Preventing Apple Intelligence from Downloading - Potential method

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Vincent Price, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Hey folks, if you're not a fan of Apple Intelligence on your Mac, I think I have found a way to remove it. Here’s a quick guide on how to disable and remove it from your system (Please see here for the original article)

    Please Note: I have tried this, and it doesn't seem to do much apart from slow the download of Apple Intelligence down. The folder it downloads to reached around 800MB but my Mac storage once again, went from 914GB to 906, implying that Apple Intelligence is still downloading.

    This is just my experience with it, this may work differently for other people.

    Open System Settings and make sure Apple Intelligence is turned off.

    Boot into Recovery Mode:

    In macOS Utilities, click Utilities and then Terminal from the top menu.

    Disable SIP: csrutil disable

    Press Enter, Then Y and then enter your password....once it has confirmed SIP is disabled, then restart your Mac.

    Locate and Delete Apple Intelligence Files

    These should be in:


    Boot back into Recovery Mode

    Open Disk Utility and find Macintosh HD – Data. Right-click and choose 'Mount' (If it says 'Unmount' I clicked it and then 'Mounted' it again)

    Quit Disk Utility and open Terminal

    Type this command to remove the AI files:

    rm -rf /Volumes/Data/System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_UAF_FM_GenerativeModels

    Re-enable SIP: csrutil enable

    Follow the instructions as before

    Restart your Mac.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2025
  3. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    And if all that doesn't a pc. Sorry, couldn't resist....LOL!!
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    apparently not that intelligent.

    (im sure MS will come up with something like this aswell)

    I dont understand why you cant jsut turn off AI shit ... instead you have to work around it ... :trolls::deep_facepalm: