My Arturia Keylab essentials 49 mk3 has a weird problem!! HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by ImBadAtMusic, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. ImBadAtMusic

    ImBadAtMusic Newbie

    Oct 10, 2024
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    Hi everyone!
    So a week or so ago I posted a thread where I told you guys that my Arturia Keylab essentials 49 mk3 has a weird issue that some keys (exactly 8 keys) stop registering inputs to the computer... Some of you said I have to consult the warranty company. I took the controller to them but at first they were claiming it's not even their product (which totally was according to the retailer)... After a bit of arguing, they decided to test the unit and IT WORKED FINE AND I EMBARRASSED MYSELF...
    So I took it home and worked with it for a day and a day after the same exact 8 keys STOPPED WORKING again... I decided to disassemble the controller cleaned the key bed with a spray that I use to clean electronics IT WORKED FINE... But the morning after right before going to work I decided to play the keys to make sure they are fine AND THEY WERE NOT WORKING! GUYS I SWEAR I THINK THIS PIECE OF PLASTIC IS TROLLING ME!!!!

    I have not worked with keyboards and midi controllers before but this to me doesn't sound like a hardware problem because: 1. Why is it always the same exact 8 keys? 2. Why do these same exact keys work just like the rest some times and just suddenly stop working?

    I think there's some kind of bug on the embedded software that causes. this I have tried resetting the firmware and installing old updates and they did not affect anything...

    Also prior to taking the controller to the warranty company, there was a problem where the controller wouldn't go to sleep mode (the lights and the monitor were always on) but it got fixed all by itself...

    What do you guys think of this problem? I personally believe that my controller is possessed by some evil creature because non of it makes any sense?

    Here's a picture of the faulty keys:


  3. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Other than software, .....
    I guess there is some problem with the key contacts with the motherboard. Maybe due to dust etc. This happens in other keyboards too and simply cleaning them do away with the problem. I guess you should return to service centre and tell them to clean your keyboard and the contacts.
    If you are well versed you can do the same yourself..

    My roland occassionally have this....more than few times. The first time I took it to service centre, they charged me quite a lot
    . After few days the problem with 3 keys was back. Out of frustration after going through some videos on internet I opened the keyboard myself and cleared it...
    And it was good to go . Since. Then it was working fine....

    Take help from some friend who has knowledge of computer hardware...:wink:
  4. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    @ImBadAtMusic, no, it's not a ghost, it's based on Arturia's company policy, poor and cheap workmanship, bad software.
    Read the following article, then it will be crystal clear to you that you are not the cause of the problem.

    Arturia Keylab Essential 61 Mk3 not opening or controlling VSTi’s

    Try exchanging the device or getting an equivalent replacement.
    Try using a different MIDI keyboard controller from a different company.

    Nektar Impact GXP61 - 206 EUR

    The 49 velocity-sensitive and semi-weighted keys of the Impact GXp49 are cleanly crafted and equipped with aftertouch. This is not something to be taken for granted in this price range and also in MIDI keyboards in general. The keys on the keyboard are very easy to play and give you a good feeling right from the first time you play them. The keyboard is not too lightly weighted. Only the relatively loud keyboard noises when you press them with full force slightly spoil the otherwise very good quality of this keyboard.

    - Very good keyboard
    - Many RGB LED buttons
    - Top quality workmanship
    - Extensive software package
    - Aftertouch
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
  5. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Kinda crazy thing to ask, but have you tried a different USB port and cable? If you're on a hub or front USB, try connecting to the ports in the back (supposing you're on a Desktop).
  6. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    As it is only 8 keys, it is internal, not USB/cable.

    Can be software or hardware. But as it is so intermittent, only on the same keys and not easily reproductible, it is hardware.
    And it is NOT the keybeds, because dirty keybeds simply "half work". And they don't act as a group.
    I don't understand the "keybeds" advice.

    Once again (like in the previous thread ) : it is PROBABLY related to a connection ribbon between keys and motherboard.
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Before you make any further attempts to get a warranty repair I would suggest to test it with a friend on another computer-
    It is indeed embarrassing when it turns out later that it was your setup that was the problem.
    However, I also assume that the device is defective. I would guess a cold solder joint or a broken cable in the keyboard. I would move it back and forth to test it, because loose contacts are usually position-dependent
  8. Kelsier

    Kelsier Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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  9. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Here is another example of Arturia Keylab Essential Error:

    Arturia Keylab Essential Error [Help ]

    everytime i connect my keyboard (arturia keylab essential 49) to my pc, the chord button and the -1 oct are instantly on. i cannot turn off the chord button and now the keys aren't recognized by the pc. the pads are still responding but the keys just wont.
    i already tried to update the firmware but nothing happened. also tried to factory reset but theres no reaction when i press the knob to accept the reset.

    i don't really know what else to try, so I ask for your help, in case anyone has had this error before, or if you know how to fix it, id be really thankfull to know

    after a few days i finally fixed it. i realized that when moving the 5th to 9th knob, different buttons would turn on and off, and luckily there was one which turned off the chord button and allowed me to factory reset the controller.

    it was definitely a weird issue, but im happy now the keyboard is working perfectly. thanks 4all ur help!!
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  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    4.15. Reset to factory defaults (from the Manual)

    This process will delete all user presets, the device settings and return them to the factory defaults.
    Use the MIDI Control Center software to save your changes beforehand.

    To reset the KeyLab Essential to the original factory settings:

    1. Disconnect the USB-C cable from the back of the keyboard.

    2. Press and hold the context buttons 1 and 2 below the display.

    3. Reconnect the USB-C cable and continue to hold the buttons until the display shows Firmware / Exit / Reset.

    4. Then release buttons 1 and 2.
    Press Reset to return the KeyLab Essential to its original factory settings or press Exit to cancel the process.
  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Another User wrote:

    Figured it out! Very simple solution for anyone else with this problem (although the answer is everywhere on the internet - I just overlooked it for some reason): with Studio One, you need to add TWO MIDI instruments - one is Mackie Control, with inputs set to MIDIIN and MIDIOUT - the other is a new keyboard, with inputs set to Arturia Keylab 49. The keyboard handles the keybed itself (and maybe pads?) while the Mackie Control handles everything else (faders, transport controls, etc.).