how OG are you?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by scguy83, Dec 14, 2024.

  1. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Our insides are turning to dust. Therefore, we fart dust. :bleh:
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Fek now that you mention it, i almost got a job there, around the time of Witcher 2 (2011-12). I'll cut it as short as possible. Initially my resume was accepted (at sound design & fx dept, i 'm fairly good with WWise too), but then i discovered the salary offered wasn't as impressive as some people would 've thought. It was something like 2500 euros/month. I was already making more with my little recording studio and no strings attached being my own boss. But i did like the idea, so i started digging and making online acquaintances with peeps who formerly worked there, they were saying the worse about constantly increasing expectations and shifting goals, 14-15 hrs work days and ass kissing casts enjoying privileges within the company. After cross referencing all these with at least 6-7 different people from different countries, i was so disappointed that i passed.
    And man. I mean lol, after Witcher3's massive success, i regretted my decision 100% because wtf, my name could 've been in the credits of one of the best games ever. But hey that's life, we make our own path, sometimes not as shiny as it could be.
    So yeah, you are not to be blamed at all for returning Cyberpunk. It was delayed too many times and upon release it must have been the buggiest AAA title of the last 15 years or so haha. And although the storyline, music and open world cyberpunk theme are top notch and even after a ton of fix patches, a seasoned gamer can't help but compare it to the Deus X series and not too favorably.
    PS: I love almost all rpgs, i kinda hate Souls games. I think they are intended to bring out the masochist in us haha. I never minded the difficult battles. But how the fuck will you play a huge rpg without a map. Ridiculously sadistic on the dev's side. I have a friend who played Souls with perm death, Roguelike style haha. Talking about love for torture.
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  3. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    because there was an extra .exe on the disk that was an actual 8bit sex scene animation, I hope you didn't miss it!
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  4. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I remember the scene with the hooker, and a big black censored box popped up on the screen when you got into bed. I still have no idea how my friends dad bought that for him, but then again he was a big coke dealer around here in the 80s so I guess an animated game about getting laid wasn't anything to him hahaha.
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  5. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    First off, cool story about almost working at CDPR.. too bad you didn't.. that would have been amazing, but I will say one thing that maybe will give you some piece of mind. If you know Bioware (the original Baldur's Gate dev, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc.. I'm sure I don't have to gamersplain you haha), a friend worked there back in its infancy, and for several years. Anyways, he ended up quitting. Working in gaming programming CAN be rewarding, but it is often a real drain on a person. That guy had no free time whatsoever when crunch/deadline time hit.

    As for Souls, I used to think they were stupid. In fact, I think for each Dark Souls game I played, I was like "this is dumb.. the graphics are dumb, the controls are dumb.. everything is dumb." lol Then, you play for a good day or 3, and your character finally stops being useless, and you get quite good.. and THEN the games become pretty awesome. They certainly don't hold your hand at all through anything, but I love them... especially Sekiro.. that is hands down my fave Souls like. I've played and beaten pretty much all the good ones out there and that is the best, IMO.
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well, in Europe all we got officially in retail if i recall correctly, was the uncensored version of Larry, despite the USA release which was censored. I was on Atari ST in 1987 and i don't recall this, perhaps it was there and i missed it? One of my friends though who had a pc (something that i would make fun of very often back then!), he ran a pirate Larry copy that was the exact version you mention but it wasn't exactly the same as what i bought from the computer store.

    Oh. I hear you. I 'm not one to not back down and rethink on choices i make. I remember totally mocking my friends who were constantly rolling js and playing homm 1 and 2 for days in a row some 30 yrs ago. It seemed like a stoner's game and quite complicated haha. And then with HOMM3, i got stuck in the same loop and i guess HOMM3 and 5 are my all time top games. I promise to give Dark Souls another try sometime as too many people have told me about their own similar experiences as yours with this particular game series:)
    Surely i know Bioware from the very beginning. Played all their games with my favs being Baldur's Gate, Star Wars KOTR, Neverwinter Nights and the first Dragon Age. Any company that manages to have a functional game engine of their own deserves some praise anyway, Baldur's Gate 2D engine was used for Black Isle's Planescape Torment (top10 rpg in my list) and Icewind Dale series. Thanks for sharing this. It is somehow exhilarating to hear from someone with a real life experience, makes me consider that perhaps i wasn't a total ass on my decision after all haha.
  7. Kelsier

    Kelsier Producer

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Damn, I remember Dungeon Master
  8. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    That's funny, cause I probably had the same view of HOMM as you. hah, well I didn't consider it a stoner's game, but I somehow decided it was not for me without ever playing it. I probably should have given it a try. Never too late though (thanks to GOG!), so maybe I will have to try at least HOMM5

    Dark Souls games are hard to recommend, because you DO need to be a bit of a sadist to play them, but it's amazing how deep they are. Like I can't even explain it, you just have to try. Elden Ring isn't my favorite Souls-like, but it's probably the easiest one to get into. There will be a lot of dying no matter what you play, so be forewarned. Remnant is an easier Souls-like to get into, and Lies of P is another one that is kind of like PC's version of Bloodborne (what most people consider to be the best of the bunch, although again, that title belongs to Sekiro for me). The game is very combat-centric though, so if that doesn't appeal to you, you may want to avoid, but I honestly didn't think I'd ever enjoy it. It's almost like an HBO series. At first it crawls super slow and you're like "why do people like this", and then next thing you know you're super invested in it. LOL

    Yah, interestingly he ended up becoming a teacher and now teaches gaming at a good tech institute here, and he seems like he really loves it. I remember from 13 on (essentially when we got our first computer) I wanted to be a video game programmer. That dream died... but I think again, while it CAN be good, it also can be the opposite, so I don't regret it. And I still ended up being a programmer, but I definitely enjoy what I do, make a decent living doing it, and only work the standard 8 hours a week and can shut it off without being forced into OT. :) I'm never making anything quite as interesting as a game, but that's fine... and it still taps into my creative brain a bit.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  9. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    Gotta try M&M Heroes 5.5 too.. :yes:

    Just for the multithreading is well worth it
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  10. Demloc

    Demloc Rock Star

    Mar 10, 2020
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    You're right, my copy was a pirated one.

    BTW, did any of you OG played this early 2000 game? it was one of a kind, nobody tried nothing similar ever. One of my all time favs.

  11. ALEK23

    ALEK23 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2021
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  12. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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    I still think it's cool :lmao:
  13. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    reminded me of the first game I really loved playing and the first game that I played where you could profit from crime. (and yes got to Elite level:).
    Free roaming 3D computer game on a computer less powerful than a modern mobile phone, mind blowing.
  14. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    i'm so og that my white pubes have white pube grandkids of their own. beat that you losers!
  15. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    the 'common' c64 game font still has something.....
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  16. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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  17. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    wow that sounds so fucking awesome lol, that had be fun as hell
  18. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    I just begged my parents for it, not realizing all the overtime they had to work to get the stupid shit I wanted. I hate to this day thinking about the shoes I just had to have that cost $160 I wanted to be like all the other "cool" kid with the new Vince Carter Boings. I didn't learn the value of a dollar until later of course, but I just had to had them and begged until I got them.. still feel terrible about it.

    Wow lmao now that's some innovation! Right lmao, the power pad for Track and Field.
    Wow you beat Tyson? I probably couldn't even beat him now at 41 LOL. One punch and you're done lol, if you get up once the next one you can't lol

    Do you remember this sniper rifle for SNES? :rofl:
    OIP.jpeg R (2).jpeg
  19. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    lol, that's around the time of Oregon Trail. I didn;t play it til like 8 lol that would be 1991.
    That shit is certified OG lol
  20. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Dude holy shit that's awesome lol