Acustica Audio released the Thing

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Synclavier, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Love the Deep Vintage plugins! well, some of them. There's a few that didnt click for me.
  2. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Are there any Deep Vintage plugins that have replaced Acustica plugins for you? Also, there are a few other's using similar approaches, keep an eye on AnalogXAI. He's here on the forum (and sister site lol), he's been working on a plugin that hosts their captures, and is finally offering captures at 96k. The plugin looks great from the teasers ive seen. Allows you to load multiple captures, as well as basic eq functions, gain staging and a 2x's switch that seems fun + some other feautres.
  3. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Good for AA, good for AA... I'm keeping me and my kids away from this.
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  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    So you think it's on par with the Roland Cloud version?
  5. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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  6. officialswish

    officialswish Ultrasonic

    Dec 5, 2023
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    bro it looks like a synth. you guys, at this point, look for reasons to just say negative things for the sake of it.
  7. trz303

    trz303 Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2011
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    700mo for a VA vst ??
    Worst than Arturia ??
    WHY that big ? Resizable bitmapped GUI ?
    What's the size of the .dll only ??
  8. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    You don't get, its Moneygrubbing Unified Synthesis Technology (MUST).
    After the witches magic it will be 70 meg
  9. trz303

    trz303 Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2011
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    mmh Anti-piracy code size = 640mo, VST code size = 60mo ... of course ...
  10. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Way better than the arturia synths. Ive never liked most of them, they all sound the same, plasticy and cold. Some are ok, like their digital, fm synths, and pigments, but as a whole Thing beats them. I think its something like 600mb. its somewhat resizeable, not fully, but there are a few different sizes.

    While i appreciate the witches efforts, their releases are unfortunately sub par. They are trial versions of the plugins, missing sample rates, and not fully updated with bug fixes etc. Which partly falls on Acustica for not updating their trials. Its actually pretty dumb. I wanted to buy one of their plugins, but wanted to demo first, and the demo wouldnt even open. Crashed my DAW. They didnt update it for two years, and by that time i had found replacements for their plugin. Im not sure if the witches are even releasing any more Acustica plugins. Seems like they stopped. IF they did decide to release this one, which i hope they do, i hope they wait until the demo is at least ironed out as far as bugs etc. Its still somewhat buggy, even after release, but they are releasing quite a few updates, and all should be ironed out in another week or so.
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  11. aphelion

    aphelion Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    It looks fine, not sure why you'd feel the need to call it an "abomination". The actual issue, as others have pointed out, is that there's already enough good Jupiter emulations and that Acustica's vsts will eat 70% of your damn CPU. I won't even bother trying this one
  12. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    For me there are a lot of enhancements on Deep Vintage: low cpu, oversampling (on profilers you are not recommended do it) and extra controls like EQ and Mid/Side processing. Huge step on machine learning, because no other dev could do that before. Tone Empire tried, but their plugins sounds worse than most of profiles of PTF and AnalogX.

    Regarding Deep Vintage vs Acustica: the TBTech API for sure sounds better than Pink (I never liked Pink) and quite similar to AlexB, but with extra controls and oversampling it sounds even better than 11 kernels AlexB. It got that sheen and focus we expect from API's. For me the best API right now on the game, and believe me: it makes analog scared. Combine with the AlexB console and you will get a really powerful setup.
    For me both Neves are better than AA Gold, but inferior to Flagship Console and 81 Sidecar (maybe because they are different models, so can it have a 'taste' factor going on). AlexB nailed that one for me, but i still use DV Neves when i want something more than color. DV 84 is amazing on drums.

    I just don't use the DV pultecs. I prefer algo pultecs, and Acustica won that battle really easy.

    The DV Transformer and the GreenAD are very unique. But the best one, and the hardest to replace is Nylon. It's just amazing that we got RND Silk Transformer that sounds SO GOOD and SO CHEAP. There aren't a lot of emulations, Kiive has one on NFuse and AnalogX also have made it, but TBTech Nylon is the winnner here.
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  13. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    This is incorrect, the plugin takes 5% or so on my M1 machine. Its also much better than the existing jupiter emulations.
  14. aphelion

    aphelion Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    You're saying "this is incorrect" as if everybody had the same computer as you do. My experience with acustica is that their VSTs are buggy, introduce latency and eat up a lot CPU. I have a decent machine and all my other plugins run just fine.

    The demo sounds good, it's a solid emulation. But not better than what's out there. At most comparable. Roland's version is good and TAL's is my personal favorite.
  15. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Thanks for the detailed response! I did not know that nylon was the RND, i pretty much just glanced over that one, will have to take a second look. I did NOT like the Kiive one at all lol. I tried, but it just sounded brittle and harsh in my testing. I think Celestial / Cerise from acustica is also the RND, or maybe Snow? I agree the API one is really good. I like the MBC and graphic eq from pink, but the rest never really clicked with me. I find the Deep Vintage neves good too, but still prefer some of the models on Gold, butttt i use the Deep vintage ones more, as they are just easier. If Gold was optimized with latest tech like sand 4, i would maybe use it more. If the sound wasnt changed too much.

    Fair point, i cant assume everyones computer will behave similarly. Even the exact same computer can behave differently. A friend of mine has the EXACT same setup as me. Same computer, same interface, same version of ableton, but for whatever reason, his eats up cpu much faster than mine. I still think Thing is a better emulation than the others. I tracked a jupiter almost daily for years, and as soon as i opened up Thing, it felt the same. Something i have not had with any of the other emulations, including Rolands. Have you tried the demo, or are you judging based off youtube clips? When i first saw the teaser video i thought "meh, another emulation", but as soon as i started playing it, and tweaking the filters etc my opinion changed rapidly.
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  16. ReaperLover34345

    ReaperLover34345 Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2020
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  17. frankzappa.fz

    frankzappa.fz Producer

    Feb 14, 2021
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    Del Sordo is the guy on the right.
  18. yuk461

    yuk461 Member

    May 20, 2021
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    This one sounds at least as good or better than Softube Model series and is more feature-rich than it is.
    I took a closer look at the core synth section without any effects and it sounds very similar to Roland's own JP8 plugin, but more natural at higher resonances (more similar to the filters in the Roland MKS-50 I keep in my rack).
    It's a shame that the file sizes are so bloated, probably due to complex copy protection.
  19. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Why is Acustica Audio like Behringer criticised? I am not a user of any of this so I can miss something. The first posts of this thread were LOL (it's square and not round, large and not small) and then opinions changed after some users experienced this, which should be the essence of this thread. What is the story?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  20. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    Its 600mb. I wouldnt really call that bloated. Sure, many synths are a fraction of that, but there are plenty, romplers and the like that are much more. Their tech relies on samples in a sense, or some sort of snapshots that take up some space. From what ive read on gearspace, they have implemented a different copy protection since the witches exposed them.

    Theres a lot to consider here.
    • many people think their plugins are snake oil, and are no better than algorithmic plugins.
    • Others have bad experience with their plugins, like high CPU usage (which is true, many of their plugins are CPU intensive)
    • large file sizes (partly due to bloated copyright protection, which is no longer an issue in newer plugins)
    • Their plugins can be expensive, if you buy them full price and not on sale
    • The CEO is an... interesting... person. He can come across as egotistical and crass.
    • Some people say things like "tHey jUst sTeAl oThEr pEoplEs hArD wOrk", becuase their plugins "sample" hardware. This point is the dumbest one of all to me. 90% of plugin dev's develop based off others work. Who cares. "meticulously modeled every curve" or "meticulously sampled every curve" its all the same.
    • People here may be using cracked versions of their plugins, which are made with the trial versions, and are subpar to the actual release, missing sample rates, and having a lot of bugs.
    • theres probably more reasons, but thats all i got off the top of my head.
    heres my counters to above

    • Their plugins are not snake oil. They do what they say they do. Wether or not they are better or worse than algo plugs is up to the user. Personally i find many of them to be superior to algo plugins. Their compressors not so much, but there are some gems amongst them.
    • CPU usage is a valid point, many of their older plugins are VERY cpu heavy. even some of the newer ones. Newer computers should have no issue. I can easily run large sessions with plenty of Acustica and other dev's plugins.
    • The plugins are a large file size. Some of them can run up to 5 gigs or so. A lot of this was due to copyright protection, which when exposed by the crackers, Acustica started to remove. (thank you R2R!) They have started reducing the file size on older plugins, and the newer ones are a fraction of what they used to be.
    • The CEO is just a passionate nerdy dude. I dont think he is the evil, terrible person people make him out to be.
    • Yah... who cares. Everybody copies everything. There are 80000 ssl and 1176 plugins. They all use the same UI, and all copy the same hardware some way or the other. Ive actually bought hardware, after using the Acustica plugin.
    • There are way less issues, and better sound (no sample rate change) with the actual plugins.
    All in all, they are a pretty controversial company in the audio space, especially here, but they make some really great plugins. Some of them are among the best imo. I find a combination of Acustica plugins with the usual suspects (fab filter, UAD, etc) can really elevate a mix. Slap an acustica pre next to your favorite algorithmic compressor. Or use the musical eq's of acustica for tonal shaping and vibe, while paired with fab filter pro q to zero in on problem frequencies, etc etc.
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