Keygen and Cracked plugins vs viruses and malwares ??!!

Discussion in 'PC' started by DigikalSkanker, Feb 12, 2025.

  1. DigikalSkanker

    DigikalSkanker Newbie

    Feb 7, 2025
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    Hi everyone, i'm trying to figure out how to make the best safe setup to make music. I'm on windows and ableton I have a big main SSD drive with two partitions :
    • one for apps and plugins
    • one for extra storage, internet downloads
    i also have :

    - one drive for kontakt banks
    - one drive for backup

    i will probably also create a drive for the ableton projects

    My main question is : how can i know if the keygens, the plugins and everything i download on Audioz doesn't have viruses or malwares and how to check and install only the safe ones ?

  3. TDK66

    TDK66 Guest

    Hello @Radio
  4. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    I never seen any suspicious file on AZ ... and even integrated Windows defender could catch it.
    As usual, the most dangerous breach is the guy on the chair, clicking on anything written "click here" :winker:
  5. DigikalSkanker

    DigikalSkanker Newbie

    Feb 7, 2025
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    Ok thanks, cause windows always sees the keygens as threats but i think it's just that it sees it's a crack tool. What about torrents and sites like Rutracker or Plugintorrent ? Cheers mate
  6. TDK66

    TDK66 Guest

    pol FL2.jpg
  7. Beetlejuice

    Beetlejuice Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2021
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    As a complete noob when it comes to cracks and viruses, malware I´d say: - You will not know.

    I can only say , that I´ve never had any problems with dwnload from your mentioned site.
    They do claim that things are safe from there

    Yes - Windows has claimed "potentially harm app" and false/positve alarms ,wich is quite normal , cause the "borrowed" apps do authorization things.
    I told windows to ignore it , (allow exeptions , exclude certain folders from Defender) and have been doing fine.
    Unless you are an absolut computernerd , you will not really know whats going on. Its a risk u have to take. Otherweise buy only.

    Maybe I´ve installed something I do not take notice off , and the whole world now knows my real name , bankaccount in Switzerland , and that the batteries from the vibrator from my wife are empty..... so what ? :chilling:

    I take into account , that something bad c a n happen, so I backup important songs on a stick.
    It´s one thing to have to do format C ..... but loosing the hours of work is really bad.:snuffy:
  8. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I've seen a couple but it's been years and they were flagged and taken down near immediately
  9. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    reputable posters on reputable torrent sites are probably fine, but you can always just upload the executable to virustotal to verify
  10. DigikalSkanker

    DigikalSkanker Newbie

    Feb 7, 2025
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    thanks, i think it's fine for me, i've had couple issues since few years, but i think it's mostly related to poor services and organisation in my computer. That's why i start to learn how to avoid this haha

    But yeah same, i've been using cracks since a decade and i'll never know. thanks for answering me guys
  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    There are no viruses and trojans on the sister site.

    Example Windows Defender, makes false alarms, disable Defender beforehand if you want to download and install.

    After installation and registration, you can either leave the downloaded files compressed or compress the keygen with WinRar and then delete the keygen. Then empty your recycle bin, otherwise Windows Defender will start giving false alarms again.
  12. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    Not quite true. There was one recently, broken down in the comments by r4e, and then it was taken down after awhile.
  13. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    @TDK66 if another member is annoying you, use ignore instead of spamming threads with the same pointless comment over and over again.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  14. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    This was an extremely unusual case, details of which I wont go into here, but needless to say upon verification it was immediately removed and the uploader banned.
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The OP's original post contains a good tip for Windows users, because you do end up reinstalling your OS somewhat often. But it is also applicable to all system disks, and probably more for system disks using SSD. (which should really be considered best practices now anyway).
    A smaller system disk partition can be better on an SSD for several reasons:

    1. Faster Backups and Restores – A smaller partition means less data to back up or restore, making system recovery quicker and more efficient.

    2. Better Performance and Wear Management – SSDs have a limited number of write cycles. A smaller system partition can help keep system-related writes concentrated while leaving the rest of the SSD available for storage or over-provisioning, reducing wear on critical areas.

    3. Easier Maintenance and Optimization – Smaller partitions make disk cleanup, defragmentation (not usually needed for SSDs), and TRIM operations more manageable, keeping performance optimal over time.

    4. Improved Cloning and Migration – If you ever need to migrate your OS to another drive, a smaller partition makes the process easier and faster, especially if moving to a new SSD with different capacity constraints.

    5. Encourages Separation of OS and Data – Keeping the OS and installed programs on a smaller partition while storing large files (e.g., media, projects) on a separate partition or drive can improve organization and reduce fragmentation risks.

    6. More Efficient Use of Over-Provisioning – Many SSDs use unallocated space to optimize performance and longevity. By keeping the system partition smaller, you leave more unallocated space for wear leveling and garbage collection, extending the SSD’s lifespan.
    If you are stuck reinstalling manually from a clean disk, and a Waves user; installing Waves immediately after your DAW can save you some issues later.
  16. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Firstly - REMOVE this machine you're going to use for audio production from the internet. Do not even connect it. Use a different machine for internet surfing, dl'ing, etc...

    Second - Use separate physical drives for those things you mention you have partitions for above.

    Third - initiate a regular system backup image process (NOT WINDOWS BACKUP) so that if something happens like the windows OS eating itself that you can quickly wipe the drives and be back up and running within 30-60 minutes.

    You don't know. The only thing you can do is get yourself a good A/V (NOT WIN DEFENDER) or sandbox proggie on your internet machine and scan everything just as a precaution. Make certain you put a copy in a sandboxie first in case the scanner tries to become a hero and delete a perfectly OK file (i.e. an A/V false trigger).

    The warez golden rule is: No warez cracking/distro group is going to release anything with an actual virus in it. They would not be a group very long if they did. Getting your filez from a reputable source (like AZ) and only those released by trusted groups (i.e. R2R , TeamV.R., r4e, Bubbix, TCD, MOcha, HCISO, etc. etc...) will ensure that all your virus scanner will ever false trigger on is keygens wrapped with cloaking tech to keep them safe.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2025
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    If you're paranoid, setup a VirtualBox Windows for running keygens.

    But I'll tell you that in my thirty years of using wares, i only got a virus from Explorer on WIndows and a malicious website. That was the MS browser at the time.

    Sht from Audioz is as safe as it can be as far as I'm concerned. How long it will stay that way? Don't know. When sht hits the fan it spreads everywhere.
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