, TV, advertising, have all adopted "AI" to some capacity. Comedy writers as well, and of course producers.

    I use it daily. I have a request from a client, i will immediately hit suno, and basically copy paste the clients request to help generate ideas for me. I will replace everything, nothing from suno is in my final work, but it lays the groundwork for what i am to create. The flipside of that, when i want to make something non work related, something like ambient techno, left field bass music, jungle etc, i'll just start messing around, no suno. I will still use "AI" generated chord progressions, midi drum grooves, etc, or "AI" plugins, as well as occasionally using suno as sample fodder.
  11. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    yessir! its funny how forward facing this strike stuff was all anti AI but they closet embrace it. My friend legit said they will be stuck on an idea in the writers room and someone will come back from the bathroom like "I GOT IT!!!!" :rofl:

    as for this video. the dude is right in some spots. Also that law he is talking about is pretty much there so you dont spam gen AI and flood the DSPs with mid content.

    You can still use AI as a tool in your process and take elements from it to build upon.
  12. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Yes I guess you and your friends will have to live with it.
    People are waking up and now as for anything A.I generated - see below. Good luck getting money from it and if they're caught check out the transcript from the court case, you can find it online. A mortgage would be cheaper, if caught.

    If they are your friends, then you should tell them not to advertise they are getting their ideas from A.I. It could become costly now, for them. It carries into all publicly available music, especially film.[​IMG]

    Ambiguous - Read the court case transcript. You may learn something - it is all music mediums, including film.

    If your friends sat with a Director who asked them to play an idea against what they were just told and they said "Hang on, I'll just get the A.I to find something", one of two things would happen. They will get fired, or the Director will figure they can do that themselves without paying anyone and still fire them. In higher level film work the Director will sit with the writer.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2025
  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Generative artificial intelligence - unfortunately also a superpower for cyber criminals

    Protect yourself from cybercriminals who are now using even more perfidious methods to defraud people thanks to learning AI and data theft.

    Generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI) not only opens up opportunities for innovative developments, but also offers cybercriminals the chance to commit crimes, particularly in the area of cybercrime. The ability of generative AI to generate text, images and even speech harbors many potential dangers.

    Cybercrime with the help of generative AI

    - Social engineering
    - phishing
    - Deepfake
    - Social bots
    - Online fraud/fake shops
    - Money laundering

    All of these methods are conceivable scenarios that are frightening and have serious consequences and only hint at the potential financial damage, psychological consequences for victims and the potential impact on our society as a whole.

  14. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    This is awesome! Thats what im saying! Use a pencil, score a orchestra, load up a kontakt library, Find a sample, Use AI. These are all tools. Use whatever you want to create with! Thats the beauty of creating! You have an idea you want to get out and you find the path of least resistance to get it out. Grab a violin, Pull out your midi controller, Sing a melody into suno and use covers to flesh out the idea thats in your head.

    I do AI advising with netflix. They tell me how many times they have to iterate on a score. Then the director makes an edit, then they have to change things either by re recording or changing in post. They are able to use modern tools to help the move stay on track and in budget, then they hire a orchestra to do the final score.

    As for the court transcript its like i said in my previous post. If you hit generate and publish thats where the rub is. But if you use these tools in a creative way to be part of your sonic landscape then its ok. Its not taking away from the artists in the data sets. Its adding to artistry by the way you manipulate sound.
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  15. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I think people just think AI is input output.

    "give me a hans zimmer song about dogs" ....... waits a few seconds.. Puts that in the new air bud movie.

    But the pros that are using these tools are really going deep by using them like an instrument layer in their creation. not the whole thing.

    There is a place for that generative music tough. It lives on these platforms. Its actually a great community of people who can share their music with each other. Both can exist! DSPs can host all types of music created by whatever tools the artists choose AI included.

    These AI platforms can host music solely made on them. Everyone wins!
  16. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    from my experience, nobody is "waking up". The only thing the film studios, music supervisors, ad agency's etc are waking up to, is that they want their material for as cheap as possible. Sure, there are always the mega blockbusters that have infinite budget, but the netflix shows, Home Depot commercials, indie films etc, want whatever they can get that fits the budget, and that means using AI. For writing, editing, VFX voiceovers, or whatever, and that definitely includes music.

    As far as that law goes, it means nothing. It only means you cant copyright a song that is the direct output of suno. You can still use any of these tools to generate ideas, and then just replace everything. You can even use parts of the generated content, from what i understand. As long as you change it enough, or add enough of your own workings to the suno generated work.

    Why would i labor for X amount of time with pencil and paper, when i can have a great launch point in seconds, and then spend a day fine tuning it, layering everything, mixing, and by end of day have a presentable product. ESPECIALLY when Joe Schmo next door, and all of his extended family, and everyone he went to high school with, and half of Los Angeles, are also shooting for the same gig i am, and they are all using ai.

    When i want to create for the sake of creation, as a labor of love, for personal projects, or friends projects etc, THEN i can slow down and compose in a traditional sense. When it comes to an insanely competitive music industry though, i'll use whatever tool gets me there fastest, while still maintaining quality and my reputation.

    What it boils down to, is AI is just another tool, and to me an invaluable one. Greatly helping me to maximize my output, and stay competitive in a very competitive world.
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  17. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    if people advertise they are using A.I. The Directors and Producer's who fund the films will do it themselves.
    People are waking up and the people who book artists will especially because they can do it themselves and not pay anyone. Advertising agencies are already doing it. It's one thing to use a tool that helps, it's another to tell people and do yourself out of a job because if anyone can do it, without one single instrument skill, then as you said they will do it as cheap as possible, which means they'll do it themselves.

    also if you read the transcript it says "Any A.I generated" not just Suno.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2025
  18. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    A law of nature is Panta Rhei: everything flows and everything changes, nothing stays the same!

    To be better than the competition, you have to have a lot of ideas, a lot of skills, a lot of intelligence and a lot of hard work. Since the working time of professionals costs a lot of money, some will use AI tools to save time, while others will continue to work as before.

    It may well be that film music a la Hans Zimmer will be done by an AI at some point, because the budget is getting tighter due to less film sales and other cost increases. Because it must be clear that if people no longer buy enough musical products or consume enough movies, they will have to compensate for the lack of sales.

    If a product is no longer in demand, there are two options: either you offer a better product or you disappear from the market. The buyer also decides on quality with his purchase decision.
  19. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    My point remains, being that if anyone can do it, anyone without the slightest musical skill, they will do it to cut costs and cease employing anyone else. It's just business. If this is what people want then they need to not whine and moan when the work dries up.
    Advertising agencies rarely employ people now because many do it all in-house and already use A.I.
    If this is what people want fine, just don't whine about it when nobody books them anymore because the film-makers worked out how to do it themselves.
  20. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    I made a career from it too. I am not adverse to change. The thing is, if you do the advising, then one day, they may decide they can cut out the middle-men which is your friends and get you to do it instead, a one-stop-shop.
    That is not illogical. I hope not, but there will be some companies that will.

    What effectively happens as a long-term result if the above occurred, is that there will no longer be musicians and composers, only entertainment advisors who do everything with an A.I.
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