Kontakt 8 - relink librarys without Native Access.

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by willi dilli, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Oh I get you One Reason, it's frustrating, and I'm OCD enough myself that I would spend way too much time trying to figure out something that is honestly not easily solved or fixed with the current tools as they exist, in addition to NI not having a clue what they are doing with their new ownership pushing different directions and business models... it's all f'd up.

    I own NI Ultimate legit etc, and use 'alternate' versions for reasons we all understand, and the legit setup is a little rocky as well... and toss in libraries that are in some way extant, or would work before on older versions of Kontakt, ... hell, some use heavily libraries that existed prior to NICNT's and whatnot, and it's a crap show.... and NI isn't any help on that as they don't provide updated versions of some of that stuff (I believe like some of even the Abbey Road drummer series), .. so if you are using one from 8 years ago, which is functionally the same as one perhaps (if still available from them) now, ... it get's quite confusing under the hood and things looking for dependancies that either don't exist, or are in different places as installed and whatnot.... it's a little bit of a train wreck...

    I personally am going to wait it out a little bit until the waters have settled.... and when I do, I'm obviously going to have a firm plan in place with backups etc to roll back when it disappoints....

    I get it, and NI sucks, and they didn't used to (at least like this), but their direction and motivations right now are different from their 'golden era', and hell, they are dropping some of our favorite products, as hell, the kids these days aren't into Reaktor ensembles, (or can wrap their heads around it), and long standing great products like Absynth and whatnot are being deprecated all the time...

    sigh... I just like to stick with what works, and if I need Kontakt to run my 1000's of libraries (both purchased, borrowed, or self made from all my old sample libraries ranging from Akai/Emu/Ensoniq/Samplecell etc that I ported over painfully around 2 decades ago... they got me stuck right now... so I don't need some youtube influencers little sample pack of Kontakt vocal bs or flavor of the day for that market so much as I need my Spitfire (some legit, some not), or Output, or Slate+Ash stuff and all down the line to simply work you know?

    And the way I have sidestepped that, while watching the Kontakt 8 problems others have experienced and are filling forums with (legit and non), ... hell, I'm just staying put right now. :)
  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    .. and to add, there are some people out there who say they aren't having any problems at all, and I'm happy for them.... and I'm not sure if their interaction with Kontakt is as long as some of ours, or as complicated or relied upon... and perhaps it is, and not trying to demean that at all... . it just seems that it's just not all well just yet... and nothing they are offering is attractive in comparison to losing what I value most in what I have that is stable...
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2024
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Nailed it!
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Nailed it indeed!

    That said... I just removed ALL Native INstrumnts > Library entries from my registry.

    Then.. Moved my Libraries folder

    Then used Add Library tool and told it to search the NEW location.

    After that even libraries that WERE showing Thumbnails... Now DO NOT LMAO

    FUCK it.. for tonight.
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You're right. It's a mess. I only put the folder where "lately" the new browser images are put, and supposedly the same Komplete uses. But I remember for a fact there's at least another. Was?

    I quickly gave up on the new Kontakt browser. Despite being very experienced with the organization of Kontakt folders and registry entries, every tool available... not worth my mental sanity. That's also why I'm sitting on Kontakt 8 until I'm forced to switch.
    Damn, that sucks,,, ouch
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    argh... yeah, that is time and effort I certainly don't think you will get back unfortunately... and while the promise of "quicker loading times" and working together in concert with Maschine etc libraries they can sell as seductive... but again, f'it, and f them, as I have chased more bad NI dead ends then I care to admit, from their Kore 1/2's, their attempt to shift that all to a Maschine central ecosystem in the mid 2010's, to abandoned hardware from their guitar interfaces (Rig Kontrols), hell, audio interfaces as doorstops because they couldn't be bothered to either be class compliant or devote resources to making drivers, to now losing my Maschine 1 and 2 etc hardware, and Traktor, and I even had their drawbar b3 controller... facepalm...

    I just got a new system like 8 months ago, and even owning their whole line outright, the only thing I have installed from them is Kontakt as I am reliant on it... and I know Battery is getting nuked (and I liked Battery 3 more then 4), and whatnot, and their effect packages have never been all that, and not wanting to deal with native access and everything.. I just went with Kontakt 7, as I knew I would have to ween myself off of fm8 and Reaktor and everything else I did like as they are not long for this world unfortunately and didn't want to go down musical paths with them right now that were going to just die on the vine...

    It is a shame....

    oh well... leave it alone for tonight, sleep well, and figure it out tomorrow right? :)
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This reminds me of some people saying a couple years ago that debloating and optimizing Windows 10 was easy. You don't hear them nowadays... why is that, ha...

    Wait a min... I just had... AN EPIPHANY !!


    Yeah, I know. I just messed up badly your brains. I'll see myself out...
  8. willi dilli

    willi dilli Newbie

    Dec 8, 2024
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    read through all your replies, and they pretty much sum up what I've been experiencing in the last few days.

    So i rolled back to Kontakt 7, and just installed the libs I really use at the moment. But I can't make the Noir Kontakt Library work. This one is new so I can't add it with Kontakt 5. I tried KLU, and it shows up (like 5 times in the list, don't know why), but it's not in the list when I open Kontakt 7 in Ableton. Any suggestions? Also tried the "add library" script, which seemed to work, but still no luck.
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    A lot of the problem is so many people are trying so many different tools, and not following good 'Kontakt Library Hygiene" and chasing wallpapers, and willy nillie changing NICNT #'s, and not properly UNinstalling libraries via said great tools like KLU2 etc, that they have a complete shit show on their hands in terms of the damn app or plugin has no idea where to look for something as it's scattershot...
  10. willi dilli

    willi dilli Newbie

    Dec 8, 2024
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    Yeah I get that, but in theory: when KLU 2 can see the library as installed with no errors, Kontakt should recognise it as well? And what can I do against the fact that some libs show up multiple times in KLU? Could this be the reason why I don't see Noir? CYCLES shows up multiple times too but it works and I can see it in Kontakt.

    I'm using a Kontakt Release from HCiSO. Really appreciate any help!!

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  11. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I seem to be one of the people with less or no real issues and one thing I did and I have not read that in this post, is that apart from deleting the json files you also need to delete the database file. After that you must give Kontakt maybe an hour to recreate the database if you have lots of libraries like me. If you Interrupt that proces, close down Kontakt, because you think F***k nothing is showing correctly (as I did myself before understanding this), the database creation will not resume next launch and everything or part will be missing.
    The DB file is in C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt 8 and called komplete.db3
    Hope this helps if you did not already try this.
    Also if you decide to use portable, it is the same there with the db file. But remember you have to tick Manage libraries in nks browser in the options of the library manager, otherwise the library browser will be empty.
    I checked, in my R2R version I have 300 libs with 2 missing pictures *No homemade in R2R version.
    In portable, with homemades, I have 464 with all thumbs showing in library. Only one shots tab is pretty much imageles.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, KLU2 may say that, but the issue (the above comment by @secretworld is quite good, even if talking about a different os and whatnot, but worth exploring, as the db and the location and import of different files like the json and plist and xml files has shifted under the hood from v7 to v8, and there may exist a rub with that for your setup... as Fred Blog's said himself:

    "Hi Guys. I have only just had the chance to take a look at the latest K8 and how nicely it plays with KLU. Well it's going to take quite a bit of unravelling to find out what's going on here, but it would seem at first sight that the .json files in the "installed_products" products folder, now play a more important role than the "Service Center" .xml files ! This is just a first glance, and I'm going to have to spend some time to study this more closely.
    For those who have ANY sort of CRITICAL work going on, I suggest you stick with K7 for now and wait for me or someone else who knows their way around Kontakt a bit to come and give you an update."

    So that's why I am personally sticking with v7 right now, as I have a stable system and nothing I need in v8 right now.

    and while many others have gotten it to work fine, and some have had to do some work to get it there, and others not, and everyone's Kontakt hygiene might be a little different, I've been quite careful or judicious in how and what I add via KLU2, so I hope when I make the switch it veers to the more pleasant end of the spectrum....

    So tl/dr: even according to it's creator, KLU2 is not perfectly happy with v8 right now in it's current incarnation, so I wouldn't take what it says with a library installed on Kontakt 8 to be gospel, as KLU2 is looking at different places, or rather looking at certain files and dependencies that may be different then what Kontakt 8 is looking at you know?

    Towards the end of the KLU2 thread, he has some other comments that may help, but I've got Noire working fine on my Kontakt v7.10 (2nd from the last HCiSO release), ... and it sounds odd that it is showing up 5 times for you etc, which hints to perhaps something being wrong with your setup there in terms of Kontakt and could have duplicated files, or different things it's looking at, and that can't be great... but again, Fred Blogs addresses how perhaps that kind of thing might be addressed towards the end of that KLU2 thread with kinda rebuilding the db I guess or whatnot similar to what secretworld is talking about on the Windows side of things...
  13. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I am sure you can delete the komplete.db3 file on mac too. If you do that and then open kontakt 8 and look at the library, you will see it being populated step by step. If you also have maschine libraries on your system, they will appear under the loops and one shot tabs.
    This can take quit a while!
  14. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    where can I get this add library tool?