Terminal errors Arturia.V.Collection.X.v27.08.2024.U2B.macOS

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by DontSpendOnShit, Jan 14, 2025.

  1. DontSpendOnShit

    DontSpendOnShit Newbie

    Dec 24, 2023
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    I just gave them to him, but Jun-6 V is still in demo mode. However, the patch gives me something different in the terminal:


    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    Can't open /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory, <> line 490205.

    xattr: No such file: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst

    xattr: No such file: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst

    /Library/Arturia/Jun-6 V/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: replacing existing signature

    /Library/Arturia/Jun-6 V/Jun-6 V.vst3/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: replacing existing signature

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Jun-6 V.component/Contents/Resources/plugin.vst3/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: replacing existing signature

    /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Jun-6 V.vst/Contents/MacOS/Jun-6 V: No such file or directory

    Patching Done"
  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I'm still on latest Sonoma myself, but I have had no issues with the Wide Blue Sound Audio Plugin Uninstaller myself.... and I usually look at the results from the Nektony App Cleaner and Uninstaller, which has been fine (not to confuse it with other "App Cleaner"s (like the one from Freemacsoft etc), as yes, it can get confusing as to what is essentially malware/marketing, and what is an ok tool to use... and then with Find Any File and whatnot. (obviously make sure you make hidden files visible)... as I'm looking to see what they find different as newer system and os to me etc.....

    So there is a problem with Wide Blue and Sequoia? First I've heard of it, but could be right, and I would check over on their website to see.... so I'm not debating that, if that is what you are experiencing... I just haven't gone to Sequioa yet as haven't found a reason, and kinda found or read more on the "not" side of reasons to update 'for me' list... although I understand that is what is shipping right now with new Macs and whatnot...

    I tend to slow rollin macOS updates myself... as I'm not fixing what isn't broke, and don't need whatever whiz bang they offer generally... as my machine is generally for audio use, I want 'that' to be solid, I'm not as worried about being up to date all the time, as syncing to my iPhone or definitely not ai or whatever else they trot out as to why I should until I know my audio production stuff is fine with it....or at least can roll back... as that's my priority.

    And my older 5,1 systems and laptops are "frozen in time" so I can always access different projects I have done in the past etc...

    "Wait and see approach" has worked a lot better for me over the decades then jumping on any new update. But I recognize and respect that other people have different priorities, and their audio production stuff may not top the list. But they should be aware that stuff gets broken with autoupdates and iterative, let alone next level up macOS updates without question, as hell, you might just find your daw or main plugins or audio interface dead in the water.

    Regarding the "Mac nerd" friends you speak of, well, I respectfully disagree with them, particularly in regards to what we are doing here, as just dragging an app to the trash etc doesn't remove a boatload of stuff that you want gone (to simplify the explanation). There are other tools and ways I've used with previous macOS's/osX etc, but I use things like the Suspicious Package app (freeware) before installing most things as to see what it's doing and what is being put 'where', but even that isn't gonna show you some things.... just dragging an app or plugin to the trash is going to leave a lot of residual files in a lot of instances. Some people are cool with that, I'm not myself.

    So yeah, your "Mac nerd" friends may be right in that if you are running clean apps on everything and have a pretty simple setup in regards to getting stuff from the App Store and whatnot:

    it'll work optically for a lot of things, but take a look inside some of those nested folders in your user/Library or Library folder sometime... and you will find quickly that while their advice 'works well' for getting it out of their way on a legit install etc, but leaves a lot of residual behind.

    But for casual users who aren't patching things and whatnot, it's probably fine, and probably better that they do it that way so they don't screw stuff up as can happen if you don't know what you are doing (and not that this requires any brain trust kinda thing;)) ... then it does for us without question. Total legit apps on apple and whatnot, generally just work as the way they have designed it, so that suzy/tom housewife or whatnot doesn't have to deal with anything really in their way in terms of their experience in the Apple ecosystem.... and that's fine.

    but that's not what we are doing sometimes, and/or we want a little more control, as the detritus left behind can create issues for you going forward with what we are talking about, and I'd just rather have my system a little cleaner then still having receipts and god knows what else from some piece of software you just gave a demo/test run/trial etc you know?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    ok, again, have you looked in your Library/Audio/Plug-Ins to see if they are actually there before patching?

    And did you uninstall previous properly?

    (and we still don't know what os or hardware you are running)...

    and are you using the latest release of this Arturia stuff on sister site?

    as the one you are using as the title of this thread is NOT the latest on the sister site....

    You need to answer these questions, as would be helpful for us to help you, and you see that we are trying, but you aren't answering other then showing us terminal results that need more context....
  4. DontSpendOnShit

    DontSpendOnShit Newbie

    Dec 24, 2023
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    I’ll have to give the Wide Blue Sound Audio Plugin Uninstaller another try because their website says it’s compatible with macOS 10.14 “Mojave” and higher, but I couldn’t find it on their sister site. Also, I completely agree with you about the leftover files — just dragging an app to the trash isn’t enough at all. Do you have a good, optimized uninstaller you’d recommend?
  5. DontSpendOnShit

    DontSpendOnShit Newbie

    Dec 24, 2023
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    In my Library/Audio/Plug-Ins folder, I have Jun-6 V.component and JUNO-106.vst3.

    No, I haven’t tried reinstalling yet because I’m still looking for a good uninstaller to do it properly.

    I’m on Sequoia 15.2 with an M1.

    No, I’m using the previous version because that’s what worked for me before — everything worked perfectly the first time.
    I’m using the retail installer currently available here on Arturia’s website: https://www.arturia.com/fr/support/downloads-manuals (that’s how it worked before I reset my Mac).
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I did look over on their discussion forums and there are some reported issues with Seqouia, but a bit back and they said they were working on, so it could be something with that...

    My version of the Wide Blue Sound uninstaller works just fine, but again, I'm still on Sonoma 14.7.2.

    -again, not sure what macOS and hw you are running.... (gotcha, while I was asking, you answered, thank you ;))...

    But as I said above, for a good general purpose uninstaller for most recent macOS versions, I would recommend the "Nektony App Cleaner & Uninstaller" myself... but also double check with "Find Any File" etc...
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Ok, that could explain a bit there, as according to the title of this post, you are using a patch that was done for conceivably, and most probably, older versions of the plugins, in which things have changed with updates (as minor as they may be).

    In this situation: Either dl the newer/latest release from in full if you are using that patch from the sister site, as that patch was designed and written for a specific set of releases in time, and things may have changed, so that downloading the official Arturia releases from 'now' aren't going to work. (as Arturia aren't stupid, and look at sites like this, and change things to accommodate you know?)

    Mixing and matching between official releases and older patches or whatnot can create some issues, or just not simply work as you can imagine, or are experiencing. Last I looked at sister site version, it was a particular December release or something, and I don't think they suggested downloading from Arturia directly, or if they did recommend that, (especially with the release version you are referencing with post title), that would be a little irresponsible if they failed to inform you with the full information that you might encounter problems with future releases.

    Patches don't last forever for every future version you know?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2025
  8. DontSpendOnShit

    DontSpendOnShit Newbie

    Dec 24, 2023
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    I installed AppCleaner for its reputation, but I don't understand how to fully uninstall Jun-6 since it's not an application but a .vst3 and .components.
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