And my first one A note here: It is unbelievable how many hours, me and my cousin spent on his Atari console with this shit in the mid 70s. We both had no siblings and took the piss at each other too often with Pong hahaha. Our other frenzy was Monopoly haha. Aaaah the age of innocence... Btw the guy who invented this game must have been the craziest minimalist genius ever. Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
My first console experience was an Atari 2600 at my neighbors, and then eventually my family got an Intellivision. Also a family friend had a Colecovision. Of course these consoles all had graphical games, but I used to play games that had zero graphics.. "text adventures" were a pretty common type of game I played as a kid. Anyone remember Infocom games (Zork, Enchanter, etc..). I still game today, although I have a lot less time for it. I somehow never ended up playing Dope Wars, but I remember it being pretty popular for a while. Now pardon me while I go watch some Matlock and rant about how we used to wear an onion on our belt, which was the style at the time...
haha Pong nice, I played that too. I was just trying to see how many people remember the text based game dope wars from like 98 lol I was 15. I started getting online when I was around 13, back then people who got on the computer were considered dorks.. now everyone uses them lol. We were ahead of the game and the first in everything.
BLASPHEMY! there was never any black and white mario lol. Back then it was The Munsters, Sanford and Son, Mash, and Tour of Duty lol. I remember being at my grandmas and having to go turn the antenna that was back when the TV went off for good around 2 am LOL
Oh wow I was a Half Life guy and Doom guy a good many years after that. The original Sims and Roller Coaster Tycoon lol
what is this? I don't recall that. Hell I thought I was old at 41, you guys are old! lol jk. Matlock, an onion belt? that must be before my time too lol Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
Ooooh you were them 'rich kids' with your Intellivision and Colecovisions!! 2600 here, I'm still mad at that stupid Empire Strikes Back game. I think I still have Enchanter for the Apple 2 in the box in the garage with a bunch of other crap like the first couple Ulitma's, the 'Gold Box' SSI games, Bard's Tale 2..