Tonex Software - Thoughts

Discussion in 'Software' started by Vincent Price, Mar 30, 2024.

  1. Hello

    I am thinking about buying Tonex Max, but wondering, will it affect my k'ed version of amplitube? (version 5.0.3)

    What are you thoughts on Tonex, it promises the ability to go onto and downloaded presets people have uploaded.

    Also Do I need the psychical pedal to go with it?

    Thank you
  3. Pedra Sofia

    Pedra Sofia Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2023
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    not worth the money, I know this is an old post but it shoudl really be a utility free for amplitube users, the fact IK went after all this money is the reason it looks ugly, works backwards with amplitube, its like they want to make more money but fear giving users too much power and freedom with amplutibe if they opened it up in a way where users can customise their own amps, but this is where its all going, quality better every day in the IR sim world d customisability becoming more realistic tot he point where people will even be able to add their own logos to their amps.