top notch reverb for edm

Discussion in 'Software' started by lowpass, May 29, 2014.

  1. kankun

    kankun Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    ok, i take it that you must have a beef of some sort with lowpass, otherwise i dont really know how to read your posts...
  2. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Bro, the guys above my posts already suggested him a ton of alternatives, but if you compare these alternatives with the reverb plugins he already own you'll realise that his reverbs didn't lacked anything in a way that he would need more. Some of us are using even the stock DAW's reverbs and you won't find us complain about it.
    He told us all in another thread that he owns a Mac, Nexus, Sylenth1 and Massive just because he figured out that these mainstream synths and stuff are used "by a pro" and he also commented about the guys who use other tools than the ones he owns that we won't be "pro" enough because we don't use the mainstream "pro" stuff. How much pro can he be to make such a statements? If he's that badass in the "professional area" then why he can't squeeze all the great result you can get from almost any reverb when you tweak it right?
  3. kankun

    kankun Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Ok, now i see what you mean and i'll leave the guy reverberate himself.
  4. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    Man, you seem to be a pro in twisting someones ridicoulously twisting someones words. No more to say here !
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    I'm done also. But no offense though, you just made me have bigger expectations about you when it comes about tweaking reverbs to death. Anyway, i hope you find a solution
    for your needs. :mates:
  6. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    ok, there still seems to be something to talk about.

    First of all i am not your enemy nor the enemy of anyone on audiosex. I just discuss. I love it to discuss and i love it to have a different opinion. The more different, the better. But this never will be a self purpose. Please get me right. If i approve something i do not officially disagree just to struggle.

    To cut through the shit: I never argued me being using these meanwhile well known 3 plugs because of figuring out them used by the pros. And the last thing i'd ever say is that anyone not using them substantiates not beeing a pro. In no way. (I remember saying something referreing to DJs appearing with an Acer Notebook on stage instead of a macbook. Ok, that was polemic. I was edgy but these three plugs work on a windows pcs as well) I have very good reasons to use them mainly. Incidentally its a circular argument. Thinking of the pros using these 3 synths. Because of the inevitably succesing question: Why the fuck are the pros using it ? Because of the pros using it ?

    Sylenth1 has the biggest shitload of presets thinkable. I am clearly no sound designer. I hate it and i am not skilled in it. The only synth sound i do from scratch is a sine sub. The rest is just tweaking, layering, saturating, sidechaining,EQing, compressing, limiting, stereo processing etc. . I have to do enough with that or things i mentioned in the topic. There will never be time for me to design synth sounds from scratch and there are so many skilled people out there loving exactly that and doing it much much better than i ever could do. But first of all sylenth generates a really good sound using nearly no cpu. It's just a pleasure layering 3 sylenth instances by not detecting any increases on my cpu meter.

    Massive has a shitload of presets too. Contrasted with Sylenth1 it is much more tweakable and has Wavetable Synthesis. You can get sounds out of it which are impossible to achieve with sylenth1. It sucks a lot more CPU but it still keeps within bounds.

    Nexus is a completely different thing. It's a sample player. Nexus samples are the best designed samples thinkable. AFAIK. Ever heard of tweaking resonances? Pushing resonances of a sound by Equing them with high gain and high Q ? Well i think you've heard of it. But that is nearly impossible with a realtime synthesized sound. Since frequencies change you suddely have to adjust your EQ settings when hitting a different key (I said nearly because of some Eqs out there trying to simulate that like Sound Radix Surfer EQ but trust me, that does not work excellent at all). Besides of that these Nexus sounds are very well preparated. They work out of the box. I think i mentioned the outstanding AAS reverb, nexus has, didn't i?

    Yes, FM8 might be a good one too. I simply do not get it. Simply too complicated for me.

    I am not able or not wanting to enumerate all the things that let me choose these three guys as my bread and butter synths. Bread and butter. I never did say that i use no other synth.

    Well i don't deny that there are a lot of other good synths out there and the last thing i'd ever say is "never touch a running system". I try out everything available. If there is something out there working better or even exploiting a new dimension compared to sylenth1, nexus or massive, me is the last one on earth to deny that. I am not payed by them for advertising. But to be clear: Today these 3 are the fucking shit for me, not beacause of anyone using it but because of a certain experience. And Reveal Sound Spire, the bone of contention here, sorry to say that , is a fucking toy for me. Sounding for all care better than Sylenth1 (but just a little bit) and consumpting 20 times CPU. Sorry, that is just ridiculous. Spire is pretty useless for me. I have no quantum calculator, don't even a mac pro.

    And if you call me a fool just because of me asking if there is somewhone out there with a secret tip for a ducked EDM reverb working better than Toraverb i have news for you: I didn't invent the wheel. Everything i am able to to is a result of asking, experience and trial and error. Toraverb is a great shot for me but maybe there is something better. Is it indecent to ask ?

    To be honest: What did you expect?

    But bove all, bro: :mates:
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Let me start first by admiting that some of your sentences were funny and it made me laugh a bit, but not ironically, i really felt them funny. Ok.

    So... i remember about that topic where you praised these particular synths and a mac/macbook(i don't remember exactly)... and yea'... i must admit that, when i said that you was pointing it out like we're not pros just because we don't use what the most pros are using was kinda related to the "DJ Laptop" thing :rofl: so
    don't get pissed about that. We moved on anyway.

    About the synths you mentioned, i personally use Sylenth1 by ALOT too, but i also include Spire maybe because the features in StudioOne allows me to freeze the instrument tracks in a editable way so i can add how much instances i want with no problems, :dunno: so yea', i just take advantage on my daw's features to be able to use certain cpu hungry plugs.

    And about this reverb topic, i have absolutely nothing against the fact that you asked, i actually appreciate that because everyone should be encouraged to ask whenever he needs some help because this community is full of nice people who would love to help us out as you also did with other people, because i saw some of your posts helping other users..
    What actually happened here on your topic was the fact that i remembered about you from that topic where i felt that you kinda praised too much the tools above and i thought that you're already
    making money with music, being a pro and that you know how to fully use your tools, so that was my expectation, that you actually would've be able to get a great reverb sound
    from any reverb unit as any other pro could've do just because they know their tools extremelly well.
    I'm not a guru in any kind of way, but my strong point is "patience". Even if i stare for 2 hours continuously at screen, tweaking a reverb to death like a crazy guy, i just feel like my own enemy if i give up doing that, because i know that if i don't help myself then no body else can help me anyway because nobody knows what kind of achievement/idea is in our head when we need to design a certain reverb sound for our instruments/synths, just us.
    And also the patience and time you invest, it will help you alot by getting embeded in your blood and brain so you can get a great reverb sound with almost any kind of reverb plugin. :mates:
    If somebody (like your favourite artists/producers) were capable of fully understanding and using their reverb plugs in their records, then i'm sure you can do it too! We all have the same amount of balls, remember that! and keep your head up! Sometimes the tools you own are enough even if they make you think actually the opposite.
    Effort should be on the LEVEL "Beyond".
    P.S. you can try whatever reverb these guys recommended you, most of their suggestion are great!
  8. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    Thats why they sometimes call me "joker" in real life :rofl:

    sorry man but that must be a joke. You really wanna make me believe that you're layering synths by freezing them ? Let me have a guess: You are not into layering and (Studio 1) you are not working in any edm kind of stuff. And my second guess is that you never did duck reverbs or delays. No prob for me but it's a little bit odd to feel called upon me speaking clearly about a very special kind of use case referring reverbs in a very special kind of house stuff. And it's me to have the final words here :)
  9. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    My CPU supports it. And i do EDM and also Layering, but depends on the sound that i want to achieve. I don't Layer just because it's cool to layer or just because it's a trend that it should be supported, but only if i need to or if my ideas really requires it. For example i layered 3 big Spire supersaws for the melody before the drop without even freezing them, but freezing in StudioOne is like a bounce feature which not only frees up the CPU, but also i can edit the clips, chop them, reverse them and other creative stuff i need, while for example in Ableton or Cubase you can't edit the freezed stuff, you have to bounce them through a bus or export. In S1 i can also go back in the realtime state, i can do whatever changes i want anytime, i can even add FXs again over the freezed track, is not like an end of the world. You have more editability freedom over an audio clip and that's why i use "Track Transform" feature, because it works for me and my type of workflow approach. I don't know if you ever worked in this daw, but i squeeze the hell out of it and i know it like my own pocket.

    P.S. About ducking reverbs, you'd be surprised, because i use this sh*t as well if i really need it. *yes*
    For me, a reverb sounds the way i want/make it to sound, not the way the presets make it sounds. :wink: And talking about ducking, do this thing is so difficult? there's two ways i duck a reverb, a natural way by increasing pre-delay and mix a bit of early reflections or, the sidechaining way by adding a compressor at the end of the Reverb Bus's fx chain.(this second one is more flexible and i use it on delays as well if i really need to duck them). There's also another way to duck reverb or delays, by adding LFOTool or VolumeShaper or whatever volume envelope you have at the end of the Reverb Bus chain and draw an envelope and sync it to a certain rythm & time, but this kind of approach is a bit complex when it comes about a certain type of sound sources you want to duck where you can actually use the sidechaining option.
    You can use even a fuckin' gate plugin for ducking if you want to duck the tail of the reverb or something, some gates have even a sidechain feature to use them even further. There's alot of options you can use when it comes about ducking, but you already know alot of these things.

    If you want the reverb you use to sound epic right when it kicks in after the duck, experiment some types of saturation,compression,exciter and widener right in the Reverb bus so you can "steroid" the epicness of it.
  10. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    hmm, that all sounds pretty cool. But raising the predelay of a reverb has not very much common with ducking a reverb. It's a some kind similar effect but does not help you at all when you want your reverb to shut up sudenly. And congratulations. You achieve it to layer 3 Spire instances of a 5 voices chord without your cpu gasping for air. I do not believe one word. I do not believe in your super cpu. You may layer synths but not with Spire. You do it the fucking same way like me, with a sylenth1 or ideally with a massive. Spire is a expensive toy, veryy good sounding, very good idea behind it. But just a toy. And i am interested a fucking bullshit if they are russian, belarussian, german, us, uk, dutch, israelic or any kind of patriotic fucking developers. If it works, it works, if it sucks my cpu far and away from being spproximately suitable it is trash. Just TRASH. And Spire is trash. I give a shit on it if its a russian thing. And if it was a german thing (like me) i gave the exactly the same shit on it. Yeah, some people here seem to be russians. I know that. But that interests me a fucking fart. BTW, i love singomakers stuff. Really great stuff from russia. Singomakers is my number 1 when it comes to sample libraries and presets. Far better than my german vengeance companions. Just to be clear: I hate nothing more than patriotism apart from olympic games or a soccer WM
  11. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    So, you say you don't believe me, do you want me to download a freeware screen capture software and film all the damn process? :rofl:
    And i don't even have a I7 or whatever, my CPU is an AMD 1055t, yea', it has 6 cores but is not that powerful.
    If you're using Spire with 64 samples in the buffer, then off course you can't run not even one multivoiced instance, but i can record my stuff first with a sylenth1 reference synth (with a low buffer) then i load Spire and i drag the recorded midi clip from my Sylenth1 track and move it to the Spire track, i rise the buffer to the 512 samples or even 1024 samples and is all good, i can even layer, then i freeze them and i can lower the buffer again to be able to record some other stuff. :mates: I'm sure i'm not the only one who could get the use from Spire. Just use your imagination and be resourceful, improvise, break the rules... you don't have to keep the same buffer for your whole production process.

    When it comes to Singomakers, yea', they do great stuff! But i feel like they did good stuff only in the beginning... I feel them kinda weak in their latest releases. They're great on loops side of samples, but when it comes to one shots samples, Vandalism is still a beast. :grooves:
    BTW, your nationalities sentences was funny :rofl:
  12. Eastiano

    Eastiano Newbie

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Had to create an account to get in on this trolls bs so normal humans don't get misinformed.

    The effect he mentions is achieved using any reverb in a send chain, the reverb is setup on an fx channel, sc comp after triggered by the comments of salty forum lurkers, this makes it pump. Then another compressor to bring up the volume of that effect giving the richness to the reverb quoted.

    As for spire, it's no toy.
    Many producers use it, half the beatport charts used it.
    I can provide evidence of it being used in several releases.
    Also using several instances, it's relatively light on the cpu...
    Tbh I dunno what this guy is on but I want some
  13. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    What am I doing on a 7 years old thread... :mad:
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  14. BigM

    BigM Guest


    w&w / ummet ozcan / vicetone / 7 skies / loopers and many more use it.

    use a send track and a compressor on it to duck the reverb.
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