saving multiple cubase projects in one folder

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by brazytupac, Jan 20, 2025.

  1. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    has anyone had any issues with projects that were saved in the same folder? I think it prefer it this way rather than new folder for every project but i don't know if i would run into issues in the future
  3. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    what do y'all think?
  4. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    I wouldn't. For a start if you have tracks in seperate projects named the same it quite possible that your audio pool will become a nightmare with missing files or incorrect ones. I have a main project folder that has seperate folders for each new project. Just my thoughts..
  5. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    It depends. Officially you should not run into troubles.
    Now let's say you don't do recording, it's all vsts and midi: There is no way anything could go wrong.
    On the other hand: You do recording or use wavs on tracks, all your projects use the same Audio folder. Now when Cubendo wants to create a file that already exists, it just attaches a number and counts up. No problem there. When you render some effect to a file, it's copied to the edit folder and gets a unique extension. No problem there. Now there is that one thing I'm not sure about that could cause troubles: when you select 'make renders permanent' in the DOP menu, the edited file is moved back ot the audio folder. I have seen get those files the original name back, but with numbers attached. So because of those number I THINK the original version still is untouched. But I'm not sure.
    Anyhow: I would make one folder per project, just because it's the better style to do it.
  6. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    its almost always better to have more organization, rather than less, especially when dealing with computer files, which is what any digital music project is.

    I have a folder called "compositions", in it are a folder called "Lyrics" where I put random lyrics I write,until I have a compostion or tune to put them with. Inside Compositions is also folders by DAW, ie "REAPER", ABLeton, ZOOM24, inside these go each project, ie "YoFineAss", with samples,projects saved in various mixes and incarnations, and notes about wtf I'm trying to do.

    It helps you come back to things for remixing, or changing things when you get a new idea or take on a song. I play analog instruments, so I will practice songs I've written, and often find new patterns, intro or other changes I'd like to make, now I have a place to save these recordings - the original project files subfolder.

    Organization is your friend, it allows you to compose rapidly without chaos, chaos is the enemy of inspiration, when it delays your ability to get your ideas down before they are forgotten or interupted by the chaos of modern life.

    saving every project in one folder (without have a structured set of subdirectories) is not scalable,
    its like having a desk and throwing everything in one drawer, its fast, but its impossible to find what you need when you want it
  7. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    okay i think i tried with some samples in sampler track, it add a number to a clone file if it exits, but will try to stick project per folder
  8. Lil G

    Lil G Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Putting multiple projects in the same folder is a sure road to total desaster. You should absolutely not do it.
  9. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    fl studio does it, doesn't seem to be a problem
  10. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    I use a single folder for my throwaway projects, and if I need to move one of them out and put it in its own folder (especially if there are audio files involved) I can just use Backup Project and relocate both the project and its Pool elsewhere.
  11. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Singularly, and this goes for pretty much any DAW, it is more important to know where the DAW stores the critical project files, not so much where the project startup name file is, which is where you selected to initially save them. Saving thousands of project name files in the same directory is never an issue. The project files the project needs to work properly to reiterate, are the key. The Backup project as mentioned above is another way, though it has to be done one at a time.
    Add to this third party plugin changes (FX & Instruments) in versions where older projects spit out errors because you updated the version and it no longer will open the settings you previously had. We all fall for that one at some point.

    Probably the biggest favor you can do yourself is to make a default projects path if you have not already, if you do a lot of writing. Keep in mind if you move the projects folder, every previous project will spit errors at you and you will have to keep pointing to where you moved them, until it finds all of them.

    Just be aware where this directory is because it won't be where mine is, it will be in C: drive. It's been so long I cannot remember exactly, I think in Documents from memory - It contains all the additional MIDI and audio file data. The multitude of Cubase files you saved will spit errors if it cannot find it. You can of course, get it to prompt for a new project location every time you create a new project - up to you, whatever works best for you.

    Attached Files:
