Has anyone been staying up on Snap Dragon? It looks powerful. Wondering how it is doing and if we are going to see developers start to program plugs and software for it? Does anyone have experience with it?
The Snap Dragon community is growing, and there are already some developers showing interest in creating software and plugins for this platform. Snap Dragon's power and flexibility make it an attractive choice for many involved in music production. Last edited: Feb 23, 2025
The problem is that, there is not really enough hardware support for windows ARM yet. Hopefully it will pick up soon enough. other than that, i wouldnt count on it yet. There is windows ARM yet ... traditional windows x64-x86 program still works emulated on it with performance reduction due to emulating.
No native plugins other than a handful of github projects. Steinberg DAWs, BitWig and Reaper available as preview releases. Optimistically, maybe worth a look in 2030 (and no sooner than that).
2030 is also my prediction. nobody is really forcing it, like apple did it ... so it will take ages till its usable for decent audio/video production.