Nexus 5 Problem (Presets' Character issue)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Aya, Jan 8, 2025.

  1. Aya

    Aya Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I installed Nexus v5.9.1 and Expansions without any problem. But I found some Artist Series Expansions were located in Folders menu, not in Expansions menu. and no proper icons for those showed up too like the image below(You can see just the same grey folder icons).

    artist series list.png

    Thanks to someone on Internet, I found a fix, that is changing the names of those Presets and NKS folders in Nexus library path like below.

    XP Artist Series 7 Skies ---> XP 7 Skies

    Using this tip, all Artist Series Expasions moved from Folders list to Expansions list on Nexus 5 main screen and show their icons well.


    After that, their Presets' Character dots do not lit at all. Please see the comparison image below.

    after fix.png

    After digging through the related files for a while, I found 'tags.csv' file in C:\Users\Public\Documents\reFX\NEXUS path has metadata of Presets.

    As an experiment, I opend the file using text editor, searched that Expansions' Preset data and modified some line like below.

    "XP Artist Series 7 Skies 2/AR 303",939210 ---> "XP 7 Skies 2/AR 303",939210

    Happily it seeemed to work. the Preset's Character info showed normally.


    When I close Nexus 5 and relaunch it, tags.csv files content rolled back to its previous state automatically.

    I can change that file's property to 'read only' to prevent that automatic rollback, but it seems not a cool method, could cause another problem I think.

    Is there any other solution for that matter? Any advice is welcome.
  3. Aya

    Aya Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I'm answering my own question. Looking into this matter for several days, I found the cause of all this mess.

    First of all, there are two files that have information of Expansions. The one is 'content_properties.json' and the other is 'tags.csv'. Both have the info of Expansions' Preset folder name, but they work for different things.

    'content_properties.json' is related to how Expansions are showed in Nexus 5 main window, and this file has the names of Artist Series Expansions' Preset folders which don't have the word 'Artist Series'. For example, '7 Skies' not 'Artist Series 7 Skies'. So you have to change the folder names of that Artist Series Exps Preset folder name in Library path to '7 Skies', '7 Skies 2', 'Bodybangers' etcs, so that they can show up in Nexus 5 Exp list properly.

    'tags.csv' is related to showing Presets' Charater infomation, but this file has the names of Artist Series Expansions' Preset folder which have the word 'Artist Series'. So you have to change the folder names of that Artist Series Exps Preset folder name in Library path to 'Artist Seires 7 Skies', 'Artist Series Bodybangers' etcs, so that they can show Preset Character properly.

    That is, those two setting files have different names for the same folder. If you follow one, the other doesn't work properly. It seems really ridiculous.

    If you edit one file so that it has the same folder names as the other file, problem can be fixed easily. But these two files turn back to their original state everytime you start Nexus 5. I figured out it is because Nexus 5 always connect reFX data server when it starts and download that two files of default state and overwrite them.

    So... It seems there is no 'clean' solution yet. but changing those files' properlty to read-only or blocking the connection to reFX data server to prevent downloading those files could fix the issue, at least for now.

    Even if they didn't notice it, I presume legit user also have this issue, because this problem is due to the files dowloaded from the developer's data server. It seems that the problem could be completely solved only if the developer properly modifies the contents of those files.

    P.S. 'tags.csv' file has another problem that it does not have right preset names for Vintage Drumloops Expansions, so the Presets don't show theit Character at all. You can fix it by editing 'tags.csv' file with the name of the 'real' Preset file names you have in the Library path.
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