Live 12 warping and importing problem

Discussion in 'Live' started by nmkeraj, Dec 7, 2024.

  1. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    Hi. I have imported an audio track. I warped, time-aligned with warping markers, froze and flattened, and exported. So I got it synced to the required BPM. Then after importing the track back the audio clip is stretched and played 10 BPM slower, it's longer. It needs compressing with Shift+Right Click. Why is that?
  3. ChiQuita

    ChiQuita Member

    Jul 7, 2024
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    Did you warp it to 130bpm by any chance? Live's default project tempo is 120bpm, unless you're using a template. So if you warped it at 130pm, exported it, opened a new project it will try and warp it again at the slower tempo of 120bpm.

    If this is your scenario, open a new project, set the temp at 130pm before bringing the file in, then once the file is in, turn off warping because you don't want that on, otherwise it will reduce the quality further.

    If it's not this scenario then it is a bit strange.
  4. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    I found the tempo of the original loop 63 BPM and used markers to tighten up time. It was a marginal change. Then I changed the project's tempo to 63 BPM.
  5. ChiQuita

    ChiQuita Member

    Jul 7, 2024
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    If it's 63 BPM, I'd set the tempo to that, bring the original sample in, warp it, then freeze/flatten, or resample it.
    Then if you bring it back into any project at 63 BPM it should sound the same. Obviously turn the warp off when you bring it back in because it doesn't need warping if the tempo is correct.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I never do this the same way. I leave the session as 120 bpm. I bring the file in. I put a BPM counter plugin on that channel by itself, solo'd. I cut the start and end points of the sample so they are perfect. Save it. Open a new project and set it to the samples content tempo that you got from the bpm counter. Then you time compress/expand it to whatever bar represents the same number of bars that are in the sample.

    The only time compression and expansion is done once to the file, and that is only the small amount you are going to change by correctly locking it to the grid.
  7. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Milky Way
    This is the original file. My project is set to 120 BPM by default. When I import it detects 81.71 BPM but is out of Click. Then I compress the clip to 63 BPM and change the project's tempo to 63 BPM. It plays even. Then I export. After importing the rendered file the problem occurs, the clip is 77,63 BPM. The Auto-Warp Long Samples is off.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024

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