Why do some people like and promote Reaper?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Incontro, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    felt it was breath of fresh air myself...
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  2. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Cheers. :cheers:
  3. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I don't think there's any problem with your comment. Both its content and tone were very appropriate, by the way. As for my criticism, it concerns the vague and speculative content (reminiscent of the statement made by the O.P.—'I feel that the issue of selection of Reaper is more psychological than a proper connection to reality'—one of the most speculative and useless comments I've ever seen in a discussion about software). By the way, in posts like this, it's the comments that make a useless poll fun and, in fact, useful (see the comment about the disclosure of ReaLearn, as well as other observations). Anyway, life goes on... and don't plead the troll :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2024
  4. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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  5. ManikDepresif

    ManikDepresif Noisemaker

    Nov 21, 2024
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    There are numerous posts describing why people like Reaper. Reaper is awesome, for sure.

    Why don’t we see it replacing mainstream DAWs? In my opinion, it’s due to market pressure and operator/technician/engineer habits. There are people out there who still think that if you record with Pro Tools or Logic, it will somehow sound better than if you record with any other DAW. :)

    Another issue is that Reaper feels like it’s more for nerds. It has huge potential, but for someone used to working with Pro Tools, Logic, or Studio One, it might look scary and confusing from time to time. For some reason, Reaper developed a reputation for being “complicated”. I’m not sure how or when it happened, but whenever I speak with other people, they all say the same thing: it feels complicated. When I ask them for an example of what’s so complicated, their answers are very vague, and we usually end up at, “I just don’t have time to…”.

    I understand the mainstream market. If Reaper fails for some reason, it’s difficult to explain that to a client. If a “reputable” software fails, it’s easier to explain: “If even reputable software fails, there must be a real issue.” It’s just psychology. Almost nobody wants to spend time learning something new when they already know how to do the same task in another software, especially when working on a project for a client. It makes sense in a way. People are hesitant (or let’s say lazy) to learn something new.

    However, because of its accessibility, Reaper has been steadily developing a user base, which will benefit it in the long run. 15 years ago, when Reaper was like 3 years old, amount of people who knew Reaper was just a bunch.

    Dinosaurs like me probably remember the 90s when non-linear video editing was dominated by Avid Media Composer, Immix Strata, or Videosphere. For online video work, Discreet Logic’s Fire was the standard. Back then, almost nobody gave Adobe Premiere a chance. Premiere wasn’t any worse than the other NLE software at the time, but market pressure and studios’ preference for turnkey solutions held Premiere back from becoming mainstream for years.

    What happened? Adobe steadily continued to develop Premiere and grow its user base. Now, Premiere still exists and thrives, while Media Composer has lost its edge, and Immix has perished. :) The same fate met many market-dominating softwares back then.

    I believe that in next 10 years, we’ll very likely to see a similar situation with Reaper.

    I am a loyal and huge fan of Reaper. They have an amazing team. it is an amazing piece of software in many aspects if not all, keeps getting better and better every release.

    As always, just my five cents. :)
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  6. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    Reaper has been stuck in a repetitive loop and does not offer anything new. Reaper developers are not experts in DSP or audio algorithms, so they don't try to introduce new things. People use Reaper mostly for mixing pre-made Stems (done elsewhere) or at best for recording. Making music is a complex process that requires different steps, but Reaper is limited to certain processes during music making.
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  7. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    ... in the end you just found a new method keep up ppl replying to your threads cause they see the need to set things right again...

    why not sharing some wisdom of stuff in what you are great ? ...all that www oneclick up/dl bulk stuff and such eg...dev site fishing and so on
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  8. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    i totally forgot pls share youre email aquiring tactics , list ,pool places and such...
    just do some good one times...
  9. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    time close this thread, now I understand we're dealing with an idiot here
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  10. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  11. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2021
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    This is all wrong. And it shows that you have not the slightest clue. I don't know why people - like you - without any competence feel obliged to put their intellectual incapabilities so brazen on public display. You are an id10t. (Sorry, I see no other possibi9lity to describe it.) You have never ever worked with REAPER. You maybe have started it ... git it that you won't get it ... and close it. "Not for me ..." is the tantrum of the stupid. "You got the idea ...". Yeah. :-(((
  12. Smeghead

    Smeghead Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Is he an idiot or is he SO SMART HE'S BLOWING YOUR MIND
    I think Foster is a savant. He can't really engage with the world except he has an unnatural ability to create audiosex threads that last dozens of pages even though nobody likes them.
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  13. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    we are the idiots
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  14. Warez4Ever

    Warez4Ever Member

    Aug 12, 2024
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    Since this thread has so many random comments, "why people promote and like reaper?" OK another funny question "how the hell people edit samples and vocals on FL studio without blowing their brains out?" I use FL and ableton for over 10 years and reaper for 2. The people behind Fl studio editing , sidechaining and routing are def on crack. Studio1, PT, Ableton, reaper, cubase and every single other DAW is extremely easy to edit a vocal or route things.
  15. Quantised Noise

    Quantised Noise Producer

    Mar 12, 2018
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    What are you talking about? Edison is one of the best audio editors around, if I had limitless cash I'd buy the standalone version to use outside of FL.
  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Guys... He intentionally wears the idiot's hat so he can have us engaged in endless dialog. It is a power play of sorts. As being the OP, he deems himself as "the puppeteer" and the rest who answer are his toys to play with and manipulate. The more people answering the merrier haha. Note here, people like him are proven sociopaths and can be dangerous.
    He will never get into detail, or present a viable argument. He doesn't care in proving anything, in fact the more he can continue making false statements and people answering him, the more satisfied he is with his thread evolving for ages and pages. And he will never answer to those who straight out front him as the troll he is or to those seeking to present proof for his claims. I gotta agree with @Smeghead he is a (evil) Savant. Or at least a trolling expert.
    It is easy to notice the trolling pattern. Rarely if ever writes more than 4-5 lines. They are enough to incite a wealth of answers from forum members. His posts' content is always generic "observations" and erroneous on purpose so he can potentially enrage those insulted by his seemingly ignorant -but intentional- hubris and get more answers.
    Lastly, @ArticStorm and any other admin. As @Synclavier said. Please close this thread so no more "innocent bystanders" fall victim for the troll. Thanks.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  17. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    I am not a troll. I am sure of what I say.:yes:
  18. Incontro

    Incontro Guest

    Audio processing requires a lot of mathematical calculations, but the creators of Reaper only know about addition and subtraction for simple things on tracks. This is the problem of computer programmers. Weak math that shows itself as a weakness in the end like this.:shalom:
  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    1. If you are producing music, deep engineering, editing, restoring, cleaning, mixing, recording, mastering, - Reaper, Pro Tools, Samplitude, Sequoia, Cubase, Nuendo, Studio One maybe.
    2. Ifbyou are a beatmaker, AI steming to remix, 2-chord musician, clipping loud mastering like phonk and for tiktok, use FL.
    3. If you are somewhere between point 1 and point 2, use Ableton, Studio One, Bitwig, Reason.
    4. If you are a mathematician, weirdo crazy scientist, con, programmer use Renoise.
    5. If you like garbage in studio, anti-minimalist, use Reaper, Reason, Renoise.
    6. If you want to make music without your participation, use AI, neural networks, deep learning tools and pre-made sample loops, eJay..

    Just joking)

    I like Reaper and RX)
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    would never never touch renoise tbh.