FlStudio MidiScript Update

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Yosif Khaled, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. Yosif Khaled

    Yosif Khaled Newbie

    Jan 13, 2025
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    Hello, I live in a third world country.. I am using a cracked version of Fl Studio... Till I save some money to buy it -Finger Crossed-

    I just got my hands on a novation flkey 61, but I can't update MidiScripts to use it properly I think because my version of flstudio is not legit.

    is there a way I can update midi scripts on a cracked version..

    also, I don't know if my modulation wheel on the midi is broken or not but it doesn't have any springs meaning it moves and stays in place not like the pitch wheel...
  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Spring - simply remove it and put in a new spring, or bend the old spring back into shape.
    EDIT: Forget my sentence about the feather, it's wrong!!!

    How to Fix Mod Wheel in FL Studio

    FLkey 49/61 requires FL Studio 21.0.3 or above.

    FLkey 37/49/61
    In the MIDI Settings window (Options > Settings > MIDI) make sure the FLkey is set up as per the following steps:

    1. Select and enable the FLkey MIDI & DAW input ports in the lower ‘Input’ panel:
      • FLkey MIDI Out
      • FLkey DAW Out (named MIDIOUT2 on Windows)
    2. Click on each Input and set different port numbers for both using the red ‘Port’ tab below.
      • Port numbers can be set to anything not already in use (except 0)
      • Choose different port numbers for the MIDI and DAW ports
    3. Select each input and assign the scripts for your FLkey:
      • Click on the MIDI input, click the ‘controller type’ drop down and choose ‘FLkey 37/49/61 MIDI’.
        • Click on the DAW input, click the ‘controller type’ drop down and choose ‘ ‘FLkey 37/49/61 DAW’
          • If you don't see the relevant option, try clicking "Update MIDI Scripts" to ensure that FL Studio has been able to download the latest versions from the Image-Line server.
    4. Click the output ports in the upper ‘Output’ panel and set the ‘Port’ numbers to match the inputs.
      • FLkey MIDI In (named FLkey MIDI on Windows)
    The scripts you set in step 3 automatically link.

    5. Select the DAW output (upper panel) and enable ‘send master sync’.

    6. Enable ‘Pickup (takeover mode) near the bottom of the window.

    7. Click ‘Refresh device list’ in the bottom left.


    Novation FLkey: Manual FL Studio Setup & Firmware Update
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    A mod wheel doesn't usually spring back to center like a pitch wheel...at least not on my midi controller and hardware synths that I've owned. It's not broken.
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  5. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Oh thanks for the correction, I have a Roland A-800 that has a combined pitch/mod wheel, both with springs.

    Attached Files:

  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    That's the exception to the rule, traditional mod wheels flow freely in their full range. I had a Novation SL 61 which had the combo joystick. I got used to it over the 10 years or so of using it and neded to relearn, aquire new left hand tactile finger/hand memory to effectively use two separate wheels again. I kinda miss it because it became intuitive for me to play that way. Mine was the older original and not the one in the photo.

  7. John | Focusrite

    John | Focusrite Newbie

    Apr 15, 2024
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    The behaviour of the Mod Wheel is correct. It doesn't feature a spring and will remain where it's left.
    You can use the bundled trial of FL Studio to work with FLkey. You will need to purchase FL Studio to continue working with FLkey when the trial ends in order to receive updates to FL Studio and the required script
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