Where are the rabbit holes of the music creation?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Choosename, Feb 12, 2024.


Which are the tasks more TIME CONSUMING on your music creation / mixing process ?

  1. Finding inspiration

    9 vote(s)
  2. Writing

    9 vote(s)
  3. Bouncing

    1 vote(s)
  4. Listening

    2 vote(s)
  5. Selecting sounds

    17 vote(s)
  6. Arranging

    6 vote(s)
  7. Losing time trying new Software

    16 vote(s)
  8. Wasting time on internet

    18 vote(s)
  9. Others

    8 vote(s)
  10. Lack of energy / laziness

    12 vote(s)
  11. Smoking

    0 vote(s)
  12. Drinking

    2 vote(s)
  13. Procrastination

    11 vote(s)
  14. Other people

    1 vote(s)
  15. Tweaking stuff

    10 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    1. Getting bored from over consumptoin of own music: When I've created something I really find enjoyable to listen to , it can feel like a drug and I want to listen again and again and eventually the novelty of it wears of and it becomes as bit boring to listen to it when youve listed to it 1000 times already and you still have to finish the rest of it. I try now to stick tot he rule now that I'm only allowed to listen when I actively am busy creating new stuff for that song (Wehther its arrrangement, composing, writing lyrics or anything else) and that does seem to help.

    2. Increased standards: The more you create music,the more good , meduim and bad music you create. However, the ones that I finish or come closer finishing are the best ones. So the longer I've been doing it, the higher my standards get, but it does not mean I also increasingly get more skilled at creating them as it's not always that predictable why something works or somethin does not. So it can feel frustrating when you've made intersting stuff before but the new ideas do not life/live up to that same standard at least.

    For exmaple, I have this chorus I really like that made in 2005 and tried like 10 different times to compose chords/melody for a verse in order to make it into a ful blown song, but I have difficulty in finding something interesting that also matches it well enough that it's transition feels natural and not forced together. . In the cases I found the verses interesting enough, I did not find the transition from the verse into the chorus logical enough. For me, that poiint is very important there you biuld up tendsion in the verse and then the chorus has to sound epic or next level to the chorus. However, I do not like music that is too simple or predictable. Oddly enough I find it easier to have a verse and find an epic sounding chord progession that follows it, than having that eopic sounding chord progression of the chorus and then build a very that builds up to exactly that. It feels like the concept of writing a book backwards, where you have an ending but have no clue of how you got htere. I often use modulation into different scales when going from verse to chorus, but I untll maybe a year ago I had really no clue whatsoever about any music theory. I just transitioned into diffeent scales becasue it sounded epic, but not becaue i knew ny note belonged to to any scale. My idea was that if I throw 3 notes teogther then thats a chord (or enough to imply a chord) and it indeed kinda works like that but I think i could improve now i learn more theory. I noticed i liked my harmonic minior chord progessions the most, despite not having a clue harmonic minor or that scale existed when i made these songs . I just press loop and change chords until it sounds interesting and gives me the vibe that resonates with me.

    3. Mixing is hard and most importnatly not inspiring: While production and compostion comes realitively natuarlly to me, the technical side of mixing does not. When people showcase some effects iI hardly hear any difference so if you dont hear such differences, it becomes hard really optimially mix music. Also,I do not get energy from mixing. it more feels like t's draining rather than giving energy. This makes it hard.

    4. Not having a good enough mood I notice I need to have a relativly good mood or at least average to be able to feel inspired to create something. WHen I have a bad mood I can't force it. Well, not much to sa about it

    However, I do not need the type of inspiration a lot of people need because I just start out with a random chord and then loop it, put notes in for a second chord and if that sounds cool and insiring, i go the third. I never go to the next chord if the previous chord did not enhance the progression. Basically,I just let the song create itslef basically. I just act like a judge (audience) whether its intersting. I do not have to know what I'm doing, as long as the result sounds good.. I have no clue which scale I am an and sometimes I transition in the middle of a progression into another scale. Because i have no clue, it just feels simple and I do not overthink it an have to make concious choicesI simpylisten and wonder: Does this give me that chord eargasm or does it bore me. However,, sometimes it gives me an eargasm when chords are unexpeted and epic sounding,but it can be hard to buidl any conventional melody on such complex sounding chords. However, sometimes I try to use the melody to make the chords more easy to digest. So if your melody contains a long note, then you can have 3 different chords during that long singing note, and these notes can be more complicated .However, if the melody is simple and sort of acts like a bridge betwene unecpected chords and helps making it one whole rather than 3 unecpected chords.

    5. Possibly conflicting ideaas. One of the biggest struggles I can have is that I both want to make something intersting and somewhat novel sounding, yet at the same time it has to be disgestable enough (commercial enough?) to listen to it. So you have to find that sweetspot that its easy enoough to listen to , yet intersting enough not to get bored by it too easily like lots of songs these days jus tbore me when i listen tothem for 5 seconds already. It often can fall easily into one the two groups for me, yet not hitting that sweet middlespot.

    The more simple songs are so much easier to sort of finish as at some point I ust acccept that it's some common chord progression and that it will never be the next mozwart song, so its easy to just finish it becuse hte chords are just 4 that repeat endlessly. If the standards are lowered its easier to finsih it.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Musically novel twists and melody flitter down through the aether's generosity and gratefully land in my awaiting lap, but I'm such a stickler for not only the dimensionality of my lyrics but also how they look on the page. My revisions are unending right up to and including the period that I'm in the thick of the recording process...but it's exciting.
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  3. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    The ghost of my former life lurks here, mocking me.
  4. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    you can put anything. try something opposite sounding. you got a bassy rhythm try hi strings that fly.
    slam a wall against an ambient flow...
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  5. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    your #8 was touching
  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Merci, mon capitan, merci!
  7. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    Modular synthesis.

    It's the final boss of electronic music.
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  8. Shiori Oishi

    Shiori Oishi Platinum Record

    Oct 21, 2023
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    Editing CC lanes :crazy:
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  9. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    So many good choices in this poll, yet so many obvious ones left out. I didn't see
    1, Squirrels and Varmints
    2, Snipers
    3. Squirrels and Varmint snipers
    4. All out of 1/4 notes, have to run to the store
    5. Cable Weevils
    6. Dog ate my compositions, had to take to the vet
    7.Pressed erase when I meant to hit rewind and it was the best thing I've done in years...
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  10. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    some say, "Upon hearing the loud knock upon the door, and the brusque shouts of "open up in there" Carroll ate the evidence"

    From my 1907 thrift store find,

    "Alice! a childish story take,
    and with it a gentle hand
    Lay it where Childhood's dreams are twined
    In Memory's mystic band,
    Like pilgrim's withered wreath of flowers
    plucked in a far-off land."

    The author: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (27 January 1832 – 14 January 1898), better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, and photographer.

    His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, which includes the poem "Jabberwocky", and the poem The Hunting of the Snark – all examples of the genre of literary nonsense.

    He is noted for his facility at word play, logic and fantasy. There are societies in many parts of the world dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life.

    no need for drugs, his brain was all fucked up on mathematics.. quite a writer though...
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  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Your right about those varmints, I can't count the number of times that I've had to redo a synth part after one has chased another across the keyboard and messed up a performance...and don't get me started on the time lost cleaning up all that poop, the damage caused by them chewing up my cables and the many hours spent at the vet when they become ill. Also, because of inflation the cost of varmint food has gone WAY up and has really cut into my gear budget.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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