Audioz File Hosters - What's the deal??

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by sthicc, Oct 12, 2024.


What's your favourite filehoster?

  1. gofile

    10 vote(s)
  2. mega

    16 vote(s)
  3. pixeldrain

    5 vote(s)
  4. zippyshare (RIP)

    4 vote(s)
  5. google drive

    10 vote(s)
  6. mediafire

    15 vote(s)
  7. other - Comment your suggestions!

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. sthicc

    sthicc Noisemaker

    Oct 12, 2024
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    So why is it, in todays day and age that the only file hosters i ever see used are Rapidgator, KATfile, etc.

    These hosters have terrible limitations put in place for free users. And when it comes down to it, thats what some of us are. I'm proud to be a free user for life and i aint gonna be changing anytime soon. I could see if revenue from these hosters went to the forum but it doesn't, so why are we so hard-committed to them?

    There are much better alternatives. For example
    - - which doesnt limit free users AT ALL in any way
    • Unlimited downloads, bandwidth and traffic, We do not limit the number of downloads, bandwidth, or traffic.
    • No file size limit, Upload files of any size without worrying about hitting a cap or incurring additional fees."
    • 5 GB per day, Download speed is reduced to 1 MiB/s when exceeded. Max 5 concurrent downloads
    • 120 day free file limit
    • 20GB Limit
    • Fast downloads
    • they dont list their restrictions on the site clearly, i dont think theyre much
    - Heck, even Google Drive, 15GB free accounts and respectable transfer speeds

    -(RIP Zippyshare)

    So my question is, why are we not using these services that are so much better for the users? Why do we have to click through 5 different file parts at 100kb/s and waste our whole lives doing so? It can't be very convenient for the people uploading to have to do it this way either.

    I mean, it's only after accumulating +300GB of library items this way that i ask this question. Trust me i'm not complaining. I'm just saying there is a better way. And afaik theres not any rules against using other hosters, i searched through the posts in order to make sure about this.
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  3. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I use Mega, which was created by Kim Dotcom, because it works very well and has end-to-end encryption. It is very clear and easy to use. Really private files don't belong on the internet, of course.
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  4. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    i stopped accumulating crap a long time ago, but whenever i had to get a bigger archive i would just search it up somewhere else, making sure it was the same release (most torrents from the russian brothers are fine). for smaller files i don't mind the limitations.
    some of the filehosts you mention (like you said, pixeldrain) might actually block your connection if they see you're eating up their bandwidth too fast

    i'm sure there is a reason uploaders are using these filehosts :wink:
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  5. PantoCore

    PantoCore Platinum Record

    Dec 5, 2023
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    the biggest issue is not the speed to me, it's the captcha function rapidgator and katfile are using. never working correctly. to make download links visible even audioz use that captcha bullshit. that's why i download from other sites.
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  6. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I completely agree... In my humble opinion, there should always be a free link with at least minimally acceptable download speed: You would always have two/three paid options for Debrider users and a third free option. There are some uploaders sensitive to this (Sunny, djyopmix, and in certain releases, hidera), but most are not. So, it seems to me that there’s a policy behind this, though I don’t agree with it—but that hardly matters. What matters most is that the releases keep coming and that we have some way to access them.
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  7. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    It's the money - as always!
    Money is the incentive for some of our fellow human beings to do the work of uploading something. Well, it's greed and the love of money...
  8. FalloutFan

    FalloutFan Kapellmeister

    Jun 20, 2020
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    It's not just the limited file hosts, most releases don't even allow you to post mirror links,
    of course, It's all about the revenue the uploaders get from downloads through their links.
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  9. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I only go to AudioZ for news and updates. If I need to download anything I look elsewhere, because RG and KF are trash. Unless it's a really small file, that can be downloaded with less hassle with JDownloader.
  10. jordan77

    jordan77 Ultrasonic

    Dec 18, 2016
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    iirc is already explained why those hosts are the choosen for sister site, there is many reasons, search there for "KatFile will be Discontinued", 12 pages of discussion. You will understand a bit the situation
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  11. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    reliability/trust over speeds,
    RG/UL/KF/KS/FB/DF/FJ aren't fastest but they do have longer retention policy,
    RIP Zippyshare, RIP Uptobox, RIP Ulozto...

    I will always remain free user too, jdownloader works fine, and I don't rush for tons of content anymore,
    that said, maybe we could open up discussion for rule adjustments at sister site - (ability) to provide other fs mirrors after certain period of release time, regardless of uploader's wishes.... but that's a topic for a separate thread
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  12. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    the only deal is that there is *$* NO DEAL *$*
  13. djru5h

    djru5h Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    just use a debrid account.. they're only about 5 bucks a month and you can say goodbye to the limits and hurdles you complain about. very worth it especially if you indulge in k'd plugins..
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    once again, the ones listed do have very bad and low days where you can still download them after no longer any activity on the file.

    KF has 60 days, if uploader has Premium, RG has 90 days if uploader has premium.

    I have serious problems with MEGA, sometimes servers are completly not responding for files.
    the other one listed have super low file activity, like 10 days or less.

    nobody wants a page like Audioz with dead links.
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  15. Somnambulist

    Somnambulist Rock Star

    Aug 27, 2024
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    None of them has 100% uptime.
    I could be wrong, but I believe the two mentioned, RG & KF were selected because they are consistent, not necessarily better.
    Links going down on the sister site are often for reasons nobody here has the slightest control over and would likely be down on every other site.
    1. A takedown
    2. The site owners decided the content did not conform to their rules or
    3. The uploader either removed them or cancelled their account.
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  16. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Google Drive, easily. They probably respond to takedown notices very quickly, so it's probably not viable at all for aZ. But that is not the question. Because damn are their servers fast. I get much better speeds from Google Drive than any other way of getting files.
  18. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Because of monetary kickbacks being tallied between "suppliers" and "hosters" in the scene? I avoid any contact with KrapFile (aka katfile) or NitroSuck (nitroflare) for specifically being unusable in two ways - 1) neither will allow downloads via VPN, 2) their "FREE" option is a fucking joke. So slow they are not useable even for small stuff. Rapidgator at least will work with VPN but is still slow as fuck on DL, but useable for small stuff at least.

    There are "Free" File Services who actually give the free user a chance with a 1MB DL speed and that work with VPN. But my guess is that FFS's like MediaFire and PixelDrain, Anonymfile, etc may not be playing the kickback game so they are not privy to the wide use that the other 3 seem to be getting. Personally those FFS who spurn VPN are suspect in my book anyway so I simply avoid them. Luckily enough there are plenty of other options to use that are anonymous and fast that do not require giving away PII and $$ simply to DL scene stuff.

    I have a hard time coming to terms with the whole retention debate. I have seen stuff on MediaFire (for a free user it's plenty fast) last for 3-5 years. Why doesn't it get used on AZ and others per se?
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
  19. sthicc

    sthicc Noisemaker

    Oct 12, 2024
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    Forgive me, i guess im not one of the cool kids who knows about the other sites. I only recently got told about g meh but for the 10years previous to that that i spent downloading, audioz was the holy grail as far as i was aware. i didnt even dream other such sites existed.

    If someone were to PM me to put me in the know i wouldnt be mad :cool:

    I also had no idea people were getting kickbacks from the uploads. I thought they banned all those sites that forwarded the link and paid you per impression long time ago. kinda ironic to think how little money they must be making compared to the sale of the actual products. But im sure it would put their panties in a knot if they didnt get their special pennies on schedule. Heaven forbid a choice is made purely to benefit the good of others :C Ahh the world that we live in.
  20. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    the infinite thread circle again cause no info disclaimer available...
    but most annoying are the long time member dont get this simple shit after decades on here...
    cause im sick of it i keep it in very short version : how do you think racers buy stuff like eg all that eg reason racks/extensions or hiwever its called etc...
    also its bout durablity of links and dmca buff .
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