Whats the point?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Garamondo Furbish, Dec 26, 2024.

  1. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I'm thrilled, another person who saved themselves dear @ Garamondo Furbish! And thanks for the smartphone analysis.


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  2. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Mick is a multi-talent, I heard the Ian Hunter Band in the 80s. I wonder what they would sound like today if everything was digital.

    Ian Hunter Band (featuring Mick Ronson) • “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” • 1980

    Mick Ronson - Unsung Hero of Rock 'n' Roll
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  4. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I think this Amsterdam sculpture captures the idea quite well..


    we have entered the Twilight Zone (of mankind), an addiction so perfect it will remove all ability to resist, to educate, to learn, to survive, like a perfect snare trapping billions of hapless hares, clicking and sliding their lives away, reality is just a pointless reminder that the cell phone must be recharged.

    a kinetic sculpture of the figures inflating like balloons over hours as they sit enchanted by the slab of bait within their palms and the bench slowly bending under their weight as their bodies age, would be even better. Maybe Banksy can get right on this...
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  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    yeah Mick did the orchestration for Bowie's music, he was taken too soon. its strange Bowie and Ronson died of similiar Liver cancers, though decades apart, but they did share a cat feces infested mansion in London, that they had to clean out, always wonder if they caught some sort of virus from that environment.

  6. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Causes of liver cancer are:

    • high alcohol consumption
    • chronic infection with hepatitis viruses (especially hepatitis C and hepatitis B)
    • non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (abbreviated: NAFLD)
    • obesity (also increases the risk of NAFLD)
    • diabetes mellitus type 2; also a risk factor for NAFLD)
    • metabolic disorders such as hemochromatosis or Wilson's disease

    rare causes of liver cirrhosis (examples: autoimmune liver diseases, liver cirrhosis caused by drugs, medicines, parasites or toxins)
    If people with one of these risk factors also smoke, the risk increases even further.

    The causes of liver cancer vary worldwide. In Germany, liver cancer is most commonly caused by alcohol or hepatitis C. In Southeast Asia and Africa, infections with hepatitis B and C play the biggest role. In tropical countries, liver parasites and mold toxins also contribute to the high disease rate.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
  7. Key

    Key Member

    Dec 26, 2024
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    Unfortunately, it is a normalized addiction. A person knows that smoking is bad for their body and will avoid or control it, but spending all day on social media doesn't seem so bad, does it?

    Remember: Social media is free because you are the product.
  8. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    I'm educating my kid taking so he can take account on the subterticious addictive desings that social media and free videogames has to got you hooked into them. Don't know if I'll succed, for the moment he hates all freetoplay ones so is a win and I'll delay any social media platform access as long as I can while showing him how notifications, short vid content and the other fuckery tricks work on your mind. It's so clear to me that social media will be regulated like tobaco or alcohol for minors in the future, now is the far west, with all those tech bros companies fine tuning their algos to get minors hooked on dopamine shots, reminds me of all those ads with kids the tobacco industry use to do on the 30s to 50s.
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  9. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    In China and in some other countries, it has been recognized that the ability to learn and education suffers from the use of smartphones and other devices, and so China has banned their use in schools.

    Even Bill Gates is now calling for a digital passport (ID) so that young people under 16 can no longer use social media.
    They are simply realizing that they are hardly able to find good skilled workers anymore - education is declining and stupidity is increasing, including an increase in violence, etc.!

    The corporations in Silicon Valley in particular are supported by financial investors who naturally want to earn a return on their investment.
    So it is up to the legislators and of course us citizens and the schools. In any case, I think it is great @Demloc that you are looking after your son.
  10. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Pyramids are FM Synthesizers. I made a post about it earlier this year ;)
  11. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    thats one of many reasons, why I don't do social media, I made a fake account on myspace back in the day, just to see how it works, that was enough for me. I posted one time.
    Their obviously Analog Synths, the Sphinx is a analog to digital converter, (128bit) and Eiffel Tower is a french version of Tesla's Wardenclyffe, providing free power to the entire French Empire (those atomic reactors are just cover stories where they store yet more wine. Few people know Jacque Eiffel, while working on Napoleon's efforts in Egypt, discovered the EIffel tower buried in the sands of Giza and brought it back to Paris where it was cleaned, painted and a bit of French Gingerbread was added to the whole thing to gussy it up a bit and make it blend into the Francophile world. Fer instance the ancient egyptians did not have a flower shop in the original tower - however it was still functional and provides enough power to run all of French industry, the high speed train - the LGG/LTV/LSD network, and makes the fireworks on New years Eve, as well.

    I found out all this on a 7 hour youtube video, from AbsolutelyTrue Media and the host Doug Blarney, brought to you by the French Tourist Buearu and Chateau La Chatilly wines..

    but you can tell the kids that today..
  12. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yep. Its analogue FM. Check out this feedback loop. Nobody can explain its function. The sound starts in the dark chamber and feeds back onto itself like an FM Feedback function. Just like DX7 and FM8.

    Screenshot from 2024-12-29 18-59-52.png

    Its unlikely that its just sonic, it has to combine with something else, most likely electromagnetism. The signs are everywhere that magnetism is involved. Its in the writings too. Cartouches match the tech inside... But you'll never get the mainstream to look into this because it goes over their heads. Even the alt scene won't listen, its too complicated for them.

    I ran percentages with AI this week about probability for cutting the cores and vases in Egypt, based on evidence, then adding more evidence. Copper tubes are like 2%. Ultrasonic is 0.5%. My theory started at 15% and ended up at 60% and an unknown tech was 35.5%. Lasers 1%.

    I've still got no idea how it works.
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  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The Sound of the Pyramids: Plato and the Great Pyramid of Cheops - the Unraveled Wonder of the World Paperback – January 1, 2009
    by Friedrich-Wilhelm Korff (Author)

    "The silent sight of the pyramids is truly a true wonder of the world. But even greater is their singing, the knowledge of geometry, construction technology and music that they produced." (FAZ) "Music turned to stone": The Tagesthemen reported on "the sensation in specialist circles" (broadcast on December 8, 2008 http://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/sendung/tt1022.html) "Korff worked for four years on his findings about the construction principle of the pyramids. Among other things, he discovered that the angles of inclination of the ancient Egyptian pyramids reflect the intervals of ancient keys. The pyramids are music turned to stone, which is why they have such a harmonious effect on people. That sounds spectacular, and it is."

    (taz) With the pyramids, the Egyptians created buildings of world renown. Why their sight is always fascinating has remained a mystery to us until now. We only realized that the slope angles of the pyramids are all harmonious. The search for the reason for this astonishing phenomenon led the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Korff to ancient music theory. The secret of the number 5040, which Plato declared to be the logistical basis of his ideal state, had previously remained hidden even to classical philologists. Korff discovered that this number is in fact a pyramid number. It contains the complete set of dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Giza in verifiable cubit lengths.

    Thanks to his archaeological instinct and mathematically precise derivations, Korff succeeded in proving that the angles of inclination of all pyramids are formed from musical intervals. Since one cannot hear the sight of the pyramids, the mystery is solved by saying, figuratively speaking, that they ring in the eyes, are music made of stone, materialized spiritual systems.

    Our architects have hardly ever achieved the fascination of the Egyptian originals with their modern replicas: they are unaware of the ancient Egyptian knowledge of the harmony of the pyramid inclinations. Korff's discovery is scientifically substantiated in the 330-page work and, after the large number of not always solid publications on the pyramids, is finally an irrefutable, mathematically precise proof of the solution to the riddle. Korff's explanations are supplemented by the inclusion of tables and folding maps.

    The accompanying CD shows how the intervals of the ancient keys sound. Friedrich Wilhelm Korff, professor of philosophy, has achieved a groundbreaking feat with his latest work "The Sound of the Pyramids". Using the example of the Egyptian pyramids, Korff irrefutably proves with mathematical precision and numerous historical sources what a major role knowledge of harmonic proportions played in ancient architecture.

    What Johannes Kepler had already demonstrated in his third planetary law with regard to the orbit of the planets and what some modern researchers have found in many forms of nature and art, Korff has now demonstrated specifically in the Egyptian pyramids: the musical overtone series is much more than just the basic system of musical harmony; it is an aesthetic, harmonic law that is anchored in the human soul, according to which man distinguishes beauty and aesthetics from inharmonious things.

    Even if we are not aware of these processes when looking at the pyramids, they are nevertheless anchored in the inner tones, in the soul's feelings. Tone and number are inseparably linked, this is probably the most elementary and universally valid insight that Korff shows in his work using the example of the well-known Egyptian pyramids.

    The simple proportions - the first partial tones of the overtone series, which form both the major and the minor chord - correspond in their simple structure to the aesthetic feeling of man and thus show a concrete connection between the beautiful and the natural. This old Pythagorean knowledge of harmonic correspondences will bring many surprises to light in the future. (Henny Jahn, church musician and organ builder)

    "Your discovery is backed up by all historical knowledge and precise observation in such a way that one can only take one's hat off in amazement and congratulate you. Your results are striking and shed a completely new light on pyramid construction and on architecture in general. Of course, as right as you are without a doubt, it will be difficult for us Egyptologists to relate your discoveries to what we otherwise know about Egypt, the pyramids, Egyptian music and mathematics and the intellectual background of Egyptian architecture.

    Your book will represent an enormous challenge to our field and will hopefully set in motion intensive research in order to give your sensational results the necessary context." Prof. Dr. Jan Assmann (University of Heidelberg)

    The simple proportions - the first partials of the overtone series, which form both the major and the minor chords - correspond in their simple structure to the aesthetic sensibility of humans and thus show a concrete connection between the beautiful and the natural. This old Pythagorean knowledge of harmonic correspondences will bring many surprises to light in the future.

    (Henny Jahn, church musician and organ builder) "Your discovery is backed up by all historical knowledge and precise observation in such a way that one can only take one's hat off in amazement and congratulate you. Your results are striking and shed a completely new light on pyramid construction and on architecture in general.

    Of course, as right as you are without a doubt, it will be difficult for us Egyptologists to relate your discoveries to what we otherwise know about Egypt, the pyramids, Egyptian music and mathematics and the intellectual background of Egyptian architecture. Your book will represent an enormous challenge to our field and will hopefully set in motion intensive research in order to give your sensational results the necessary context." Prof. Dr. Jan Assmann (University of Heidelberg)The simple proportions - the first partials of the overtone series, which form both the major and the minor chords - correspond in their simple structure to the aesthetic sensibility of humans and thus show a concrete connection between the beautiful and the natural.

    This old Pythagorean knowledge of harmonic correspondences will bring many surprises to light in the future. (Henny Jahn, church musician and organ builder) "Your discovery is backed up by all historical knowledge and precise observation in such a way that one can only take one's hat off in amazement and congratulate you. Your results are striking and shed a completely new light on pyramid construction and on architecture in general.

    Of course, as right as you are without a doubt, it will be difficult for us Egyptologists to relate your discoveries to what we otherwise know about Egypt, the pyramids, Egyptian music and mathematics and the intellectual background of Egyptian architecture. Your book will represent an enormous challenge to our field and will hopefully set in motion intensive research in order to give your sensational results the necessary context." Prof. Dr. Jan Assmann (University of Heidelberg)

  14. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Great article. They are often reported as being 'nearly a chord, but a bit odd'. That's a sawtooth...

    I ran tests on this, built my own chamber after I spotted this and discovered that chambers create a harmonic series, just like FM. Feed a sine of 100hz into a 100hz chamber and you get the perfect series, 200, 300 etc. So they act just like FM.

    Cheops (Khufu) has the same feedback loop as Senusret II. Djedefre was drawn by Flinders Petrie as having the same design as Khufu in the King's Chamber roof - direct harmonics... I'm pretty sure this design is a sawtooth across various pyramids, feeding oscillators into oscillators. The Red Pyramid does just this, its a series of identical chambers (one is larger to accommodate whatever is missing - possibly the Schumann), so again it would be a sawtooth. These are different experiments where they advance the tech over different pyramids. Its too much of a coincidence not to be using sound... And we know now that we can levitate with sound alone, never mind magnetism. Combine the two and who knows what's possible.

    Some of the other pyramids, like Senusret I and Menkaure look exactly how we would levitate. They take a single feed of sound and phase delay it. This causes the duplicate soundwave to cause pockets, just like we levitate tiny objects - phase cancellation. The cartouches for these use raised hands, to tell us that its a levitation machine... Senusret I has a scarab. Its wings levitate under magnetic influence. All fascinating stuff and it all adds up, if you think like a sound designer.

    For me its hard to imagine aliens doing this, unless they used this planet as an experiment. There's a clear evolution. The chambers look like oscillators. The channels look like modular. The theory never fails.
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  15. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    the real deal is in India the Barabar caves.. precision chambers for reverb?

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  16. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I grabbed an impulse response from one of these and used it in a track already.

    They're definitely using sound in here for some purpose. The walls have diffusion built in, which is insane, a tiny slope that controls build up of reflections.

    The precision of the circle is like impossible to create by hand with chisels as they reckon. Its ridiculous to say that if you've seen the measurements in this film. It seems to me like electromagnetism was involved in creating the spheres, or a wave of similar nature. Somehow they had to create this consistent shape.

    Khufu has sand in the walls which is said to be 3 feet deep (a meter). Again that's acoustic in nature, soundproofing.

    They all feel like reverb chambers to me, like sound was meant to build up inside these ancient chambers. They look like Sound City, Abbey Road etc.
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  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    All Planet Sounds From Space (In our Solar System)

    Sun sounds, Mercury sounds, Venus sounds, Earth sounds, Moon sounds, Mars sounds, Jupiter sounds, Saturn sounds, Uranus sounds, Neptune sounds, Pluto sounds.

  18. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Awesome... Venus sounds metallic. Earth sounds a fuckin mess, lol. We've destroyed this place... These sounds are incredible.

    It adds weight to the argument that ancients would have heard these frequencies in the Earth and used them. Pyramids and mastabas dig into the Earth, like they were accessing an energy. Imagine that you have this varying frequency tone, like the other planets still make and you want to make it consistent. You build a chamber that undoes the modulation and locks it to a certain frequency, say 100hz. So when the modulation takes it to 95 and 105, it gets bent to the resonant frequency of the chamber... Now you have a fixed and reliable 100hz energy output.
  19. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Very exciting things you wrote.

    I think people back then had a much closer relationship with nature and space. I think they explored everything they could with the means at the time. Back then the world was empty and now it is full. Today, satellites orbit the earth and there is electrosmog and light smog.

    The mass of people are increasingly distancing themselves from nature, which is also making them sick. Only nature heals us. There was a machine in Russia that generated frequencies that were used to cure cancer at the time; it had the same vibration frequency as human cells.

    Today, we use radio waves to send information. Our brain power is based on electricity. Each of the billions of individual cells "fires" or discharges electrically at a certain frequency. Our brain can be observed with the EEG and you can then see the beta, alpha, theta, delta waves. It then looks like in your DAW.

    You can also ask yourself why music helps us or why we find it beautiful? I think all computer music today is based on electricity – energy is therefore information or a carrier of information.

    Below is a copied text that describes the states of the 4 brain waves.

    The 4 Brainwave Types

    Beta waves:

    The fastest brain waves, they cover a frequency range from
    14 cycles per second (= 14 Hertz, abbreviated Hz) to well over 100
    Hz. When we are in a normal, awake state, with our eyes open, focused on the outside world or dealing with specific problems, then beta waves dominate (usually between 14 and 40 Hz).
    The beta range is associated with:
    a) attention, alertness, concentration, cognition (positive)
    b) concern, anxiety, stress, inner restlessness, lack of a)

    Alpha waves:

    They cover a frequency range from 8 to 13 Hz. They occur when we close our eyes and become more relaxed, passive and unfocused. They produce a calm and comfortable feeling. Similar to after a long walk in the forest, an afternoon in the sauna or a relaxing vacation. When people are healthy and stress-free, they produce a lot of this alpha activity. If this alpha activity is missing, it can be a first sign of worry, stress, brain damage and illness. In alpha we are very creative.
    Alpha is optimal for learning new information, facts or
    data. In other words, material that should be available in waking consciousness

    Theta waves:

    They cover a frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz. When calm and
    relaxation turn into sleepiness, the slow, powerful theta waves appear. It is the "twilight state" between waking
    and sleeping and is often accompanied by imprecise, dream-like mental images.
    These images are often related to vivid memories, preferably childhood memories.
    Theta opens access to unconscious material, to daydreaming,
    free associations, hidden knowledge and creative ideas.

    It is a mysterious state and for a long time scientists had difficulty studying this state in a state of rest, as it is usually difficult to maintain this state for a longer period of time, as most people fall asleep in this state. Biofeedback researchers E. and A. Green found that theta waves are associated with a deeply internalized state and with a calming of the body, emotions and thoughts. They also discovered that a group that regularly trained in theta states repeatedly reported vivid memories of long-forgotten childhood events. It was more than just remembering, but rather a comprehensive experience, a reliving. Biofeedback researcher Dr. Budzynski from the University of Colorado found that people in theta are "hyper-influenceable". They are also able to learn enormous amounts of material in a very short time. Theta is the state in which "superlearning" takes place. People in theta are extremely willing and able to learn new languages. Furthermore, suggestions for changes in behavior and attitudes reach the subconscious directly and are accepted as true because they bypass our mental filters and critical defense mechanisms that otherwise evaluate such statements.

    Delta waves:

    They are in a frequency range of less than 4 Hz. When we sleep, delta waves dominate, mainly in the deep sleep phase. There is increasing evidence that people can maintain their consciousness when they are in delta. When we are in delta, a high number of healing growth hormones are released; this state has a lot to do with healing and self-regeneration. It is the prerequisite for a refreshing and regenerating sleep. It is a deep dreamless sleep (non-REM sleep).
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i have this with lots of tutorials, but im actively watching music/production tutorials since like 2008.

    And i think this series might be aimed at normal people, maybe wanting to have a peak view into music production and song writing?
    Assuming they know nothing about it. So it will as flat as it gets ...

    This has nothing to do with, TV gets dumber and dumber, we just poke a hole all here in the general knowledge bubble and know beyond.
    Luckily we do ... and we will keep doing in the years to come ...

    I have it downloaded and will take a look.