Every kontakt version freezes and hangs

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Alyctro, Dec 21, 2024.

  1. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    Every version of kontakt, old or new, portable or regular. Just freees on opening. Not always but most often. Even if there are no libraries installed, even if it's uninstalled and the registries are cleared. Windows is not adjusted in any way and has all the redistributables. There are no viruses and i'm running samsung 990 pro ssd's. This has never happened before in all my years of using kontakt. There are no errors or crashes, happens in every daw. Happens even if i use other disks.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Did you have a working installation on the machine when this happened? Or did you notice this after going to reinstall it after some period of time? What Windows version? Did you try any standalone version of Kontakt yet? (not in any DAW). You might want to pick and mention one specific release you want to use, so you are not dealing with generalities.
  4. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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  5. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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  6. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    It's Kontakt 8.1.0, i tried older too. And i also tried the standalone executable too, same results. This started happening before i reinstalled it. One day it basically started doing this. Windows 11 (26100.2605). I have a legal version. I am always trying to use the latest version of everything which is 8.1.0 at this time.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Ok well, when you start installing multiple copies you can end up with files and filenames conflicting. Windows updates should really have little to do with it. But Kontakt is the only thing not working, because only Kontakt uses most of those files. I would discount "Windows corruption" until you have tried everything else you can think of.

    Did you use Revo Uninstaller Pro to try cleaning up everything you may not have found manually? Have you tried using the most recent Kontakt Player? That might be worth a look, just to see the results. Have you tried using it with all installed libraries moved to a backup location, so Kontakt will load with none of them?
  8. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    I have tried kontakt player, i have tried other versions, i have cleaned the install with revo, i tried moving the libraries. It freezes even if there are no libraries added. Happens even if kontakt it self is moved to another disk.

    DJ PUKKA Banned

    Jun 28, 2024
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    I use it for samples only! or the string runs & guitar/bass riff & fx shat! But total waste of data space! & cpu hog
  10. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    Thanks but i need to solve this.
  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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  12. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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  13. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    The issue persists.
  14. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Please contact Native Instruments Support ---> https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us Log in to contact support!

    System requirements

    macOS 13, 14 and 15 (latest update)
    Windows 10 and 11 (latest service pack)

    - Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU or Apple Silicon, 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    - Graphics card with support for Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher
    - 2 GB free hard disk space, 52 GB for full installation
    - Supports ASIO, Core Audio and WASAPI

    Download and activation requires an internet connection. After installation and activation, products can also be used offline. Certain products may require additional free downloads.

    Supported interfaces
    macOS (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST3, AU, AAX
    Windows (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST3, AAX

    Sometimes this tool helps: O&O ShutUp10++:Free antispy tool for Windows 10 and 11

    Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files

    Run System File Checker
    In the Command Prompt window, type the following command, and press ENTER:

    sfc /scannow

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2024
  15. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I had this exact thing happen to me .. same ssds .. could never find the solution.. I went as far as reinstalling windows .. and it finally fixed the issue lol.. it ended up happening after my IO went on my machine .. and even after replacing it and getting windows back up and running it still gave me issues that's when I deleted everything and reformated my C drive .. took me 6 months to get everything back and up and running.. It would take a few minutes for kontakt to open and everytime I would minimize kontakt and open it back up I would get a spinning ball .. drove me absolutely nuts
  16. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    That was happening to me as well on Windows 11 and Kontakt 7. I have since moved to a Hackintosh and Kontakt 8 and problem solved. Probably not helpful but there you go. It's so snappy, I can't believe I put up with that nonsense so long. I thought it was because of the crack but tried both R2R and Bob to no avail.
  17. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    Well... i had a hackintosh once. But it's so complicated to do that it's not practical. I even have an old 2011 mac restored, but it's practically trash. While it would be great on a real mac, preferably a modern one. I can't afford it just for a fucking studio program. This is either windows fucking with me or the disk is dieing but still it shouldn't happen if i put it on another.
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I think - as you already mentioned in one of your posts - that your Windows installation is currupted.
    You will hardly achieve a stable state again with repairs and fiddling, so it is better to reinstall.

    It is almost a law of nature: the stability of a Windows System decreases with every installation. And unfortunately this also applies to Windows updates.

    Just one example:
    The way Windows manages installation an deinstallation of programs leads to currption of several parts of the installation, when only a part of vendors don't adhere strictly to the install/deinstall conventions.
    One of the term for this phenomenon is called "DLL hell".

    When a programmer makes an installation (aprogramm that installs other programs) für his App and installs DLL files (simply put a collection of functions used in the main program) he needs to register these DLL files into the OS's registry. When a DLL in a given version is installed the first time a counter is set to 1 and if the same version is already installed the counter is increased by one.
    When a program is tp be deinstalled, these counters for the DLL with the same version is decreased by one.
    Unfortunately, there are often programmers at work who do not observe these conventions and, for example, do not pay attention to correct versioning or forget to increase the counter for the given DLL version by one.

    If another program is then uninstalled that has the same DLL version, the counter is -correctly- reduced by one and if it reaches zero, the DLL is uninstalled. Completely correct so far. Only that this situation can lead to a DLL being uninstalled that other apps still need in order to function.

    The result is that the apps crash out of the blue as soon as functions of the DLL are called.
    Even worse is when a programmer simply replaces a DLL with another DLL that has a different version. Then calls to functions can produce incorrect results or no results at all and render the calling app unusable.

    This is why Windows by every installation and deinstallation ist in danger.

    The whole DLL hell is a remainder of a time when disk space was a precios good. Today some vendors just copy their DLL files to the installatation directory just as their APP files --> no DLL hell.
    In the íXOSes like Linux, Unix and Mac OS (that's basically an iXOS from its inner portions) installations are mady by Xcopying data to a special path on the disk, thats it --> No DLL hell.

    If you are a Windows user who wnats to use his installation a longer time you should therefore install and uninstall as few programs as possible

    However, this is hardly practicable.
    It is therefore advisable to make a backup before installing any software and to restore this backup instead of uninstalling the software.
    And make a backup every now an then when you have a system that is stable. It's a point where you can go back and save a lot of time.

    If you like to test software packages first install them in a virtual machine and only if you want to use it for a longer time install it on your productive machine.

    If you are a more experienced Windows user, observe for DLL problems and change the registry and clear it from old entries, noexistent DLL where you find them. Delete the junk data left behind by uninstalled programs by hand (search for them at least...) in:
    c:\program files
    c:\program files (x86)
    c:\users\%USER NAME%\app data\local + ..\roaming
    c:\users\%USER NAME%\documents
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025
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  19. Alyctro

    Alyctro Newbie

    Aug 30, 2023
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    Thanks, that was really informative. I kind of knew this but i believed that i could fix it without reinstlling. Everything else works perfectly fine, it's just that kontakt doesn't work properly on this specific install. It was not long ago that i reinstalled for a simlar reason, but that was caused by my extensive fiddling and debloating. What i always do is hard disable any security on the system, because it keeps turning it self on and deleting my cracked files. Which is hella annoying.
  20. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    How to Use CHKDSK to Repair & Fix Windows Hard Drives

    A buggy PC can derail your entire week. Thankfully, the built-in Windows CHKDSK (check disk) utility can find and repair bug-causing errors easily. Keep reading to learn how to use CHKDSK to improve the performance of your computer. Then, get a powerful optimization tool to keep your computer running smoothly.


    - A HDD/SSD utility software which supports a part of USB, Intel RAID and NVMe.

    How to Fix Windows with a Repair Install


    Run System File Checker

    In the Command Prompt window, type the following command, and press ENTER:
    sfc /scannow
  21. Incontro

    Incontro Guest
