'Rachel Lost In Bunker Hill' The Saucer Pilots Single

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Aidene, Dec 31, 2024.

  1. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    Back when The Saucer Pilots were putting the recent 'Rachel' album together one little track sadly fell unnoticed, to the cutting room floor. It got trodden on, kicked aside and ended up getting missed from the album. But now we are happy to say that the poor little thing has been recovered and lovingly restored with a glossy new coat of sparkly bits and can be viewed and listened to by all and sundry on this last day of 2024 !

    Is it drum n bass? , is it jungle jazz?, is it an abstract globalspace lofi-hifi concoction? Is it all of the above or none?...i dunno..but in the grand scheme of things does it matter (ok i know people like genres so my apols to them)

    ..so, it is what it is, enjoy it if you have the time to listen and best wishes to all Audiosexers for the coming year of 2025 !

    Here's to everyone producing lots more good music on the forum in the year ahead...Salut !!!


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  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Thank you @Aidene for the music that many generations after us will still hear. I'm sure this song will also be heard by aliens in their UFOs when they visit us and bring their people there a musical cross-section of planet Earth.
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  4. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    yo i like it. ill save you the lecture on the importance of genre in the arts and culture but its drum and bass. though i think it was the right move to leave it off the album, its not really as focused conceptually as the others i remember. that album was actually the most focused ive heard from you two

    i like it though, especially the saxophone that comes in in the back half, the vocal samples are also really nice, very soulful, i also like the kid tripping over his words. though im much more of a junglist, its missing that edge for me; but i enjoyed listening too it, no real complaints from me, its a quality b-side that was worth sharing

    heres a rare jungle track i have on vinyl that it reminds me of a bit for you two, since i remember Midge F use to like my jungle taste when id share it in the listening too thread. happy new years
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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Jungle Jazz...or just Juzz if in a rush:rofl:

    I likey, likey lots!!!

    Have a Merry New Year with health, happiness, hugs and humor aplenty...and with tons of sound and vision in between:wink:.
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  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The already coined term should be "intelligent drum & bass". As in the likes of Photek, LTJ Bukem, Goldie etc. Stuff that came mostly from the Metalheadz and R&S labels starting around the mid 90s. But who the fk cares about terms, years and such. Cool piece mate. Dig!
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  7. Midge F

    Midge F Audiosexual

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Valenciana, Spain
    @Aidene adds the intelligence. Spot on, Mr. @taskforce. Fabio and Grooverider's radio show turned me on to the more abstract, intelligent thing and how the breakbeat thing developed and mutated.
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  8. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    oh lord, not juzz lmao

    yo thats like saying, who the fuck cares about your mom, when she was born and such. being an artist is being apart of a family tree, it matters to know as an artist where you come from, its in your DNA and part of continuing it
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  9. Midge F

    Midge F Audiosexual

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Valenciana, Spain

    Thanks for listening and such sage advice, Sir.

    Sweet tune, btw...I'll lose sleep as to what that early 90's vocal r'n'b sample is...

    First time I heard Jungle was in South London at some festival and it was a bit too harsh for me... hoover basses etc, but suddenly a DJ did his thing and mixed some ambience with twisted amen/apache beats etc and dub sensibilities, and it all fell into place. Personally, I'm looking for something crisp, yet fluffy! Probably my age....

    @Aidene is fairly new to the genres I've inflicted upon her, but has picked up the ball and ran with it...I learn from her now, also. I'd also like to thank her for being patient, talented and far more hard working than me.

    All good things for 2025, Mr. Grape!!
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  10. Midge F

    Midge F Audiosexual

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Valenciana, Spain
    Jangle juzz...

    Thanks for listening, ledge'!

    All the best for 2025 and beyond.
  11. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    @Midge F : yeah maybe, idk how ill feel when im older. though i always felt like atmospheric drum and bass was sanitized; feels like the soul was ripped out, its like fake jungle. though i dont hate it or nothing and ive listened too your projects (3 i think?) in my time here, it goes better with your aesthetics and heavy use of ambience and psychedelia

    but yo thats what its all about, you guys learning from each other, your shared interests in aliens, space and whatever. so keep having fun
  12. Midge F

    Midge F Audiosexual

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Valenciana, Spain
    Big wet kiss, estrella... keep on keeping on. Thanks for the inspiring words, makes it all worth while.
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Not at all. You are saying that not me. And this is funny coming from someone who declares "abandon definition"... My quote is about defying cast typing and tags put on art works by people who rarely understand them in depth. You see, sub-genre naming is mostly a critics and journalists endeavor. People who make whatever shit happening musically don't give a fuck about how you will call or categorize their music, its not what they 're in it for. Neither am i. And it's quite rare you 'll find true musical knowledge in the music "press". Half of it is know it all snobs who at the end of the day don't even know what a fkn triad is nor understand production mixing etc. Occasionally there have been some great journalists who left an distinctive signature but the majority is drowned in half knowledgeable mediocrity.
    I hope now you understand me :D
    Happy new year!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  14. Grape Ape

    Grape Ape Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2024
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    in Harmony
    @taskforce : well a lot of artists are well of aware of what theyre pulling from, what inspires them and what kind of music they want to make. you really dont find that many noteworthy artists in our species, who are just blindly creating or make something with no clue of what they made. when its new, thats when critics name it; but the artist was still aiming at something prior to that. a lot of genres are pushed and created by artist who understood what came before them

    this notion that genres or sub genres dont matter, slows development, that is the main reason i called it out. especially since you clearly know it by what you said, theres no reason she shouldnt be able to tell whats obvious to someone like me or you. understanding the music shes making and apart of, whats come before her; will only make her a better creator within that space. its apart of how art progresses in the world, its apart of how artist work lasts, its how you get something fresh in a style

    thats all im saying, nothing personal towards you fam. happy new year to you as well
  15. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    We have two categories: 1- Music , 2- Genre

    Genres are created to destroy music. Genres are mostly created by people who don't understand music. They create a strange creature and in order to give it artistic value, they categorize it in formats under the title of genre. They themselves know that their work has no artistic value, but by resorting to genres, they show it as having value in order to be a little proud of their work, but the reality is that it is definitely not music.:)
  16. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Damn! I almost skipped this because it just didn't sound like my bag but I dig the shit out of this. Well done, yinz!
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