Listening to your tracks make me depressed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fnord23, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Thanks for pointing out. Gorgeous!!!
  2. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Platinum Record

    Aug 27, 2024
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    Truths about anyone's compositions

    1. If you write to please others you will be subjected to criticism, this is inevitable.
    2. If you write for the joy of it and do not care what other people think, you not only will not listen to them, you will continue writing for the sake of creating.
    3. How good anything is will always be subjective within reason. Any musician and composer worth anything, can appreciate something that is well written and has strong melodies, and/or strong skills, and/or strong harmony, even if they do not like the style or genre.
    4. There are people who encourage and people who delight in discouraging. The latter is worth nothing but pity. They live in their own pissed-off world, leave them in it.
    5. Criticism constructively can only be achieved by people who spent a lot of time in that style, who have no agenda, no egotism, and when asked for a professional opinion will do so impartially. Easier to say and harder to find.
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  3. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Platinum Record

    Aug 27, 2024
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    I do not believe if someone is good and knows they have skills that they will be devoured unless they allow themselves to be devoured.
    If someone writes for the sake of creation and plays with determination, honing their skills, they will become good.
    The world does not owe anyone a living and it's amazing how many people think it does.
    If any composer or musician is unhappy with what they are doing, it's unrealistic to expect anyone else to feel differently.
    Regardless of who, or for what reason anyone does music, if the goal is to please everyone that is nigh on impossible, so please yourself. Then the only person who needs to be happy is you.
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  4. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Platinum Record

    Aug 27, 2024
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    I know you were trying to be realistic and this is a good thing. The worst thing any of us can do is to delude ourselves. It is also a good thing to not be negative about it too. It is harder now to be positive for many people, but still, it is important. :)
  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Belief is the opponent of knowledge. There is also not just one truth. People look at reality through different lenses.

    If you don't like the music industry, why don't you set up your own company, publishing house, distributor, record company, internet portal or join forces with other people? Success is not measured by your bank account. You can be very good but have little turnover, that can change quickly with the next or next generation of listeners. It's not quantity but quality that counts.

    Do you think a number hit from the current charts that consists of just 3 chords, I love you and a continuous kick drum would be good quality music? If the listeners listen to or buy the junk and go to their concerts, that says nothing about the quality. It's a pastime and if you only listen to junk, the users will only get junk. Education, further training, i.e. knowledge acquisition, is important. Switch off your smart phone more often and go out into nature, because only nature heals us.

    Start to stop reading and believing the propaganda of the music industry, simply turn off the TV shows, you will see the entertainment industry with its influence simply disappear from your life.

    Be the pope yourself, because we ourselves are all giants raised by dwarves. Play your own game and not their game, organize yourself where you live.
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  6. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    I surely don't want to quit making noise to promote my production. I don't have time for both.
  7. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Platinum Record

    Aug 27, 2024
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    I understand what you are saying. We live in a time where people want everything now and too often, act on impulse.
    What is sometimes missed by many people, is that short-term gratification is like a sugar rush. It does not last.
    To remain positive in many scenarios, all someone has to do is not make any decisions quickly, not immediately read something and reply based on their mood, and be kind to themselves.

    A lot of the negativity we sometimes feel is not real. There are a lot of ugly things happening in the world. If we are kind to ourselves, we can work out that we do not need to add to the negativity we cannot do anything about and change what we can change - ourselves. :)
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