*** This needs to be said ***

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by armyofone, May 19, 2014.

  1. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Whasup ladies and gents

    So I've been meaning to write this and now I have some free time to finally say what I've been intending to, which I don't think gets said nearly enough for whatever reason.

    I've been using audioz for around six months now I can say. I was never as much into music production originally, as I had a burning passion for the actual art of music, so I learned in the seemingly unconventional way of becoming an actual musician first and then moved into production once I understood the mechanics and after I had accomplished what I had meant to as an instrumentalist. I remember that it wasn't so long ago that I was grateful for the scraps of software that I was able to get from torrent sites, having never had any formal training in the art of producing the music as opposed to making it and trying to say what hasn't been said before and changing the world or making my mark like so many of us hope to through sound.

    Then I happened to stumble upon audioz quite by accident on an obscure google search for some software that I was looking for and I actually couldn't believe my eyes. For all the years that I was searching torrents for the software that I just couldn't afford after all of the costs of my instruments and equipment, I couldn't even believe that I seemed to have come across the holy grail and I had never heard of it before. Through the site I then found other similar sites but none with the same community and incredible consistency and organisation of audioz. I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I think of my setup pre-audioz to what it is now and how far I have come in such a short space of time. There doesn't even seem to be enough hours in the day to make the best use of all of the tutorials, books, presets and softwares that are on here.

    I do realise that there is an issue of not fully supporting the original developers by downloading the software, but with the price of some of it being the same as a second hand car it is hard to justify if you're never going to use them commercially or get to make money from your music. I can honestly say that only 10% of the software that I am now aware of I knew before audioz, meaning that I have learned a hell of a lot from just reading the valuable comments of the users and searching the endless daily streams of new content. My plan is to eventually buy eveything that I use and delete what I don't and audioz has actually helped me to purchase software that I don't even know how I would have known about otherwise, as there is so much to learn. I have legitimately purchased software like the XLN addictive drum and keys suites, DopeVST drums and Maschine 2 to name a few, to even utilities such as 32 Lives and Little Snitch, that I wouldn't have known of or been able to have trialled without audioz. The ability to use software that I haven't even heard of is invaluable to me and the developers that I have purchased software from actually have audioz to thank for in some regard, for I just don't know how I would have found them all otherwise.

    The purpose of this message is to give a massive thank you to the efforts of those people responsible for this site and those who contribute so much to it. I still don't fully understand how the system works and sometimes I am still left scratching my head at what the catch is, as it does appear to be too good to be true. I guess that is the skeptic in me astounded by the generosity of so many organised in such a concerted effort. I want to give a genuine appreciation to the people that I do know of: Cataly5t, SAiNT, Sunny, the teams R2R, Magnetrixx, all of the incredible hardcore users who have helped me out, in particular Introninja/Kontakt Guru who was cool enough to give me a massive help out with my kontakt problems, as well as to all of the casual users who have tried to help me or give advice. If I have missed out any big names then do tell me and I will at the very least add them as I can't remember how to spell them all off the top of my head. Much love and thanks to all of you and your efforts are endlessly appreciated by me. I don't even know how I would attempt to repay your generosity but I strongly suggest that you at the very least get that Donations link up and running and just put a paypal link up if you can because I'd like to contribute to the running of the site in any way I can from the confines of my cave. Audioz is a hidden gem and my first point of call on the net and I just wanted to let the guys and gals who put so much into it know that you have my utmost respect, admiration and gratitude.

    I have a hard time comprehending the nerve of a minority on here who get it all handed on a plate to them and still bitch and moan about the pettiest of issues: the equivalent of people who are given an endless, free buffet of food and still complain that there's no salt and pepper to go along with it. It would piss me off no end to have all of the hard work that I put in to help others without any benefit to myself only to have it diminished by an impatient pr*ck who doesn't have the decency to show appreciation and demand more and I wonder for how long I'd be willing to put up with it. So for all of those people who contribute so much and wonder why they do or should, I want you to know that despite the few sh*t-talkers that may make you doubt why you choose to do what you do, there are others like me who think you guys are rockstars and hope you're never put off from your valued contributions by human stupidity and indecency. I am grateful to be able to expand upon my knowledge with every new link that you post and am thankful for what you give rather than for what you have yet to provide. If you ever find yourselves in the middle of England then I can assure you wholeheartedly that the drinks are on me. Much love for making the sites quite literally the sites from my wildest dreams.

    I've been working on a very big project in another field and I'll be dedicating a lot more time to my music after the next month, but best believe that there's gonna be a shout out to audioz if it launches as I intend for it to. However blatant I'm advised to advertise it or obscure I have to make it.

    Viva la Audioz

  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    No problem, I LOVE to Hear Success Stories, Makes all are time worthwhile, I hope you achieve much success My Friend[​IMG]
  5. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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  6. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I joined at the start of this year. I always played music, but never thought of making the lot from scratch. Not until I came here. I started with simple things like EZMix and I have learnt so much and I am still learning more every day. I feel just like you, armyofone.

    We're an army of many!
  7. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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  8. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yeah man, Audioz is THE best site I've ever come across on the internet, for a amateur bedroom producer like myself it's a dream come true
  9. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Thank you armyofone. You speak my heart & mind.

    I remember the day when broadband got accessible for me very well. One of the first programs I installed was a p2p client.
    Long before torrents, in a time where an incredible amount of quality warez pages were common. Most of them driven by
    U.S guys/gyals. Taken down by the FBI mainly, within 2 days(prepared for long o.c.), the "good stuff" just gone and they got hold of many people, too.
    From one day to another the WWW became "something completely different".

    Considering the development of the last 10 years, to take it as given that k`d software is easy available over WWW is ignorant as hell,
    the control obsession of so called "authorities" could make it disappear soon...

    What about the people keeping the "top notch" stuff coming? Do you know about reverse engineering? Are you capable of team work, seriously?
    If you see things so clearly that you always have an appropriate critical comment on your finger tips, than let me ask you:
    What do you share/contribute?

    It`s community making it possible & and the passion & commitment of individuals that never give up to work for a "greater good".

    Audioz is a "last resort" in the "open" WWW, may it live long.

  10. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    best part is, its not even hidden at all...if you have internet you can access it, sign up and make it your birthday EVERY day even if you on dial-up(value is not tied to download size on here)...there are very few net entities giving out more than they receive for free and without hidden agendas or forced restrictions...the main site and companion forum are run in a professional manner by capable people to such extent that it almost negates the "friction" with the outside world reagarding the nature of the content posted (were dealing with warez after all) *yes*

    you guys should create a section called "Success Stories" or something like "Purchased!" where peeps could post about what/when/why they bought...an opinion/review may be worth something but an actual purchase means business and decisions have been made(we are no impulse buyers)...should be fun read for members AND revisiting devs :wink:
  11. ThaiZen

    ThaiZen Newbie

    May 20, 2014
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    Living Island
    Big ups to ArmyOfOne !!! I too am fairly new to this site & I agree 110% THANK YOU :wink: for saying what a lot of us here feel & stating it so well.... Cheers mate !! :grooves:
  12. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Messages like this is what really keeps me doing what i'm doing. :bow:

    I'm very grateful to have members like you on my projects :mates:

    that's a good idea, but i still haven't got used to all this gratitude from people - i never really expected anything in return, so every message and topic like this makes me very happy from the bottom of my heart.
    i keep a personal collection of feedback that members send me, but it's not enough to open a separate forum *no*

    anyway, we'll see how it goes :wink:
  13. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    You can utilize the Software Sections for such request.... The Great Andrew has succeed well from this, and we all know already from Catalyst Advertising Skills lol

    Project? More like a Establishing Production, but if you insisted to call this a Project!! I want to speak to your Manager[​IMG]
  14. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I feel you, Armyofone, and I believe your background sí not uncommon at all. I'm sure many if us are musicians who got curious about what happens on the other side of the mixing board and gave it a go. Indeed, the forums here and the software on AudioZ turn out to be educational tools to all of us. Music production technology keeps growing and expanding, and things that were thought impossible to accomplish a few years back are now a click away. Think of "de-reverbing" an audio source, for instance. The forums keep us up to date. I also raise my glasses for R2R and the other teams for the amazing work they do. I really hope we learn to live up to this honor and learn to behave. It's shitty for these great guys to read about Win-Mac wars and ungrateful requests, hate-talk, and the lame complaints without taking the time to read or GIYF the necessary information, but there's a wind of change I see. Little by little we are learning to be more appreciative of the good in this. Unfortunately we sometimes take all this for granted. One day, the tap might dry up. Like they say on AudioZ: Let's show some love. It might mean push a button, give something back in return to the community, or simply keep quiet if you cannot say anything positive. Finally, a million thanks to Saint, Cat, X, Demon, and so many other people that make this work, some officially and some lend in a shoulder, but we all build this community. It is the best one around.
  15. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    My story is similar to yours. Initially I used only
    Freeware or DEMO stuff downloaded @ KVRaudio! But then I noticed that some demos were good but
    crippled. So I looked for "the real thing" and discovered many TORRENT-sites and FORUMS where
    cracks were published.

    In the beginning I wasn't so much present on AudioZ because I didn't like the rude language of
    some folks, nor its appearance. But then I started to get interested and involved. Some years
    later - after the great Team DYNAMICS had left the scene - I've started to work with Team xdb.
    Thanks to them I've learned many things regarding "Reverse Engineering".

    Reverse Engineering requires much, much patience and some tools and it can be fun!
    But when it comes to release, publish the stuff problems start to come in…
    …because of some very ungrateful, moaning and demanding people!
    Since the new MAC systems came up and also the imposed 64 Bit architecture,
    it was more and more time eating and difficult to unlock the goodies.
    So I decided to stop sharing openly to avoid such situations.

    Remember one thing: Despite of all "Underground" sites with all the treasures available
    reality is also that many more-or-less-honest people support the developers with buying
    their products. If they would stop developing also the crack scene would end soon.
    Have fun with what you do - and if it's not anymore, just do another thing.

  16. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Thank you Kook. I've seen you talk and sometimes fight your point across. You are right. Developers are to be supported and lots of us are really unsupportive and insensibly demanding, but releases close the circle, and one way or another, thanks to the work you do guys, developers get tried, and in some cases heard of, by wannabes, up-and-coming producers, bedroom artists, and everyone else who is just fitted with a dream and empty pockets. Those folks (we) ideally are potential buyers. I know you can't measure that and in the end it is a hope at best, buy hey, at least the fact that we talk about this instead of flaming about it is a step in the right direction. There are so many contributors one way or another, and I just want to thank you, Kook. Period.
  17. Engernettix

    Engernettix Newbie

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Very well said ArmyofONE. I couldn't agree more. Music should always be first and foremost about expression - Not negativity. As for as how you obtain your musical gear should be kept personal and as ArmyofOne said be grateful for what you have and it may transform your music further for the best. I too am in the middle of England and I too am old enough to recall them hardware days. Peace out!
  18. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    The only name I miss is DISCOVER, maybe because he does not reverse engineer software (a lot?)
    But he has posted a lot of sample/loop/preset packs I love, it really helped me to get my fingertips around many different styles :break:

    if I ever go commercial I'll buy him a house next to my mansion, heck I'll buy Luxembourg and all you guys can come..! :hug:
  19. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Another thing I like about the forum is the freedom to say what the hell you want

    A lot of other forums are "No political or religious posts"

    Ok, we mightn't agree on what we debate on, but, at least we can still debate, there's not many places left now on the web where you can have an open debate without some snooty moderator poking their nose in to edit your posts if it doesn't fit in with their agenda

    Over the years, I've been banned off numerous science forums & the JREF forum for questioning, yes, just for questioning the official 9/11 story, no swearing or abusive posts, just for asking the questions

    In the end, they were attacking me calling me a conspiracy nut and insane for asking questions about the melting point of steel, freefall & gravity and impossible altitude speeds and what not and I end up getting banned when it was THEM insulting me
  20. armyofone

    armyofone Newbie

    Mar 30, 2014
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    Wow this got a lot more replies than I was expecting.

    Thanks a lot for the well wishes bro. I also extend my best to you and thanks for your ever timely responses and generous nature. Couldn't believe how much you went out of your way to help me.

    Wow my own meme! I'm on top of the world ma! Thanks

    That was the whole point of the post brother. I make it a point to give full credit to people who go out of their way to give me a helping hand (being as there seem to be not too many of those kind of people around) and that is exactly what you are doing with the site. You literally are giving people the ability to make their dreams come true and its great that the site isn't so heirarchical that I can actually express this directly to you and to those people who deserve such thanks for all of their efforts. The reason my post was long was that I know you get thanks for individual posts but I wanted to give thanks for all of your efforts as a whole. For me personally you have created the best site on the net and I'm working hard on making the most of the opportunity that you've created for me to pursue my goals. Your incredible efforts are appreciated more than you know and I am very pleased to hopefully be adding a few more paragraphs to that personal collection of yours, which I'm sure isn't nearly long enough for what you do.

    I'm not a very techie person and I don't think I'd be able to offer much help on the technical side of things but if there is a way in which I can learn or contribute a lot more than I am then please do share it with me. I don't fully understand how the system works but offering a donation at the very least for the continual running of the sites would make me much happier than the thought of contributing so little for the opportunity that you are providing me with. Thank you from the bottom of my heart bro. I'm close to where I want to be and your name is definitely getting a shoutout when I release, for whatever it's worth.

    I agree. The mods are great here and there are many great users who despite having differences in opinion actually add to the conversation instead of bickering and threatening. I make it a habit to type to someone only what I'd say to their face and I'm glad to see that this is one of the few places where that mentality seems to be the norm.
  21. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    literally having tears on my eyes. thank you :mates: