Progress in Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Incontro, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    No no, I'm saying that if you consider the 12 tones of our standard music system to be integers, in between each of those integers there lies an Infinity of fractions. But no matter how close together those fractions may be there's always an Infinity of fractions that lay between those. In terms of actual sound and frequency there is always another note.
    Check out Asimov's Varieties of the Infinite, an essay on transfinite numbers.
  2. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hey Foster, did your mom have any kids that actually lived?
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  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    so fractal music theory i guess. if i remember correctly all fractals are created out of a number between 2 and 3, using recurrsion to cause reiteration of a world between numbers. been a couple decades, but I used to love to run fractal software and create images and videos, have to dig for those one of these days..

    if you could link fractal software to cymatics, it might produce either interesting videos or interesting music, or both


    the geometric patterns in the intro (about 60 seconds) aren't fractals, just polygonal shapes rotated and dissolved into each other..then the fun begins...
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  4. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Truest post. Thanks for writing it.

    It has to do with the state of man. The human condition. Mankind is sick. And it often sings and writes about that. But there is a state when the sickness gets to advanced in stage, that whatever one produces can not longer be of high quality, because they are simply not capable any more. This sickness is internal. And music is an expression of the unsaid internal which even words cannot capture.

    Of course I am speaking generally. And there is such a thing as the music industry which no longer acts as a promoter of good music that is out there to be found among the people, but as its gatekeeper, and a promoter of a certain sickly kind of sound, concept, and world. This has a reverse effect - in that humankind is absorptive, everyone absorbs the environment in which they are immersed within. And then they re-emit what they have absorbed. Therefore if darkness and sickness is promoted in society at large, a cycle begins which is hard to stop. Where the same kind of darkness and sickness permeates and perpetuates in that civilization. Music is just one aspect of a civilization, one expression of it. So it's not so much that music is dead - it's that people are dead, or not as alive as they ought to be.

    The issue is spiritual, mental and emotional - in that order!
    That's the root, or the cause. Music, being an expression is the effect.

    Just as people have completely confused love and sex and no longer know which ought to come first, the same is exemplified in other areas of modern world society. The issue is fundamental to mankind's identity, a subject which goes far beyond music. Music is like sex, it's supposed to be an expression of an already present and committed love. Not as the first and only act. An expression of a thing comes after the thing, but the root thing must already be present in order to be able to express it. You can't have a cherry on a cake if the entire cake is missing. It's the cake which is the substance, not the cherry on top.

    So you can't fix music with gimmicks - which is exactly what mankind will try and try and try - and fail. Technology is merely a tool. But whoever saw a hammer making a house all by itself? Whoever saw a synthesizer making an amazing album? (And even if AI one day writes an amazing album, all by itself, WHO CARES! It wasn't made by a human being!!!).

    This is why the advance of technology means absolutely nothing if the one utilizing that technology, mankind, itself does not also advance - not in terms of intelligence, because that has never really been the problem. Education with true and accurate information has been the problem. But the real problem is man's soul and spirit. A brokenness lay in there that makes all the difference in the universe. And from there it is that both love and music come. If that part of man is too sick, only darkness will come forth and pour more darkness into the world, so that the entire world will be filled with nothing but that which destroys.

    People will try to find the solution in endless ways, they will try every false way they can imagine and not find the solution to the problem. Because as long as you avoid addressing the root cause, you will be like a hamster in a wheel, or like a an animal in the middle of a forest fire. Afterwards, only carcasses shall be found.

    Deterioration is slow, gradual, so that most get accustomed to it. And forget that it may have been a smidge better in times past. Some rationalize it away as if everything always was the same. They do not see clearly and are placating themselves.

    If you want your music to improve, improve yourself! Grow and mature in every way possible and stay clear of evil, commit it not and don't follow it - that's how you will pollute yourself, until the sickness consumes you - but not prior to promising you vain and empty riches. Your love, your music, will fail because you have allowed yourself to become polluted and discouraged. Therefore do not defile your love, keep YOURSELF pure, for from there comes the music.

    Music is a form of expression that influences the listener. What are you truly saying and influencing yourself, others and the world by?
  5. Kate Middleton

    Kate Middleton Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Kengsington Palace
    probably A.I and larger libraries
  6. SaulK

    SaulK Member

    Nov 27, 2023
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  7. Barbatron

    Barbatron Kapellmeister

    Aug 2, 2022
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    Define progress.

    There are developments, like there always are. But I don't think it is really possible to define progress in art, since progress is a more technical aspect. Like, You get better/ more tools, to make music but this doesn't equal 'better' art.
  8. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    The adopted ones live in Foster homes I guess.
  9. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    Society and people change. The change factors are different, but the biggest change factor is the emergence of new technologies.

    This is the technology that tells people how to change their behavior and way of thinking.

    In the past, the emergence and development of technology was slow, and for almost 1500 years, humans lived in a similar way. Until the year 1500, when technology had not yet made its way into society, people lived as we have seen in historical films. Since 1500, technology entered people's lives in different ways and changed people's lives.

    The growth of technology was slow until 1800, but it gradually increased its speed and reached its peak in the 20th century, especially after the Second World War.

    Since the beginning of the 21st century, the type of technology has been different. There is nothing new into people's lives and only the appearance of technology is different. The technologies we see in the 21st century are founded in the 20th century, and in the 21st century, the only thing we do is optimizing the technologies of the 20th century.

    Always with the emergence of new technologies, there is a lot of enthusiasm and excitement in people and it leads them to new experiences. Unique arts are created in these experiences. This situation existed in the 20th century, but why do we not see this situation in the 21st century? The answer that comes to my mind is that humans have reached a dead end in the production of new technologies. No new technology can be invented that does not already exist.

    There was no historical period like the twentieth century. New things were invented every day. But is that right now? The only difference between us in 2025 and 2000 is that the speed of computers has increased and there has been a little more prosperity. But technologically, nothing new is created. People can no longer add anything to art in the prosperity and laziness caused by it.

    In the 19th and 20th centuries, laziness had no meaning at all and people were constantly active. But now people look at their watches after eating breakfast to see when lunch time will come.:dunno:
  10. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    as always youre observations are non, their biased interpretations whenever like always is some truth in it . you open a thread about progress in music which is totally dmb because its art and there will be non from ground up new instruments apple is apple not less not more, yet you can still find new crosses which are outstanding .
    so you open up such a thread and end up lamentating about lets say world economics and inovations makin points while having zero clue bout progress and/or from ground up new tech eg like in divisions like carbon ,hemp,nuclear,agrar,industry tech bla bla and leaving out certain lobby buying or stealing alternative ...... and tech patents since last century....
    but thats not the main point in whats not acceptable in your behavour and i wont get into it anymore, if asex ppl want be part of your endless psych carussel circle having a dozens of accounts and hard render site dynamics, so be it .
    i got news for you , saint dont care what you do or not and you never where mentioned in a nfo team greetings for a reason....
    im done with this shit and put all of your accounts in ignore mode ...
    ppl think im acting out of i like to argue with you but no i want show how hard impact your psych show has on forum dynamics and its user ,cause i want the good asex back , back when you were just a double diagnosis and not a full blown .....
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
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  11. TDK66

    TDK66 Guest

    Who cannot admit there are shit at producing & have got no where in there life! so they bully foster!
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    And you figured all this out in a couple of days ? wow :rofl:
  13. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    There are different stages in social developments, but two are more important:
    1- The chaos stage
    2- The stability stage
    The 20th century was the chaos and the 21st century, stability. History has proven that in the chaos stage, better and more enduring art is produced. The art that is produced in the stability stage is a lifeless art and lacks artistic components. In the stability stage, people do not have much desire for expression and the art they produce is inexpressive. In this phase, the tendencies are greatly reduced for many things, and the artist's spirit and works are affected. If there is a great chaos in the future, art will be soulful.
  14. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    That's it, I'm gonna Cantor the fuck out of tone rows now. Then I'm gonna create a ballet that takes place in Hilbert's Hotel.

    Seriously, normally when someone brings up Continuum Hypothesis or various cardinalities it usually means it's some high-octane crankery. And you know what... threads like these, it actually fits.
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  15. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    If you can't think of anything else that you can use to continue making money or attract users to your account, you make freeware, steal other people's ideas or resort to tricks and simply invent a story to get the user's attention.

    At the same time, you torture the users with advertising. And don't forget to leave a like or, even better, subscribe to the newsletter, where your data can then be sold on for a profit and your inbox can be flooded with even more nonsense.
  16. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    life and humanity is not a stop and go, situation, its an oscillation. a sine wave, highs and lows, alternating.
    when the music gets quiet, that is the opportunity or time to bring up the volume, contrawise, when the music is loudest is the time to reduce the volume and tempo.
    an oscillation in time and volume is the history of life and so too music.

    if you notice (and many urban dwellers are living under such a din as to not even know these things) animals too make music, I hear the birds sing outside my window when I'm tuning my acoustic guitar. I hear the cicada's sing all summer long, the nights are never quiet.

    Music never stops, only listening stops.
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The @Garamondo Furbish, I'm becoming more and more sympathetic to him, he still finds peace and quiet in all the chaos and keeps spreading beautiful impulses here.

    My reality looks something like this: The birds communicate with each other, we call it language! But the creator thought that it should also be lovely and calming for people, which is why the grass is green and the sky is blue. Imagine if it were purple or striped...!

    I bought 25 kg of sunflower seeds so that the birds and the 3 squirrels don't have to go hungry. I was rewarded with an encounter with a woodpecker and a few tits. They are peaceful, pretty to look at and I'm happy every time they come to visit.

    I think music has adapted to the pace of life, many bands suddenly started playing faster in the 90s and their voices were more aggressive. For example, Killig Joke ( I only listen to the old Killing Jokes records.):

    Killing Joke - A Southern Sky (1986)

    Killing Joke - A Southern Sky (1986)

    Killing Joke - Pandemonium (1994)
  18. zartorius99

    zartorius99 Newbie

    Apr 7, 2024
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    here you go :)
  19. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    It's of course great if you can play an instrument and read music. I think most of the readers here respect and love the musicians who can do that, but the reality only produces a small elite of such musicians. Most of them will never have to or want to learn or achieve that.

    Andreas Vollenweider & Friends | Live At Rockpalast 1982 – Trailer
  20. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    just wanted to inform you guys in bit more expensive sewage treatment plantits with 2 to 3 more levels its possible to filter/treat antibiotics,hormones,art fert and microplastics but its more important to waste tax money on shit so we shower,cook and drink water in EU whats labelt as industry water in eg canada .
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