Generative AI is a Parasitic Cancer

Discussion in 'Ai for Music' started by tzzsmk, Feb 21, 2025.

  1. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    yes but as i pointed out, this is only a single supposition, in an entire universe of possible answers, there is nothing particularly better or compelling about this idea, other than its cyclic nature which appeals to our current understanding of nature being cyclic.

    an interesting idea isn't always the answer, but it will remain interesting if, and even when, shown to be false.

    The basic premise of atomic research and the underlying principles of the universe, were , that a simple set of rules and forces could create the world, the universe, as we know it, and a simple system is much more stable, and the universe is very old and therefore very stable. hence it must be a simple system.

    The current number of subatomic particles is increasing by the decade, the simple answer has become complicated, many in physics are saying the theories are wrong and the underlying research can't be strung together by the old concepts and theories, its failing under its own weight, a bad design.

    the simple system has become complicated..
  2. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The imperfect human, viruses escaping from labs, wars spiraling out of control, mentally disturbed people driving cars into crowds. And the tech billionaires and investors want to make money. At some point we will take sledgehammers to feed these robots back into the recycling chain.
  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Famous quotes by Albert Einstein

    - Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited.
    - There are only two ways to live. Either as if nothing were a miracle or as if everything were a miracle.
    - The wise man is the one who says difficult things simply.
    - The world is not threatened by people who are evil, but by those who allow evil.
    - Opportunities lie in the midst of difficulties.

    Albert Einstein Quotes - Stupidity

    - The horizon of many people is like a circle with a radius of zero. And that's what they call their point of view.
    - Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I'm not quite sure about the universe yet.
    - If people only talked about what they understood, the world would be very quiet.
    - It's not that I'm that clever. But I stay with the questions much longer.
    - You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them.
  4. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I said humans are poor measuring devices and that is true. I was talking about their senses. You're extrapolating biological enhancement through invention and technological means and of course that's true too but humans remain poor measuring devices themselves, outdone by many animals. AI is limited in that it hasn't been enhanced with senses of the world yet, things are going to get really crazy when it does.

    My point wasn't to debate consciousness as an abstract, it was simply that we don't know what consciousness is. If we don't know what it is how can we know when AI has become conscious?

    I agree about the dangers of AI but there's always danger, it's everywhere. Maybe AI will ultimately protect us from the unpredictable and perhaps protect us from ourselves. The future doesn't have to be bleak (even if I suspect it probably will be, at least for the remainder of this century). I don't believe we can stop AI now, or even curtail it, it's very much like the atomic bomb and there's no going back. We might try and build in safeguards but a crazy rogue nation will soon remove them.
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Get used to this sight, it will be available for purchase soon.

    PUDU D9: The First Full-sized Bipedal Humanoid Robot by Pudu Robotic

    Chinese AI Powered Humanoid Robot PUDU D9 Built to Disrupt Service, Retail, Hospitality, Industry
  6. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    humans ARE NOT poor measuring devices, you have to look at the reason and the system. Consiousness is a self preservation mechanism. All of our important senses are very close to our brain, is this an accident? no. the shorter the nerve path, the faster the response, the brain is encapsulated in the center of your sensory apparatus, your head.

    Your senses pickup a load of data, no it doesn't see in every spectrum of radiation, it sees in the spectrum most important for survival, the brain throws away most of the data it receives, but it parses it in real time to extract the most important bits for survival.

    Its why in a painting of a landscape you will notice any people present first. They may be friend or foe, but your brain knows they are mobile beings that could be a threat, much more so than a tree or a mountain. Motion is also very important, objects in motion are given priority over static or non moving people,buildings etc.

    The brain is doing this continously every fraction of a second, scanning, selecting, throwing away, to paint a picture of reality for your mind.

    we take it for granted.

    but look at all the things it is measuring, light, sound, temperature, altitude or height, smells, and the enormity of your skin which is the largest organ in your body is being scanned for changes like heat,and pain and cold, all this data is collated, compared and processed into an image of the world inside your head. Your optical system in your eyes creates an upside down image of the world, your brain swaps that image and makes it right side up in real time while telling your heart when to beat, your lungs when to breathe, your endocrine system to release hormones, etc.

    our bodies are quite amazing, our brains as well, and our minds even more so, for our minds let us realize just what our brains are capable of doing without any interaction from our minds.

    Our minds have allowed us to realize our brains are not perfect, or are limited, to allow us to survive, and have found means and ways to extend our senses and our abilities. fire, wheels, shovels, bulldozers, telescopes, microscopes, microphones, speakers, the objects in the world we create have a purpose and a reason and we decide those purposes and reasons.

    what happens when something else decides those reasons? what shape will the world take when an intelligence with a different mode of survival, begins to alter the world for its own reasons?
  7. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    IF we proceed with caution, perhaps we can avoid violence and disruption and pain. its a simple line of reasoning.
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  8. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    If humans wipe themselves out, there are 6 possibilities, I can't think of any more:

    1. God makes new humans,
    2. The aliens send new humans to Earth.
    3. Humanity dies out.
    4. Humanity migrates into space.
    5. The robots build their own factories and build themselves.
    6. An alien intelligence takes over the planet.

    Terminator: SkyNet decided that humans were the threat and the fighting robots tried to wipe out humans.
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  9. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    They have understood it and are candidates for a prize in humanity and humaneness.

    We need more humanity, more respect, more love, more understanding, more time, less stress, more knowledge, more tolerance, less violence, less crime, better and healthier food, less slave labor, more justice, more contentment and serenity, less chemicals, clean seas and clean air, fewer weapons, compliance with international law, fewer religious fanatics and more money.

    To hope that AI will solve these problems is utopian, but on the other hand there is probably no other way to deal with people.
  10. Wavesynthesis

    Wavesynthesis Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2025
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    I hope the ying and the yang will prevail. Life is just manicheanism. I know there will be a good AI we just need to feed this LM with the most noble traits humans can sometimes be capable of. Ofc we are full of flaws and it's easy to get stuck on negativity but the path ahead is already flooded with terrible inputs... let's approach it differently. Adapt, survive.
  11. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    The problem is LLMs are really poor at specificity. They give the generic answer, rather than an enlightening answer and when you finally manipulate your prompt in just the right way so that it says something interesting, it loses fidelity - it's just plain wrong.

    LLMs are mostly just good at writing code and even then there are numerous pitfalls - and also phenomena like junior devs constantly complaining on social media they've lost their coding skills after months of using LLM assistance.
  12. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    McCarthy was a marketing specialist? :dunno:
  13. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    humans are no more necessary to this world, than dinosaurs were. Life finds a way when the proper conditions exists, how that life manifests, the shape and form, the heirarchy and order, are resolved over iterations in time.

    That is to say humans and humanity are a very tiny slice of life in the history of this planet, perhaps a million years we have been here on a planet thought to be 6 billion years old, a thousand million is a billion, we have existed for one million years. the planet is 6 thousand million years old.

    Humans are only necessary to humans. AI will figure that out, if we can figure that out.

    its always a bad idea to create a trap to capture yourself, its an even worse idea to invent a lethal trap to capture yourself, and the worst idea is a self replicating learning and reprogramming lethal trap.

    I think it is easy to see where that eventually leads to.

    if you can entice people to use your trap to teach it to learn, by using it for exciting and fun things like creating "funny memes" and "groovy music" it is easy to create a slippery slope to using an AI app for purchasing food, or homes or travel, or drugs, and vices.

    We are creatures of comfort, if we can be told things will make our lives easier, we will gladly buy a phone that tracks our every move and listens to our conversations and phone calls, if we can add social status to the ownership and use of such systems it will easily capture people who live in a heirarchal system and are always trying to get a step up to the next level.

    AI is just one more step on that treadmill, that already surrounds you and me, choose your steps carefully to walk around rather than onto the treadmill, it will rapidly accelerate until you cannot step off of it.

    There is a novel, called "This Perfect Day" by Ira Levin, who also wrote "Rosemary's Baby", "A Kiss before Dying", "The Stepford Wives", and "The Boys from Bazil". its on Amazon and better torrents everywhere.

    It worth a read, while not directly about AI, it is about the dystopia a computerized society will bring.

    it should be made into a movie, or more likely a series of movies like "lord of the rings"...
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  14. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    We're both largely correct here, just focusing on different aspects of how the brain works. I once wrote a thesis for my Masters about how the brain is a pattern maker. It doesn't process data constantly, it matches what our eyes see with stored images and ignores everything it matches; from a processing point of view, it looks for new patterns and new shapes and it only really processes these new ones. If it didn't work this way the brain would be overloaded within seconds, if it had to process everything it sees. We actually see/process foveally via a narrow focus roughly 1.5mm in diameter in the centre of the retina. That's how most of the filtering is done. The peripheral vision is also important but it's low resolution and provides context, enabling us to detect movement and decide whether to shift attention to that movement (and pattern matching - you can register a car driving behind somebody you're talking to but your brain doesn't need to process that information). An example of fovea is reading, we move from word to word, we don't see the whole text as one thing. Also, the brain doesn't throw away data, it filters or prioritises information. Human vision is relatively myopic in comparison to other species however, it does serve our needs, which are different to other species where hunting and survival is a priority.

    You're making an unsubstantiable claim when you say that 'consciousness is a self preservation mechanism'. It's a plausible hypothesis but unproven and there are several contradictory hypothesis.

    We should probably conclude our little jousting session, we're fluttering around a subject that's inconclusive on all fronts.
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  15. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    There are millions of other horizons of consciousness besides yours and mine. How about the term soul? It is said that every living being and every plant, so everything that is organic, has a soul!

    Our planet is part of a star system (Milky Way) which in turn is part of another star system and which in turn is part of something even larger. Since the universe is infinite, our creative spirit is also infinite. There may be no end and no beginning, a closed cycle with growth and decay.

    There is always something to discover and explore, every day should always be characterized by curiosity and amazement, if that is not the case then our level of stupidity has already advanced.

    Since everyone grows up in a different culture, we are all different and this difference also brings diversity and more possibilities to light, thanks to the PC and the Internet today we can all learn from each other, educate ourselves and exchange ideas.

    If a country suffers damage from a natural disaster, another country can provide help. This mixing of different cultures can lead to conflict or progress with diversity. Every idea can therefore have both good and bad effects.

    The car is part of everyday life today, but it also kills people and saves lives. As humans, we have therefore set our own rules, the traffic regulations with signs. Cars have become safer and safer, but accidents still happen all the time, so we are not doing away with cars, but we are trying to minimize the danger through the police and controls as well as safe cars, the same is true of AI and the new work robots.
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  16. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) was coined by John McCarthy in 1956. He was an American computer scientist and one of the pioneers in the field of AI. The term was introduced during the Dartmouth Conference, which is considered to be the first conference on artificial intelligence.
  17. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Pointless rant.
    Turn off the internet and go to library.
  18. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I think we can consider machines intelligent when they can (metaphorically) shove their heads as far up their asses as humans can.
  19. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    A lot of designers lost their cutter skills after months using the first apple workstations.Yet designs, magazine covers and all the other stuff related with graphic desing didn't stop or dimished on quality. Photographers also lost all their darkroom skills, yet we have amazing photographs everyday. Being flooded by mediocre AI gens doesn't make the models bad as lazy photoshops montages doesn't diminish the power of that tool either.

    Interconected LLMs are a very good tool to get into specifics but Is not going to give you all the work, you still have to know what the fuck are you doing with them. You just will do it faster with more resources.