top notch reverb for edm

Discussion in 'Software' started by lowpass, May 29, 2014.

  1. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    Hi ladies and gentlemen, i am interested, which reverb you are thinking of when it comes to edm, especially big room house. I've tried out several reverbs (most software reverbs and my TC M 3000) and find myself always returning to the D16 Toraverb. My goal is not to reach a natural sounding room or something like that. I want things getting huge. I always duck my reverbs with the source sound in a extreme way to have a big breath in every break and nearly no to completely no reverb while the reverb source is playing. I think the Arts Acoustic Reverb is great, i have it in my Phalanx and Nexus but pretty senseless for me since i cannot duck it. Did anyone compare it to the Toraverb or has another great idea for a really really rich reverb ? Thanks in advance !
  3. Regz

    Regz Producer

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Can't tell, sorry..
  4. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    I've tried out Valhalla Room and Vintage Verb. I am aware of them beeing outstanding reverbs but for my special purpose mentioned above i find them unusuable, compared to the Toraverb.
  5. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    I use a number a reverbs for my EDM tracks with ValhallaRoom being my 'to go to'. That huge sound that you are looking for is not achieved by some 'top notch reverb'. It's acheived through layering good sounds and good mixing (most important in my opinion), and good mastering. I to use to think that all these producer making these huge tracks used special and superior plugins/equipment. Don't waste your time searching for the magic plugin like I did because it doesn't exist.
  6. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    you wanna wind me up, do you ?
  7. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    I don't understand what you are trying to say.
  8. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    sorry for that, i just tried to explain my thankfullness :)
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    it can't hurt to hunt down one called ariesverb... free..and amazing for the cavernous preset called temple of the ancestors...
    a newer demo version has more presets and options for other effects... older versions just the reverb.... very lush for an algorithmic :wink:

    valhalla is fine also... just has kind of metallic sounding tail.. that tremolos..just not go to for me..
  10. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    For starters: There is no such thing as a natural sounding room! Because everything you do when using a reverb plugin is creating a virtual room. And everything virtual is unnatural by definition. And that's when you have to start thinking about physics. Here's some food for thought:

    - you have to consider the proportions of said room (Form, Size) >> effects Reverberation Time/Decay, Early Refelctions (ER)
    - the material of the walls >> effects HF Damping and Diffusion (Does it sound dark/bright?)
    - The distance of the listener from the source in this room >> Effects Pre-Delay of ER and Reverb Tail.

    Important Note about the relationship between Early Reflections and Predelay:
    It seems paradox, but the further away you are from the sound source, the lower the timing gap (Pre Delay) between the Direct Signal and ER becomes. Think of a triangular relationship between source, listener and walls: when near the source, the distance that the early reflections have to travel (from the source to the wall and back again) in relation to the distance the direct sound travels is actually larger than in greater distance from the sound source. The direct signal is the hypotenuse in this case and the ER ar the legs of the triangle which are defined by the surrounding walls. So when close to the source the angle between source wall and listener is larger and therefore the distance the sound has to trevel (legs of the triangle in relation to hypotenuse) grows. When further away, the angle between source wall and listener becomes smaller and the predelay becomes less relevant.

    So, just by looking at the phenomenon two-dimensionally, one realizes that reverb is some pretty complex shit. But what to do with all this info? Well, maybe you have to rethink about the way you use reverb. Because it's not always about how a reverb sounds, it's more about how to set up the right parameters that create the sound.

    So here's my little take on Reverb:

    0. Don't use more than 3 different Reverbs to create a coherent sounding space!
    1. Use one main large Reverb as a send return that defines the Room that houses the "Band" (like a Chamber or Hall)
    I like RC48 and RVerb for that.
    2. Use one Convolution Reverb to create a really tiny space like an office room to place stuff in before going to the Room Reverb. It helps creating depth. Convolution Reverbs are far better for small spaces than algorhythmic Reverbs. There are a lot of nice IRs to find out there. Logic has this nice Space Designer Plugin.
    3. Maybe Use one Plate Reverb on Drums. I sometimes put the Snare in a small room before that just for early reflections. I like
    4. EQ and Compress the Reverb's send Return (fast attack) to avoid smudging up the transients of the direct signal. Especially on drums! That way you can separate the direct signal from the reverb really smoothly.

    Hope that helped - Have Fun
  11. testkid008

    testkid008 Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Of course, as already mentioned, valhalla reverbs ARE top notch. Try eq-ing the reverb bus to make the reverb sitting in the mix.
    Another, more complex and complete other style reverb, highly recommended for edm, is AETHER.
    For very small rooms and high frequency content the best choice IMO is ACON VERBERATE.
  12. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    You're right, there's no magic plugin... but surprise ! There's no magic hardware gear either... :rofl:

    Seriously, I recommend the last "In the Studio" featuring Funkagenda, on their Youtube channel.
    He explains how to achieve a big EDM sound using Massive macro controls and Xfer LFO Tool.
    The point being the automation of several parameters at once and using an LFO as a dynamic processor.

    I'm not into that kind of sound myself, but I have to admit : it sounds HUGE !
    The guy is pretty smart from a sound design point of view and that's how you achieve a great sound.

    Or you can buy tons of gear... but still, that will not give you a brain... nor talent.
  13. lowpass

    lowpass Newbie

    Sep 26, 2013
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    thanks for all but i didn't ask for a crash course in causa reverbs nor in creating edm sounds. My question was very specific and concerning just reverbs that have a very rich sound when being extremely ducked by a compressor sidechained by the source signal. Nothing else. No room simulation, no room within a room simulation, nothing that has even the idea of sounding somehow natural. Ducking a reverb is similar to a predelay while having much more control over a really long tail (20 seconds or longer). For this use case and just this use case the Toraverb is my currently choice. I just wanted to know if someone out there possibly has a secret tip. The Valhallas are no secret tip. I have them both but they both are completely smoked by the Toraverb here. Sorry if i was ambiguous.
  14. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Guys i'm interested too. What kind of reverb/techniques those guys are using? Tried every reverb (toraverb,valhalla, athers & others) none of those sounds like this link. I found the best solutios using 3 reverbs and balacing sends (presonus room reverb, EaReverb and dimension expander) Any suggest to achieve this?

    @0.45 until the drop
  15. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    I love Valhalla Room, but since you don't here are some others you want to try.

    LiquidSonics Reverberate
    HOFA IQ-Reverb

    the verbs i use the most on edm and any other genres are:
    Lexicon PCM
    Valhalla Room, Shimmer or VintageVerb
    Waves IR1, RVerb
    NI RC24/RC48
    Daw Reverb (LPX, Ableton)
  16. kankun

    kankun Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    lool, i feel you dude, they will tell you anything on earth but what you asked.

    On the other hand, try this unusual reverb, boscomac floodverb (Reaktor powered), see how it fits to your big edm needs.
  17. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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  18. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Lexicon PCM for Quality also try Softube - TSAR-1​
  19. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    That's because there's no fixed recipe or magic plugin. The only "magic" thing about reverb is a right "parameter tweaking" in the mixing process when you load up the
    reverb instance. I guess he just wants a magic reverb plugin full of EDM presets named like "EDM Epic Drop 1, EDM Epic Drop 2, EDM Epic Drums Reverb" including also a note with tweaking details for each preset, something like "if your drop lead is more like that type of festival-like saturated supersaw then open up the decay until it fits your drop sound, increase the predelay so you get more bounce :grooves: etc. " :rofl: c'mon man... seriously?

    Any algorithmic reverb (and even convo) can be great and "epic" for EDM if you know how to tweak them. I respect your suggestion, that reverb seems cool, but what if we don't use it? We're lost in the EDM world without it?

    , you bro was the guy who praised Apple, Refx Nexus, Sylenth1 and Massive(i think) as being "what the pros using" and you were ironical about the users who use other tools rather than the ones you own. What now? Your Nexus stuff can't automatically reverb itself? :rofl: aren't them pro enough to be able to automatically do that? :blues:
    See? It's not about what you use... You can have even the most expensive "mainstream pro" stuff, because they won't gonna help you if you're more interested in owning them rather than learning how to tweak them optimally. :mates:
  20. kankun

    kankun Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    evorax, relax buddy, that guy knows what he's doing and knows perfectly what he asked for. Give him a reverb or something and leave the rest, i dont think he needs that. Also, for misunderstanding me, floodverb wasnt a statement of edm greatness, i suggested it to him and see IF it fits to his needs.
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Bro, If he learn how to tweak his actual reverbs optimally for any particular track, he won't even ask for more than the ones he already own. Most of the "Pros" load a reverb instance because they need it, according to the idea in their heads and what they actually want to achieve with that particular track. You don't have to load a reverb just because it has to be loaded. If he really know what he's doing, then why he would've bother to ask us for more reverb plugins? If he wants alternatives then he can check up this thread: :mates:

    P.S. i don't intend to offend him or something, i can even suggest him alot of reverb plugins which some guys above already named them, but for what purpose when he won't be able to get a decent sound out of them? he have to learn better what "custom tweaking" means. When you really know how to adjust the parameters of a reverb, then you wouldn't ask for more reverbs, i swear!
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