How to add sends to a bus on cubase 12

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Kiel, Feb 23, 2025.

  1. Kiel

    Kiel Newbie

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Just what the title say. I recently started using Cubase 12 previously i was using logic. Logic is very easy to maneuver. I don't mix on the vocal track i send the vocal track to a bus and mix on the bus. I want to add effects to the bus, a send. Cant figure out how to do it. Any help please?
  3. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    same as with a regular channel
    EDIT the group channel, I mean open the window as you see here, then you see the list of sends on the right, You can create a send from here or create a FX then add as send from this window

    its nothing special

  4. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    OK - I gather you mean either a single or group of tracks?
    There are a few ways you can do this.As above ~OR~
    You can add a Group name of your choice then in the routing of your track send to the Group name you created instead of Stereo Out.

    If you have multiples and wish to separate, for example you have 4x Backing Vocals and one lead you select the BV's and can group them into a single group separate from the lead.

    You can create as many subsets as you wish as long as you route them to where you wish to mix them as a master bus for that group(s).

    As you can see below, I created 4x BV's, 1x Lead VOX, put each into their own bus and then as an afterthought, created a Master vocal bus if you wish to go further... you can keep going...
    Look at the routing above. As you can see, the vocals all point to the appropriate group buses. You can now work with the buses without touching the original audio as you seemed to request. You can solo each bus too.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2025
  5. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Parallel busing is a little different - I'll use DRUMS as an example...
    You create a Parallel group, e.g. for all to be simple, send the routing from the Parallel group back to the drum group put the inserts you want on the Parallel group soloing it until you're happy.

    Then like patatern's post above, you send the Parallel back to the DRUM group bus via the send. You can easily control how much of the parallel you want mixed in with the drum group via both the send and the Group Parallel fader.

    The principles of both posts apply to Versions 12,13 & 14

    The group buses created also work similarly - you can send a bunch of groups to multiple groups...
    e.g. if you had a woodwind section with 4x flutes, 2x Alto flutes, 2 Oboes, 4x clarinets, 2x Cor Englais, 4x Bassoons, 2x Bass Clarinets, 2x Contrabassoons... you might want to create into their categories via instruments first.. THEN....All bassoons together, all clarinets together, all flutes together, all single reeds together...
    You can then send all of them into another Group bus called woodwinds so on and so forth - as simple or as complex and as many as you wish.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2025
  6. Kiel

    Kiel Newbie

    Mar 1, 2020
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    First off guys thanks for the help.

    I see i'll have to add some pics. I take it you dont mix how i mix so maybe youre not aware of this but it seems that busses dont have the same options for routing as regular tracks.

    Screen Shot 2025-02-23 at 12.14.02 AM.png

    I dont have a sends section for my bus like the first reply had in his.

    Screen Shot 2025-02-23 at 12.14.54 AM.png

    Theres no option on this screen for me to route the bus anywhere like a regular stereo or mono track.

    Screen Shot 2025-02-23 at 12.15.04 AM.png

    Theres no send option at the bottom of this track for me to send the frequency too.
  7. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    those channel called "BUS" are probably separate outputs of your hardware audio card, thats why they dont have sends

    are you mixing with multiple hardware outs then sum in analog? Or you are 100% in the box?
    (I assume you are in the box, so why you using those busses?)

    You are probably "mixing" whats called a BUS and whats called a GROUP in Cubase.

    i checked again your screenshots, and yes, the channel you call BUS is the MASTER OUT of Cubase, which is the FINAL OUTPUT to the hardware, so it doesnt have sends or cant be sent to other GROUPS (or other BUSS...)

    in Cubase the terminology is different, what you are used to call BUS in Cubase is called GROUP, so please do a favour to yourself and stop using the word BUS when working with Cubase

    You need GROUP TRACKS, those are "your busses", as you can see in my screenshot.
    It works 100% same as a normal channel

    that bus you screnshotted is not a GROUP, it's the MASTER OUT.
  8. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Not only is the entire Cubase manual available online, the Steinberg forums provide you with nearly an answer for every how-to function.

    You can also create multiple Master buses out. Google the above, there's a wealth of information out there. To reiterate on patatern's comment the screenshot you cannot create a send on is your Stereo out like the last two Master faders on a mixing desk.
  9. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    1 do not put FX on MASTER OUT* inserts. Think at that channel NOT FOR MIXING.

    2 use the MASTER OUT* only for metering/final fade out after limiter

    2b so put only plugins of metering on that channel (analyzers, VU meters, spectrograms and so on)

    3 create your own "bussing" structure using GROUP TRACKS. Example: Drum GROUP (where you send all drum tracks), Vocal GROUP (where you send all vocal tracks), STEREO GROUP (where you send all the GROUP tracks) and so on. This STEREO GROUP will be your PRINTING OUTPUT (the stereo buss, or 2 buss or how you wanna call it, HERE YOU PUT FX INSERTS like bus compressors or eq or whatever), and it goes automatically in the MASTER OUT (the one called Bus in your screenshot)

    4 [add on] STUDY AND USE THE CONTROL ROOM, which is a UNIQUE TOOL that no other DAW has, even Logic and Pro Tools. There are chances that you didnt even activate it. It's OFF by default. I will not explaine more about it, because it's a simple/complicated concept to understand, needs reading the manual and experiment for our workflow, better to try and understand. But 100% of people that mix seriosly use the CONTROL ROOM. Many friend of mine, experienced mixing engineers using ProTools or Logic, sometimes use Cubase for certain projects because of the CONTROL ROOM.

    *the one you call BUS in the screeshot
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2025
  10. Kiel

    Kiel Newbie

    Mar 1, 2020
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    @patatern @Somnambulist

    Thank you both so much, i see what i was doing wrong. I was making a stereo output. In the audio connections window and output tab it said bus so i thought i was making a bus. I made a "group" and now its operating how i want it to operate. Thank you.

    I have another question though. When i turn on my monitors im getting feedback from my mic. Im looking and i dont see how i can turn off the mic. On logic i'd have to press and turn off the "i" input monitoring button and that be that. Just to show you that im in the business of helping myself and not always asking question before trying to find the answer myself. I did google how to do it and google said to find the speaker button on the tracks and turn it off which should stop the feedback, but it was never on. Turning it on, the feedback gets more pronounced but even with it off theres still feedback. I've included a screenshot showing that the input buttons are off. I'm missing something. Help please.

    Screen Shot 2025-02-23 at 1.48.33 PM.png
  11. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    you free to ask as many questions as you wish : ) dont worry, if we are around we will help.
    The problem is always more on how you explaine the issue, sometimes it's just about words and terminology

    and its the case of your microphone return

    The "monitoring" buttons appear to be disabled, they became orange when enabled (try it, be careful to the larsen effect). So I think you have activated the monitoring somewhere else (there should be something in Cubase audio preference by default to check), it could also be a setting involving your audio card and Cubase, or the INPUT BUSs in Cubase (it has red fader). Check these things and report with screenshots.

    You use Logic on the same machine so you have same settings of the audiocard?
  12. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    I do not know your audio interface or setup, but based on your description, it sounds like you are getting loopback?
    The only way in Cubase and not on the interface I know of to correct this, is you go to Studio menu and select Audio Hardware Configuration - if loopback is on in there, turn it off or disable it if it is on. Failing that, try turning it off on your audio interface if it has that function.
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