Nexus 5 Crashing - Windows - FL Studio 24 v1.1

Discussion in 'Software' started by NextDeKade, Dec 30, 2024.

  1. NextDeKade

    NextDeKade Newbie

    Dec 30, 2024
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    I have an incredible system for production. So I know its not a hardware related situation.

    I recently found my pile of presets from Nexus 2 and 3 that I had saved on google drive. Since the recent updates with 5. I am now getting errors saying that I dont own the licenses to the libraries. Which is partially true. Being almost 2025 now and ive been a Nexus user for many years. All digital purchases and what not.. Some of them are cracked libraries as well.

    The Nexus 5 v1.9 - which seems to be the most recently updated version due to crash errors / fixes. Im curious to know if the decompiler is creating the problems for the users for not being able to run their libraries?

    Ive noticed that even with the XP libraries - Nexus 5 crashes. My ROM libraries do not crash the VST. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. I am pretty tech savvy. At this point - its now become a software issue and im going to go back and try previous versions of Nexus 5 to see if I can figure out when this became a problem because it hasnt been up until recently.
  3. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Magic John on the sister site just kindly shared 'NEXUS 2 - 3rd Party Preset Collection (10.000+)'. He explains under that post:
    "All previous (old) posts here on (sister site) do not work in higher Nexus (higher tha V2) versions !!!! They are encrypted (File Size < 8 or 9 KB - Unencrypted > 39 KB !!!!)" [so I would check the file size of those presets causing crashes]
    "To my knowledge In any Nexus 3 version you could convert them online and create previews and save them in the cloud ! But this option was turned off again by ReFX ! In addition, these presets then had no name prefixes for categorization in Nexus 3 and higher ! [​IMG]"
    Can you also try in another DAW also?
  4. NextDeKade

    NextDeKade Newbie

    Dec 30, 2024
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    Yeah I suppose I can turn on Ableton12 and see what happens in there. I have tried to make the transition a few times from FL to Ableton but I just cant do it. I really feel like my brain stumbles on the GUI of it..

    I think I am familiar with the conversation you are referring to. I will say, its not where I have my files from. Genuinely have accumulated these over the years and have them saved on a old google drive account. I thought about using the cloud but I also noticed that - yes - I no longer have that option.

    I have a program that I use for Sylenth1 for compiling my presets so that I can be more organized about it when it comes to my sound design. I am curious.. if these files are in fact encrypted (didnt even think to consider that).. I wonder if decompiling them myself and then reconfiguring them back into the preset format.. if this would work? And if so.. You might have just helped me resolve the problem.

    If it does or doesnt work - I will report back here with my findings regardless.. Thank you Sam
  5. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I had all the expansions too from Nexus 2... You're very welcome, hope you get sorted
  6. NextDeKade

    NextDeKade Newbie

    Dec 30, 2024
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    Alright. So my software did and didnt work.

    When I converted the .fxp files into a .fxb file. Then decompiled it from the .fxb to all of the .fxp files. I put 'these' in a separate folder. Nexus acknowledge the .fxp files existing. But when selecting and trying to produce sound - I get the int preset. But.. Nexus doesnt crash..

    So what this tells me is that there is a License check within the .fxp files. .fxp files dont necessarily get 'encrypted' but.. as a 'script kiddie' it makes sense that there would be a check in place. Now the question is..

    Do we need to reverse engineer the .fxp files to make them compatible to Nexus5? Or is there a way we can bypass the license check within the software when users are importing older versions of their preset folders?

  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Serum will detect when you are trying to load a Sylenth patch into Serum. I do not believe Nexus has this ability so maybe it lets you load a patch but since none of the data means anything to Nexus, it is just erroring and returning to default patch. Which is INIT.

    You should get the entire v4 library. It is 190 gb and you have something like 20,000 presets available immediately. Get N5 working properly with just those. Then tangle with the V5 expansions. When you have them working, go off the reservation if you want and try getting these old things working. Old presets are not going to make very great use of N5's new features. Old presets will be not much more than nostalgia anyway, when compared with current patches.
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  8. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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  9. NextDeKade

    NextDeKade Newbie

    Dec 30, 2024
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    Yeah I have the v4 library. Personally bought that license for the ridiculous amount that it was only to see 5 come out a few months later >.> As far as the older presets go and them being nostalgia? I agree that some of the revised VST versions of Nexus may not work with some of the older presets.. However - its more of the bragging right to say hey. I have it all. Because Nexus was the #1 VST I used through my years and later became Spire.

    I will have a look over here and gander through the pages. Thank you!
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