Midi CC problem on Bitwig Studio 5.2

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Cosmos2019, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I can't get the midi cc's to be displayed in the Bitwig Studio 5.2 editing screen to edit them manually, as here (on the link below) for example they are displayed in the Digital Performer where you can see graphically not only the notes, but also the fluctuations of the aftertouch, pitch bend and modulation.
    I've done the same thing by recording some midi notes with the FullBucket FB 7999 vst in Bitwig, but in the editing screen I can only see the notes and velocities. How do I view the other midi cc's like aftertouch, pitch bend, etc.??
    Thanks for your help!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I don't use Bitwig, but it does have Latch Automation Mode. Once you have a track with Latch mode enabled, the DAW records any control you can move on a plugin's GUI. Touch Automation Mode is usually the same thing, but it will not write the last static position of the control to the end of the project. Latch will overwrite it. Or vice-versa. That is the only difference between those 2 modes in your DAW if both are available.

    I always suggest this instead of looking up CC #'s for visible parameters, if it is an option in the DAW software. Just don't forget to turn it back off when you are done writing the automations. Once you have CC automation data written to that track, it will become visible as an automation lane. In Logic anyway, but it should be the same in almost every DAW. This video should cover the subject:

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
  4. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
    Likes Received:
    FullBucket FB 7999 --> MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC



    Each MIDI device sends or modifies different MIDI data within a track's device chain. This allows you to send MIDI data to plug-ins or external hardware (if you are using one of the hardware devices). They can also be used to perform simple functions such as changing the MIDI channel.

    Channel Filter
    A device that allows incoming notes or MIDI data to be filtered by channel.

    Channel Map
    A device that can redirect incoming notes or MIDI data to other channels.

    A device that sends MIDI controller data (CC) using eight controls. A global MIDI channel ( Channel ) can be set separately.

    MIDI Program Change
    A device that sends MIDI program change messages when a project is loaded and/or when the Send switch is manually operated. The MIDI channel ( Channel ) and part or both parts of the bank change message can be sent (here CC 0 is the most significant bit [MSB] and CC 32 is the least significant bit [LSB]).

    In addition, the device has a nested chain with two special functions. If the Scoped option is activated, program and bank change commands are only sent to devices that are within the nested chain. The Anti Click option slowly fades out the output signal of the nested chain before the MIDI data is sent. The duration of the fade out is set with the Decay parameter.

    MIDI Song Select
    A device that sends MIDI song change messages when loading a project and/or manually pressing the Send switch.

    Source: www.bitwig.com/de/userguide/latest/midi/

    MIDI | Midi CC Device | english
  5. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thanks but this guide is for something different than what I'm asking about, for MIDI settings.
    My question is why can't I see the graphics to be able to manipulate (by drawing, etc.) some midi cc like pitch bend, aftertouch, etc...? I've seen tutorials where these things are shown on the editing screen but I can't see them.
  6. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thanks but I'm asking something else. I don't want to automate anything.
    If I record a midi track that contains notes, and also pitch bend, aftertouch, etc... those midi cc have to be graphically visible in order to be able to manipulate them (drawing, dragging, etc...) on the editing screen. I've seen this in tutorials... But I don't know why they don't appear.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    It could be the free Full Bucket plugin is your problem, if you have a blank GUI.

    If you use Latch or Touch automation mode, it will be creating a lane when you start moving the control. You could even send pitchwheel data to it from the controller by midi learning the knob/control you intend to use for your test. You will see it moving and then compare.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024
  8. Cosmos2019

    Cosmos2019 Noisemaker

    Jul 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Somehow I solved it, thanks to everyone!
    You have to add all the midi cc in the arranger view, activating the Show automation lanes button, and then choosing the midi cc one by one. Then going to the editing screen you can see and manipulate them by activating the Show automation editor panel button
  9. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Hello @Cosmos2019, congratulations and thanks for the instructions!
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