Listening to your tracks make me depressed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by fnord23, Dec 22, 2024.

  1. fnord23

    fnord23 Kapellmeister

    May 14, 2023
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    For a few reasons:

    Some of the tracks are really good! I know that there are a lot of great producers here but how sad is it to see great tracks with not even one reply here and just a few views on soundcloud or youtube? Makes me realize - nobody will listen to my tracks even if they'd be bangers.

    Some of the tracks are really bad - makes me think that even after producing for years my tracks most likely sound similarly bad and nobody will care.

    I started making music 20 years ago (many years of breaks in between). Is there any point in making music except as hobby and at most every now and then to play at underground parties where people are maybe appreciating the raw, unusual, uncommon (aka I don't know how produce properly) kind of sound?
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  3. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Of course there is a point in making music for a hobby. There are lots of people that are doing sports for a hobby as well. You don't need to be a pro for having fun making music. There are not that many people that are making music for a living either.
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  4. UTiLiTY

    UTiLiTY Member

    Oct 25, 2024
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    This site isn't as supportive as you may wish. Sometimes it's a good thing. Sometimes it hurts. Some people are nice when criticizing. Some people are c*nts. DM/PM me a song.
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  5. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    great music has nothing to do if its pro mix mastered...
    only you decide if its great...
    and if you want accord certain genres you should always listen.
    ...but from my experience ppl here mostly react on stuff when its their cup of tea kind off
    ...or you ask specific questions on this and that...

    yeah im influenced by portishead a lot:mad:
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  6. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    that are the best ones ...:hillbilly:
  7. UTiLiTY

    UTiLiTY Member

    Oct 25, 2024
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    Sometimes. Not always. It depends on their intent.
  8. Downald

    Downald Platinum Record

    Dec 23, 2020
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    I get where you're coming from. Seeing tracks go unnoticed can feel disheartening. But I think the first step in making music is ensuring that you derive satisfaction from it. If you enjoy the process and the result, then you've already achieved something.

    That said, you're right that the lack of engagement can discourage people from sharing. Forums like this thrive on interaction, so every comment and piece of feedback matters. What about you? Have you tried engaging with other people's tracks here? Even a few thoughtful words can start a ripple effect and encourage more participation.

    As for the point of making music, it doesn't have to be "all or nothing". Plenty of amazing tracks never reach a massive audience but still create meaningful experiences for the artist and those who hear them. Playing at underground parties, where your unique sound is appreciated, sounds like a pretty rewarding way to share your music, even if it's not "mainstream."

    Keep going - you might be surprised at how your perspective changes when you don't just focus on the metrics.
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  9. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    what are we talkin bout ? audiosex or getting reach on yt ? getting initial reach on yt or soundcloud is rather about spreading technics than quality below others yt algo rewards quantity asembly line than 1 banger in a month .
  10. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You have reached a point where you are fundamentally questioning making music, this is the critical phase in your life.
    So be careful - it is a very serious matter and you should do everything you can and think a lot in order to then make the right decision about how to proceed.
    You should first look at the past in a positive light, what you felt when making music, what healing music did and all the sounds you got to know.

    You should think or meditate on the following sentences for a while:

    - What is music anyway and what is it for?
    - The path is the destination.
    - Those who have too high expectations can easily be disappointed.
    - What was the world like before the invention of the Internet?
    - How did I live and make music without the Internet back then?

    Most of what we think are belief systems and everyone has their own reality tunnel. It is based on conditioning in childhood and what the church and the media tell us every day. Be critical, believe little and question everything.

    Ask yourself, because as a human being you have infinite creative potential but a finite life.
    Buy 100 CD ROMs and burn all the good songs onto a CD ROM and give them away to friends and acquaintances. Make a table of contents and maybe include your email address. Remember that the end is always a new beginning.

    Try to make music for its own sake, thanks to computers more and more people can make music and put it on the Internet, everyone is vying for the attention of listeners. So you are in competition with other musicians with your music. Most people are fascinated by the Internet, how many likes, how many followers do I have. That does not lead to inner peace.

    Don't become a slave to the digital age. The Internet is great for getting information and getting to know people from all over the world.
    You can also make music for your relatives and friends, you can also learn new styles and rhythms, you can also make films yourself and compose your own music.

    You can also take a break and maybe learn a new hobby, like yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, it's very good for your mental health. Tai Chi makes you more relaxed and calm and is also good for your health.

    You can also contact like-minded people in your city and maybe introduce them to music production. Workshops in youth centers. Talk to youth organizations and social workers. Loneliness is a big problem today.

    Go to music bands and offer to mix something for them. Try to build up contacts in the real outside world again.
    Many people are lonely and antisocial media and YouTube will not save us, quite the opposite, digitalization makes you lonely.

    I don't know where they live, how old they are, or how much musical expertise they have. I also don't know if they are sociable and can approach others.

    I hope I was able to show you a few ways to turn your crisis of meaning into something positive for your future and for all of us.
    You can also copy and print out my text so that you have a few keywords to expand your consciousness.

    Of course, you have to think for yourself and if you use your brain you are guaranteed to find a solution to your problems that will lead to satisfaction.
    All I can do is write here to give you a different perspective. If you were my neighbor, I would invite you for a cup of tea.
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  11. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Some amazing answers here, great stuff guys. :mates:

    Dunno brother, if your niche is raw experimental underground, it's silly to expect that your following is really anyone else then those guys, so natural way of thinking would be to have those people around you, reaching to labels that promote the actual music you do and scoring those few events you can. So going to actual parties with those people, actually engaging with those artist's and promoters, not just locking yourself into room and expecting miracles to happen if you upload it on the internet without any real followers. Even YouTube algorithms start recommending you when you got continuity and they can figure out what is your actual niche, so you need to put your work out there.

    When you love what you are doing, results speak for themselves, you got continuity, passion, you got something that resonates and there's something for like minded people to connect with.

    Your crowd isn't really random internet colleagues, putting music on here will get you nowhere really, like anyone else I have my own preference in music, best I can do is to listen to your music, maybe give a comment, but I'm certainly not going to promote your music to my focused group that barely listens to mine, so yeah, it's little pointless. So find a clique where you belong, as I said, some labels have good following with actual people who enjoys the kind of output they release, that's your target audience really.

    In the end of the day, if your music is so random that you can't fit it anywhere, embrace the love of doing it and call it a day, dunno, it's better then catering to people with music you are faking, they will care even less, it will sound shallow to them without real essence and you are just back on being miserable again.

    Wish you all the best brother, some really amazing advice's here to absorb. :mates:
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  12. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Come on @meh, switch your brain to maximum performance and try to answer the question he asked, it's not enough to just say "Meh" like a goat. I think when other people read your comment here, they'll also think you're stupid.
  14. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    rather the other way around :hillbilly::deep_facepalm:
  15. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    you must know meh is an american more precise a wisconsin slang word used below musicians ......
  16. Olivier_St

    Olivier_St Kapellmeister

    Jun 2, 2017
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    First of all, you make music for yourself, because you love making music.
    Of course, we hope that people will appreciate our work, but if they don't, what does it matter?
    When you start to take yourself seriously, especially if you're still young, you dream of making a career out of it, seducing lots of people, playing in front of tens of thousands of people, selling hundreds of thousands of records... and that's normal.
    But after a few years, if that doesn't happen (which is the case for 99.99% of musicians), you have to try and go back to the initial impulse, to your original motivations... Why did I start music? What did it bring me (before I started dreaming of “success”)?
    That's what you must never lose, or find again. The pleasure of making music for the sake of making music.
    What's next? Come what may! Regrets are sterile. You have to move on...

    I may be wrong, but that's what life has taught me...
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  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    It always depends on the definition of the word. If I like my music and llike to listen then that is a success itself.
    The great thing about self made music is that you do NOT have to expose yourself to the competition.
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  18. DJ PUKKA

    DJ PUKKA Banned

    Jun 28, 2024
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    Most musicians/producers have made shit music sometime in there lifetime! Fact! but if you don't enjoy your music or making music! Then get out the game! & fook what all the IDIOTS! :no: say/think !
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  19. Demloc

    Demloc Platinum Record

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Making music and getting people to know your music are in two different planes of existence completely. The first one is fun, rewarding transcendental, will be your shrink/antidepressant by giving you lot's of dopamine's shots and huge one of serotonine at the end of each track/album/session. The second one is a 60h/week grinding desk job that you'll have to do for free, that require constant presence, carefully planned money investment, marketing techniques, design brand building, networking, community building and a whole lot of other details that are hard and unrewarding as cold door selling encyclopedias on the road in the 1970s. You'll not have time to make music at all, that's why the music industry exists on the first place, cause we didn't want to deal with all that shit. We just wanted the first part.

    Now we've been told that all the things the industry used to do for us we have to first do it ourselves, and that that independence is freedom: we can publish when we want, where we want, nobody controls us... Every little peasant can be a superstar if we try hard enough :bleh:. We've been shifted from an external exploitation system to an internal one.

    Do you have the stomach to exploit yourself every week in order to make your music reach the right audience? Be enslaved by rigged algorithms, fight for the like, follow and subscribe, making unrelated content, tutorials, freebies, loose money, be fucking constant at it or you'll be dragged to the bottom again, etc, etc?

    Playing at underground parties where people will appreciate the raw uncommon sound that you have sounds like a pretty good deal to be smiling for, imho.
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  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yeah, I'm not sure either what to reply to. Good answers already though like someone said.
    I basically agree with you but... how do you know? 2 months and 15 posts... are you AA's Giancarlo? No, no way, too kind :rofl:
    I'll never forget an interview ages ago with Radiohead's guitarist talking about their very first gigs. In small squares and shit.
    In one of them the only guy who stayed til the end told him "all due respect dude, but you play your guitar like if you were playing your dick" :rofl::rofl:
    True history
  21. UTiLiTY

    UTiLiTY Member

    Oct 25, 2024
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