ASIO4ALL vs Core Audio

Discussion in 'PC' started by mpd7130, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    Hey guys,
    Hope you're doing well.
    I have a question.
    I use the internal sound card of my motherboard with the ASIO4ALL driver on Windows, and on Mac, I use the default driver, Core Audio, because I don't have an external sound card.
    So my question is, does the project I created in Cubase affect the final quality of the music when bouncing/exporting?
    Is there a difference in output quality between ASIO4ALL and Core Audio mac?
  3. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    No, identical, sure!
  4. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    ASIO, WASAPI, CoreAudio, WDM-KS and so on are only used for listening and recording, never when rendering to file. So you can choose whatever works best for you and you'll still get exactly the same file when rendering - assuming no bugs in Cubase.
  5. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    Cubase version differences between v.r and r2r usually come down to the way the cracks or patches are applied. Both should work the same in terms of functionality, but sometimes the crack might affect stability, update compatibility, or cause minor differences in behavior. Generally, there's not much of a noticeable difference unless there's a bug or issue specific to one version.
  6. Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2023
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  7. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    If you ever get some money, every USB audio interface has better drivers / converters than ASIO4ALL:

    Best budget audio interfaces

    1. ESI MAYA22 USB | Flexible high performance 24-bit USB audio interface = 39,00€
    2. Behringer U-Phoria UMC202HD
    3. M-Audio M-Track Duo
    4. Presonus Audio Box USB96
    5. Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Generation = 89€
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There is no ASIO4ALL for Mac because we do not need it. You should always use Core Audio. Read what ChatGPT even has to say (spoiler below).

    Also, there is a difference between ASIO4ALL and ANY other driver that works. It is a generic driver and is made to work with the largest number of use cases. Avoid using ASIO4ALL unless you have exhausted all other options. It is good for testing purposes.

    You said:
    is core audio best mac audio driver
    ChatGPT said:
    Core Audio is the native audio driver framework for macOS, and it is widely considered one of the best audio driver systems for macOS users. Here’s why:

    Advantages of Core Audio
    1. Low Latency: Core Audio is designed for professional audio applications, providing low-latency performance ideal for real-time audio processing.

    2. High-Quality Sound: It supports high-resolution audio (up to 32-bit floating-point and sample rates well beyond 96 kHz).

    3. Native macOS Integration: Core Audio is built into macOS, ensuring seamless integration with macOS applications and system-wide audio management.

    4. Multi-Channel Support: It handles multiple audio channels efficiently, making it suitable for complex setups like surround sound or audio production with multiple input/output devices.

    5. Wide Application Support: Most professional audio applications for macOS, such as Logic Pro, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools, are optimized for Core Audio.

    6. No Additional Drivers Needed: Core Audio eliminates the need for third-party drivers, reducing potential compatibility issues and ensuring plug-and-play functionality for many devices.

    7. Aggregate Devices: Core Audio allows combining multiple audio interfaces into a single virtual device, which can be helpful in studio settings.
    When Core Audio Might Not Be Enough
    While Core Audio is excellent, some users opt for additional audio drivers or software in specific scenarios:

    • ASIO on Windows: Core Audio doesn't exist on Windows, where ASIO drivers are commonly used for low-latency audio.
    • Specialized Hardware Drivers: Some audio interfaces provide proprietary drivers (like Universal Audio's drivers for Apollo interfaces) for additional features or better optimization.
    • Advanced Routing Needs: For complex audio routing, third-party tools like Rogue Amoeba's Loopback might complement Core Audio.
    If you're on a Mac, Core Audio is typically the best choice unless your hardware or specific workflow benefits from specialized drivers. For most users, especially in music production or professional audio, it delivers everything needed with excellent reliability and performance.
  9. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    Its better than
    better than ASIO4ALL ?
    and i need to install both driver ? FlexASIO and FlexASIO Fluent ?
  10. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    I know about Core Audio and Im using in macOS with
    My Question was for Quality in Exporting and playing in DAW with Core Audio and ASIO4ALL
    Friend said

  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    ASIO has always been more efficient, it makes less kernel calls per sample than core audio. Core audio has the advantage of being able to use more than one interface and is built into the OS if that's really an advantage.

    The quest for ASIO to have as low a latency as possible (which is its primary purpose) might, in some circumstances, cause the playback to be less stable than is desirable but any problems in this respect are not subtle.

    It's worth noting that most standard devices can be driven in WASAPI mode by most Windows machines without much ado as WASAPI is part of the OS (and is mature, having been around since Windows 7) and nobody seriously disputes its stability or accuracy. All that is required is that the application supports WASAPI which, of course, most decent audio applications do.

    The provision of ASIO is down to the audio hardware manufacturer and, as such, is a bit more subject to the quality of the implementation.

    What is Core Audio? What is ASIO?

    Core Audio is a low-level programming interface that deals with audio in Apple computers and devices. Core Audio drivers are high-performance and low-latency, which makes them perfect to work with if you’re a professional music producer or audio engineer.

    Contrary to Apple devices, Windows PCs have different built-in audio drivers, such as MME, WASAPI, and WDM. But if you’re aiming to work on recording and music production, the equivalent for Windows to Apple’s Core Audio is ASIO.

    Short for Audio Stream Input/Output, ASIO is a Windows-specific technology developed by Steinberg. It works by bypassing Windows Audio and allows the computer to communicate directly with external hardware devices, like audio interfaces. ASIO provides minimum latency because of this direct line of communication between hardware and software.

    Normally, if you buy a soundcard, you’ll get a supported ASIO driver that you’ll need to install on your computer. But in case you don’t have an external audio interface but still want the advantages ASIO provides, you can use a third-party application called ASIO4ALL.

    ASIO4ALL is a free universal audio driver for Windows systems that allows you to connect your PC’s audio interface directly to your DAW. It basically does the same as ASIO, in the sense that it bypasses Windows Audio to create a direct line of communication between your computer’s built-in soundcard and your music production software.

    You can download ASIO4ALL here.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    ASIO4ALL is not a good driver to use when compared with OEM drivers provided by the Audio Interface manufacturer. Differences in the algorithms used in those drivers can have different impacts on output quality. You are bouncing files, maybe resampling, and the differences between ASIO4ALL and your OEM supplied driver can result in audible differences.

    You want to compare a native MacOS driver which is part of the MacOS operating system with some windows driver? Maybe you can take that one up with people who will argue for pages about what DAW sounds better. Clickbait. Or do it yourself. Put a project in the same DAW on both computers and record their output so you can compare them.
  13. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Audio does not pass through audio interfaces, soundcards/chips or their respective drivers when rendering to file. Bouncing is done on the DAW's internal bus, which is entirely processed by and on and only on the CPU.

    The only difference between listening to a track and bouncing it to a file is that at the very end of your chain a different output sink is chosen:

    - sink a: the audio driver backend (you're listening to the track), CPU only until audio driver.
    - sink b: dump into a file (you're rendering/bouncing/printing), CPU only all the way.

    (unless you've got a $2500 DSP card that your DAW supports)
  14. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    i think in macOS with Core Audio has better quality and stability !
    ASIO4ALL is not very Good
    Im Stick on windows for using some plugins
    because their are be not cracked for macOS
    im using macOS for 13years and also i use windows along side macOS
    when using k'd plugins it's normal macOS has to be limitations for k'd plugins
    in windows every k'd plugins in hand :D

    in my studio i have Antelope Zen Q
  15. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    I practice mixing at home with very limited facilities (when I'm not in the studio)
    That's why I was wondering if ASIO can have an impact on quality at all stages
    from using plugins etc.
    which apparently it doesn't.
  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    this, with the exception of realtime/online render (not sure how that is processed),
    and also not sure how different samplerates and buffers in certain DAWs get processed within the stack in relation to default,
    for ex. CoreAudio default buffer is 512, 32bit depth and 48kHz samplerate
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    im using FLASiO for non native supporting audio cards, for native supporting audio interfaces, i use the vendor ASiO driver.

    ASIO4all was once good, then it simply idk it stopped working for me.
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  18. mpd7130

    mpd7130 Member

    Nov 11, 2023
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    In my tests , ASIO4ALL is not good !
    Core Audio Working Like External Sound Card !
    ASIO4ALL is pretty buggy , lag , stuck , and etc ...
  19. Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2023
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    I don't think there are QUALITY differences, but FlexASIO is open source.

    No, you can choose how to manage it...

    ...checkout other projects listed under AUDIO \ Tools \ ASIO to get an idea.

    Of course not for MacOS (probably you can use on Bootcamp/WIN or maybe on Parallels/WIN too).
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