Do cracked plugins hurt CPU?

Discussion in 'Software' started by liquidpeanut, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Some of the ked stuff even goes easier on the cpu.
  2. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    so far no useful answer here it seems,
    1) some plugins may be cracked for Intel only, which means you'd have to run them (and DAW) in Rosetta2 mode, which makes a noticeable performance hit already
    2) some DAWs may be cracked for Intel only, which means the same as above
    3) Logic is one of few DAWs unable to utilize efficiency cores of Apple Silicon, so you're definitely seeing worse performance compared to something like Reaper (do note Studio One is also terrible in that regard)
    4) if you have smaller 14" MBP, then be aware it can still thermally throttle, you might want to get TG Pro (free trial should be enough) and observe temperatures and fan speeds, afterall you got 3 years old macbook by now
    5) you didn't mention memory and storage of your MBP, even something like clunky external SSD can negatively impact CPU performance in specific scenarios
  3. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    I think some decent notables have been mentioned, and along with some of your own..

    im on a 16inch MBP M1 Max 32GB Ram 1TB Memory- im aware Logic isn't the best for utilising cores, im on legit logic 11.1

    I don't track Ive maxed my buffer I produce instrumentals so Im beatmaking, mixing, then mastering, to which im testing tryingmastering in separate file but I can get cpu overload with a stacked master buss just as mastering file

    some regulars on my master bus - (im working on using less lol)

    Sonimus N Console
    God Particle
    FF Pro q 3 & MB
    Make Believe Sonteq eq
    OR AA Green / Ivory / Erin
    Isotope maximixer or few bits from ozone
    Soothe2 / spiff
    Gold Clip
    Weiss DS1
    Pro L2
    AA Lace

    Some times its more sometimes its less.. only the God particle, izo & FF bits are K'd there, I use waves more on busses S1 imager, RBass

    I use a template with everything bussed, then to a master, I have a few plugs switched off that ill know ill need off rip that's it,

    im intrigued what waves perfomance is legit vs k'd
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  4. Smeghead

    Smeghead Audiosexual

    Jun 25, 2024
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    I'm sure it's dependent on the cracker. I trust R2R when they say that their releases are often much less resource intensive and run and load faster.
  5. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    You couldn't hear your CPU scream? =D
  6. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    then update to 11.1.1 - according to changelog it includes stability improvements and bug fixes

    I'm afraid I won't be able to replicate that chain :dunno:

    did you check some Logic Pro optimization guides on Apple Silicon? those settings aren't always intuitive and maybe you're holding your macbook back?
  7. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    Just updated and see If that makes any difference, and I've got most things optimised settings wise and I'm bouncing to audio where possible, I do this a lot and just use one instance of Serum for example and I don't use battery anymore I use the step sequencer and bounce to audio.. so out side of a heavy master chain, im at a loss

    one thing I have seen that Studio one does that I like is that it shows you using of all plugs in session so you can pin point the issue

    as for logic i might as well shit in my hands and clap at this point :dunno:

    I did have the idea to upgrade to a m4 in a year or so to future proof along side the mammoth legit purchases but I've not even had this a year, its a Grade b refurb so like only light cosmetic damage, on one slight knock I could see on it, other than that it was mint!
  8. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Maybe too much "voodoo" stuff on master bus running on one CPU thread. M1 Max (with 8 full power cores) can already handle large projects, and M4 is just evolution and no revolution, no magic. So anything below an M4 Pro will most likely be far less powerful than your M1 Max.

    But I have to admit that I don't like Logic's stability and compatibility issues anymore. I'm happy using Reaper for mixing and mastering since many years and now also consider switching from Logic for production and composition, it seems to be the right way for me. Keeping Logic for compatibility with clients is still important, but for performance and stability, no more (at least for me).
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I think I get your 'general' point maybe, but an m3 max is less powerful than an M1 Max? or likely or whatever?

    Sure, it's incremental after intel to m chip whatnot... but...
  10. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Logic Pro's performance is all about the "Power" CPU cores, because the "Efficiency" CPU cores only do additional work but no audio processing. So a brand new (standard) M4 with 4 "Power" and 6 "Efficiency" Cores may be less performant than an M1 Max with 8 "Power" and 2 "Efficiency" cores. Also if the more recent CPUs are faster.
  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah, I get you on that, and how it's laid out. But to me, and perhaps I'm reading everything wrong or how some respond to it...I feel people watch too many James Zahn or his ilk YouTube videos, or rely on performed benchmark tests etc as opposed to actually using the shit irl, and then they do, and these guys usually stfu afterwards tbh in all life has passed them by. it's always the sky is falling or some 'weakness' reveal or whatnot with some of these people who don't actually do any work with these things other than trying to monetize clicks on YouTube or whatever platform regarding performance in this theoretical world vs putting actual ideas to realization.

    Of course more p cores is better. of course later models of said p cores are probably better. and more of them is probably better. or at least I'd imagine. and I've done my little 100 instances of Serum or Pigments and whatnot to see what holds water... but I'm not in a lab or trying to get clicks on how my machine 'could' be making music. I'm working and making music with it. and when I put my system to use, all things considered, it does pretty much what I ask it to.

    I would think an MB4 or certainly the mbp4 is going to outperform the m1 max. or maybe not, and if not, the +/- % isn't gonna really change my world. And I'm gonna go with workflow preference in a daw or whatnot over track count unless absolutely egregious.. and I guess after watching their videos and examining their charts how I got anything done or made a living in the past with a powerPC/g3/g4/g5/intels etc... but somehow did, and not that it matters, or laps it by much or perhaps, and hell, I could be dead wrong,...

    And I do agree that you want to 'consider' these things absolutely. and educate ones self... And I do think one should get the best they can afford at the time, with imaginably the more p cores the better, the more ram the better, and without killing yourself.. and get on with it...

    but some of these guys videos exist for the sake of which, (duh, obviously), and while perhaps profitable for them, it just gets a little tiring...

    and they just seem to make people wait around another 8 months before making a purchase or whatever, or sitting on some fence when they could be actually doing something. every year. waiting for Godot.

    And, hey, all respect to the guy, (but not all of them, as some are just plain stupid), and I'm sure he has sense to him, but I'm at a loss to hum you any of his tunes, or anything he has worked on, written, produced, or mixed/mastered.. and if my life consisted or depended on worrying about, or making videos explaining calculating cpm and whatnot doing all this, well, facepalm sigh, ... I think I'd find a better way to make money and live my life that doesn't seem one worth living. But different things for everyone I guess.

    Sure, It makes all sense to not buy a month prior to release of new models and whatnot generally, and certain things are obvious and always have been... and every year comes with a new 'mythbuster' about the new lines of everything etc... but those that sit around and wait on this stuff are generally darning socks, not making music.

    And yes, I'm just having fun with a little hyperbolic rant here, as of course I want people to be informed and make proper/educated purchasing decisions etc... and I don't care as I understand what they got going is a whole little cottage industry... Every year though it just seems the level of hand wringing seen on this just doesn't really help anything for most moving forward. :)
  12. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    I say that with good intentions, but to me it looks like you're purposefully making your life harder. I can see a bunch of oversampling and CPU hogs on that list alone. And you say you're doing producing all the way to mastering. You can get the latest and greatest computer, and you're still gonna run into issues if you don't start curbing those plugins.
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Many plugins on that list are not even cracked for Mac. So if they are being run in Parallels Desktop or Audiogridder so that cracked Windows versions can be used, that is expected. Any of the ones I can run in MacOS directly have no problems running on my 5,1 Mac Pro.

    I never put all that stuff on my master bus. I export my mix as a stereo file, reimport it into Logic, and then start using master bus plugins, Match EQ in Logic, Sample Delay Haas Effect, and any of that other stuff. There is no way I'm producing or mixing with all that sh*t on.
  14. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    I’m aware and I’m trying, I want to use 4/5 outside limiting tops, I’m trying out the CTZ technique so by nature I’ll be reducing unnecessary processes as I’ll be knee deep in clippers and it will force me to question what I really need

    out of curiosity what’s everyone else’s master bus look like? lol
  15. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    I do the same I’ll get the mix to where im happy then export and still have had the overloads in the new file, I think with it being all on the same thread that’s the issue, and they are all heavy plugs in nature, I think my core problem is I’ve been smashing sales for new plug ins for so long now I’ve become compelled to use them especially the not so cheap ones to oblivion

    I’ve got away with doing it all in the same file before but literally by the skin of my teeth with my old iMac, which could have easily been mistaken for an air fryer during the process if anyone heard it
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There is no reason to do that to yourself. You are using a bunch of plugins that should not need to be used in conjunction with one another in the same strip. You are probably using The God Particle as an adaptive limiter, Then do you put something after it? It goes right back to red.

    How do you even hear each individual channel? I like to "mix as you go" a little bit, but not produce, mix, and master all in the same session. I do not even do it using the same project file.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  17. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    It's two busses, but only for organization purposes. Left side is what I turn on as the final mix, right side is the quick mastering side.
    Normally, I would leave MixHead and 3348 off, but this song called for some extra vibe. UnFairchild is for side compression only (widening). Clariphonic didn't need to get in this time, but it is often there as mid-side EQ, it's seeing less action now that I started doing mid-side compression.

    Edit: this one is more recent. Master Plan gave way to TDR Limiter 6 (been trying to use it more since I bought it), Pro-Q 4 has a copy of "calm" and "clean" frequencies of Master Plan for testing. DV ThickPre is fully default, just experimenting to see if it opens up the sound.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
  18. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    Nah I have the limiter off and it set to 30% tops and just watch where my low mid and highs hit, I don’t have them doing a lot in my chain, just light touches most cranked one will prob be wiess ds1 to give me the initial loudness push but that won’t be something I’ll be doing as much now due to CTZ, but this would be in a new project file, it’s better either just from a stand point of committing to the mix aswell
  19. liquidpeanut

    liquidpeanut Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2024
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    I have incorporated a second mix bus to help spread the load but I fear it opens more temptation, that being said you seem to be fairly heavy aswell, what’s your specs? And does it crap out?
  20. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    I work from a template, so I rarely deviate from that. Usually just swapping something for another flavor of the same thing. That mixbus is actually pretty lightweight, except for the UnFairchild, but it's not a must in my setup. If it starts to hurt, I just change compressors.

    I'm running on an AMD 5600X on Windows 10. Good CPU, but entry level at best nowadays, considering I built this PC in late 2021. I'm doing fine mixing stuff without bouncing anything, songs with 30 to 40 tracks at most. Since I also game on this PC, my measure to upgrade is when the games start shitting the bed, but I'm almost never concerned about my performance when mixing and mastering. Sometimes I wish I could put TDR Arbiter on everything, but then I remember that I have more efficient ways of fixing masking (Trackspacer) or occasional annoyances (normal dynamic EQ).