Novation Summit

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by roustany, Feb 10, 2025.

  1. roustany

    roustany Newbie

    Dec 17, 2022
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    Hi everybody ! I would like to buy my only synth, what do you think about Novation Summit ? sound, qualities...i've listened to the polybrute 12 but i find the sound not awesome for such a pricy synth. Somebody said that the The Novation Summit has less character...So, anyone have the Summit ? thank you for your advice.
  3. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Buy 5 Behringer instead and save some bucks
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2025
  4. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Clear purchase recommendation:

    The Novation Summit basically works on the basis of digital circuits, only its filters are analogue. Here is a brief summary of the sound generation: Each sound can be created from up to three oscillators. Each oscillator plays either one of four classic waveforms (sine, triangle, sawtooth or square) or one of 43 wavetables, which in turn consist of 5 waveforms each. Three oscillators can be wonderfully "nested" via the FM section to generate typical DX FM sounds and fed via the mixer into two analogue 12 dB filters, which can also be used together as a 24 dB filter or can be used in different ways such as bandpass or highpass etc. Two ADSR envelopes and 4 LFOs are available for modulation. Finally, the signal can be fed through up to four effects at the same time (distortion, chorus, delay and reverb).

    The Novation Summit is the perfect evolution of the Novation Peak synthesizer. Double the number of voices, more controls, easier operation and a great sound that is at home in both worlds. The Novation Summit could become something like the "all in one" synthesizer for some.

    It also serves as an external effects device to give external signals an analogue touch or to breathe new life into them with cleverly modulated effects. This makes the Novation Summit much more than just a keyboard; for me it is the perfect addition to a digital working environment - a real masterpiece.

    • great sound - both analog and digital
    • very well-structured user interface
    • invites you to experiment (keyword FM, Karplus Strong and, with a wink, "additive")
    • Stereo input for post-processing of external signals
    • 43 wavetables
    Novation Summit - All Playing, No Talking
  5. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    It's a great synth. I'm an owner of a Novation Peak and have played with a Summit more than enough. Take my experience with a grain of salt, as I'm not someone that performs live with my synth- only in studio use, but 9 times out of 10, I'm more than happy with the sounds I'm getting out of VSTs these days and don't even bother routing or printing the sounds of my Peak. And resale value for these, and finding a buyer for these, is not great (perhaps better for a Summit than a Peak)- I've wanted to sell mine but not been able to find a buyer.

    If you are looking for 1 workhorse synth to perform with etc or one that you will just learn very deeply and get all of your sounds out of I'd say go for it. It can cover all the bases. But it's not super unique in the sounds it makes either, I can usually get the sounds close enough out of software with more recallability for the project.
  6. roustany

    roustany Newbie

    Dec 17, 2022
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    ok guys, thank you for all your feedback !
  7. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I was late coming to the Novation Summit party but when I did 3 years ago I was very glad I did, its an absolute awesome beast of a synth, it sounds beautiful, BUT... we are in 2025 now and the Summit is kind of old these days, still very capable for sure but for the money you have a few more options to look at before jumping in.

    If you have plenty of cash then add one to your synth collection you will love it, but if you have saved hard and are looking for your next flagship synth then please do some research at some of the latest offerings as there are some beauties out there.

    I recently got the Behringer Poly D on a whim and for the money this is a lovely sounding board and far cheaper than a summit although sure they are in different leagues but you could get 2 or 3 different synths for the same price as a summit.

    I wish you all the best in this exciting journey :)
  8. roustany

    roustany Newbie

    Dec 17, 2022
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    thank you for your reply ! hard to choose indeed...
  9. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    this is exactly what i would do. You can get a much wider variety of sonics. From wavetable/digital to full analog. The downsides, storage / space, and perhaps not knowing a single synth as well.
  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Let me live vicariously through you and so please buy the epic recreation of the iconic CS-80, a DECKARD'S DREAM MK2.

  11. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Novation/Focusrite has excellent technical support, it can be important and helpful info—I dunno about Behringer.
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